NeprisPresentation: TeamCommunicationandDifficultConversations


Presenter: ElyseHaines, MarketingManageratTrueSenseMarketing

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KeyQuestions/ Outline

How can a student team complete a project in a few weeks to a few months go through the stages of team development more quickly and reach peak performance?

The stages of team development (from class PPT) are:

1.Intheformingstage (months 1 and 2), teammembersfocusongainingacceptanceandavoidingconflict. Insomeways, thisstageisahoneymoonperiodinwhichteammembersgettoknowoneanother.

2.Inthestormingstage (months 2 and 3), teammembersopenupwiththeircompetingideasabouthowtheteamshouldapproachwork. Thisstageistypicallytheleastproductive, sinceteammembersareattemptingtomakesenseofuncertainroles, goals, andaccountabilities.

3.Inthenormingstage (months 4 and 5), theteamarrivesataworkplan, includingtheroles, goals, andaccountabilities.

4.Intheperformingstage (months 6 and 7), teamsoperateefficientlytowardaccomplishingtheirgoals. Theyhaveevolvedtoalevelwheretheycantransformdisagreementandconflictintoconsensusforfutureaction.

Tips to develop faster:

  1. Norming should happen immediately after forming
  2. Optimal group size is 5-8 people
  3. 2D diversity
  4. Inherent diversity: “census” diversity
  5. Acquired diversity: “experience” diversity
  6. Acquired diversity is more important for group success
  7. Don’t expect to pick your team

In what ways can teams form a common sense of purpose?

  1. A group should never be created unless there is a common goal, which naturally lends to a common sense of purpose
  2. The purpose doesn’t have to be deep or philosophical
  3. The purpose should be specific


  1. Keepsyouontime
  2. Keepsthediscussionontrack
  3. Focuses on the bigger or more timely issues
  4. Providesatemplatefortaskdistributionandfollowup


  1. Buildrealrelationships through rapport
  2. Workonthesametechnology systems
  3. Prioritize meetings
  4. In-person visits are very helpful


  1. Agreeonanoutline, thendividethebulletpointsfor expansion
  2. Haveonepersondothefinalversioninaconsistentvoiceandstyleofwriting
  3. Buildadeadlineschedulebackwardsfromyourultimateduedate


Componentsofadifficultconversation (from class PPT):

  1. Startwell/declareyourintent.
  2. Listentotheirstory.
  3. Tellyourstory.
  4. Createasharedstory.
  5. Additional step from presenter: determine anactionabletake-awayforoneorbothparties.

Tips for difficult conversations:

  1. Donotevertalkaboutsomeonebehindtheirbackbeforeyousayittotheirface.
  2. Bedirect, butbehumble.
  3. Don’tbeafraidtoapologize.