MASTER QEP – MASTER Qualified European Photographer - APPLICATION FORM
Fill this form TYPING the information required (NO HANDWRITTEN DOCUMENTS!) and send a copy via e-mail to the FEP secretariatby OCTOBER 15, 2016 toand in copy to your relevant association. Then, print it and send it also together with your pictures.
Name of National Association ______
(The candidate must be a member of a FEP Member Association!)
Full address of the candidate’s studio:
(Street and nr.) ______
(Zip code) ______(City) ______
(Country) ______E-mail ______
A total of TWENTY (20) images + a CD/DVD must be submitted
The CD/DVD must contain:
-The 20 images in jpg in web resolution (for QEP gallery on FEP website): approximately 800x 600 (not heavier)
-The 20 images in high resolution (for press use)
I agree to abide by the FEP rules for the QEP Certificate as set out and confirm that I have obtained permission of the client(s) and the copyright holder(s) to submit these images. I hereby confirm that I am a member for the current year and I have informed the above named association that I have submitted an application in order to obtain the MASTER QEP.
I enclose proof of bank transfer in the amount of Euro 250.00 to cover the cost of registration. (Reason: MASTER QEP NOVEMBER 2016)
Signature of candidate ______Date ______
I enclose proof of bank transfer in the amount of Euro 60.00 extra(Euro 310.00 in total), to cover the costs of return transportation of my works to the address of the studio indicated above (ATTENTION: Candidates who don’t pay for this service must in any case withdraw the panels; after 15 days, panels will be removed. In case of success, if the candidate does not pay for this service, he/she may be asked to pay the shipment of the certificate).
Signature of candidate ______Date ______
IMPORTANT: This form + CD/DVD must accompany the submission of 12 images. It is also mandatory to send a copy of this application to the national headquarters of your relevant FEP member association. Images must be submitted in a hard case, not exceeding the MAXIMUM WEIGHT OF 8 KILOS.Cases received EXCEEDING these weight will not be taken into consideration for return transportation of works.
Bergweg 155, 3707 AC ZEIST,The Netherlands
Mobile ph. (for the courier): +31 629 55 58 02
HOW TO PAY: Please send the amount by wire transfer within October 31 to:
FEP – Federation of European Photographers
Account : 734-0103274-75 - KBC Bank NV - Eiermarkt 20, 2000 Antwerpen – Belgium
IBAN BE 05 734 0103274 75 - BIC KREDBEBB