Also see the volunteering database:

Bournemouth Hospital / Aged 17+ - volunteers required to collect patient engagement feedback. Further opportunities available for 18+. / Call 01202 704161 or email
St John’s Ambulance: /
Opportunities for under and over 18s
Units based in different areas / Ring head office for local contact: 08700 10 49 50
Poole Hospital / Opportunities for volunteering, work experience and work shadowing.Age 16+
/ Joy Janati – Volunteer Co-ordinator
Tel: 448610
Barnados / Volunteering opportunities in care, retail, fundraising/events. /
Diverse Abilities Plus / A Dorset charity that supports children and adults who have physical disabilities and/or learning difficulties. /
Various volunteering roles.
Coping with Chaos (part of Diverse Abilities Plus) / Supports families caring for a child/children or young person with a disability or special educational need. Helpers often needed for play groups and holiday clubs. /
01202 855105
Scouts/ Guides / Volunteer in Rainbows, Brownies, Beavers or Cubs /

British Red Cross /
Over the Wall / Camps for children with serious illnesses
Volunteers must be over 18s /
Arts/ Media/Cultural/ Events
Hospital Radio / / Over 18s only
Big Little Theatre School / Possible work experience backstage – technical, lighting, costume etc / Email
Poole Arts and Museum / Various opportunities to help at events, plays and in the museum within the Poole area.
e.g. arts, literature, music, stewarding, children / Contact Donna Price for more info

01202 262601
Festival Volunteering /

Summer Reading Challenge / Summer Reading Challenge in local libraries
Volunteers needed in the summer to help engage children in reading
/ Poole Libraries 01202 262608
Dorset –
‘The Arts’ /

journalism / / Details of opportunities, events and competitions
Poole Lighthouse / / Work Experience and volunteering
Bournemouth YMCA / Various Projects e.g. Chatterboxes magazine, TEAM, Young Citizens /
Lit Up / Writing group in Poole and Bournemouth- writing squads for 13-22 year olds. /
News Academy (Journalism) / Journalism Summer School News Academy /
Hot Radio / Based in Poole- click on volunteer /
Legal/Rights/Community Issues/Fundraising
NCS (National Citizen Service) / National Citizen Service –(16-17 year olds
Programme insummer Holidays to get involved in community project + various activities. /
Youth Forum / Discuss current issues and get involved in projects Info on – click ‘Y’ /
01202 262281
Citizens Advice Bureau / Volunteer in variety of roles- opportunities for 16+.
Provide free legal, money and other advice. /
Young Researchers / Action for Children - your job would be to collect the opinions and ideas of young people about the services they receive. /
Dorset Police / Voluntary roles (including Special Constable, Support Volunteers and administration roles). Some roles may be suitable for people age 16 + / ,
01305 226869 or 226870

Bournemouth YMCA / Various projects and voluntary opportunities

Fundraising/Charity / Julia’s House- volunteers needed for promotional and fundraising work.Age 16+ / Di Pestall 01202607400

Dorset FA / Football coaching awards /
Active Dorset / Opportunities in sport- volunteering, jobs & courses /
Lifesaving Clubs / Branksome Chine Lifesaving Club:
RLSS Lifesaving Poole : / Opportunities from age 9 (Rookies) up to adults
Dorset Wildlife Trust / Conservation opportunities for all ages.

Marine Volunteering

Green Team-a summer group for young people 16+ / Register online

or call Steve Davis, Volunteering Programme Manager 01202 642788 (office)
Green Team: 01202 692 033
National Trust / Volunteer in many different areas of work.
Also provide youth discovery working holidays
Brownsea Island Youth Services Team – Email / Look online for events/work parties

Conservation / Volunteering opportunities in conservation. / 01202 632101

Poole Council / Volunteer at parks, heathland etc around Poole /
01202 265265
Cinnamon Trust / Help elderly and terminally ill people care for pets. e.g. Dog walking /
Archaeology / Young Archaeologists’ Club /
General/Other Opportunities
Duke of Edinburgh Award / Info on the award found on:
Bronze: aged 14+ / Silver: 15+ / Gold: 16+
Nikki can also support with finding volunteering opportunities / Contact Nikki Mussell from Borough of Poole or text 07720774555
‘My Kinda Crowd’ / Companies set challenges; young people respond with ideas; and get rewarded with work experience /
Local Volunteer Centres / Search for volunteering opportunities within Poole and Bournemouth area:
Bournemouth Centre:
Dorset: / Poole Tel: 01202 675100
Bournemouth Tel: 01202 466130
Dorset: 01305 269214
Dorset Reclaim /
Various opportunities across warehouse, delivery, admin, cleaning, repairing furniture.
Volunteering/Work experience Abroad

©Ansbury: not to be reproduced without permissionApril 2016