Points fundraiser "Alumni Banquet"

On April 13, 2013, the Arcadia Music Department will be helping serve at the Arcadia Alumni Banquet. This is a yearly event in which the Music Boosters organizes students to work. Not only can this be counted as a community service for your student, but it is also a fund-raiser for the Arcadia Music Boosters.

We will be needing students grades 7-12 to sign up and help at this event. When helping, you need to be wearing nice clothes, casual dress pants/skirts, and nice top. Absolutely NO JEANS OR T-SHIRTS. Also nice, comfortable foot attire, preferably not tennis shoes and/or flip flops unless they are nice.

I will be talking to your student during their music class asking them to sign up for this fundraiser. I will be getting a parent contact number so I am able to contact you and inform you that your student has signed up for this event. Just a checks and balance situation, making sure you are aware they are to be at the school that day dressed and ready to help serve.

We are serving the meal to the Alumni that has been prepared by Kathy's Korner, and will be working with Matt and Rachel to make this another enjoyable evening for our school alumni. We need be dressed and behave respectfully to these alumni, as they give back to our school and organization.

After the meal has been served and cleared, the alumni will be feeding those who helped. Usually they furnish pizza and drink to show their appreciation for your service.

There will be a sign up sheet in the band room. We are requesting 15-20 kids and or parents to help with this event. Adult supervision is needed to make sure kids are serving neatly, drinks are being refilled and everyone is participating in the clean-up process.

People signing up to work need be at the school cafeteria ready to work at 6:00pm, as we help in the setting of salads, pies, and drinks on tables.


Cindy Diller

Arcadia Music Booster president


We were approached again this year to run the concession stand at the Arcadia Park for the High School Girls' softball games and the Arcadia Summer Youth Program, (boys baseball and girls softball). This is a letter of request to sign-up and work an evening and also to inform you as to what is being requested by class for donation. Each grade is being requested a different 24 pack of pop. If you cannot give the 24 pack of pop, then we are requesting a $5.00 donation to help offset costs.

5th grade: Mountain Dew

6th grade: Coke

7th grade: Pepsi

8th grade: Dr. Pepper

9th grade: Diet Coke

10th grade: Diet Pepsi

11th grade: Sierra Mist

Our first scrimmage is March 28th and we are requesting you get your donation of pop or money to the school by March 25. Pop- please put your name on the carton and money- place in an envelope labeled with your name. This gives us a chance to get things in order and know what we have to yet purchase.

I am also sending a copy of the sign-up sheet for the games we know of now. We will be running this stand through the middle of July (approx). Mrs. Vaughn has also put this sign-up sheet on the school website: arcadia.noacsc.org/schools tab/middle school high school tab/music dept tab/music booster tab/fundraisers tab/sign-up. Just follow the tabs in order and you will get to the calendar. You can sign-up to work a date here or e-mail me @ . As we receive information on the Arcadia Summer Youth Program schedule, we will also be posting those dates. 7th-12th graders can work, but we MUST have a parent in the stand also. Please make sure when signing up to work you give us contact information. This is basically for if the game is canceled, we can contact you ASAP, so you are not making a trip to the park. We will also use this information to inform you of the make-up date for this canceled game. Remember, we will be needing you to work this make-up game, if you cannot, please try to find a replacement or let me know ASAP so I can fill in for you or try to find another person to work.

Running of the concession stand and donations for this WILL NOT be a "POINTS" fundraiser. Monies raised from this endeavor will go into the general fund of the Music Boosters. Monies in the general fund goes towards the purchase of such items as: risers to be used pK-12, drum set for the pep band, chimes for concert band, competition fees, repairs of equipment, senior awards, and the band banquet. Also, our band trailer is in need of a face-lift, so this is something else that these funds can go towards.

When we do a "POINTS" fundraiser, ¼ of the money goes towards points your student earned in this fundraiser (that goes towards the next Music Department trip, to be hopefully held spring of 2016), ¼ of the money goes into an account to be used for the purchase of new band uniforms/choir robes, and ½ goes into the general fund. Hopefully, pointing out what monies raised for a "POINTS" fundraiser goes to, those students that will not be eligible for the next "Trip" will still see where it is necessary for them to participate in the fundraisers, as monies raised DO NOT GO SOLEY FOR A TRIP!

You will be receiving a letter for me later in the spring concerning a "NEW" fundraiser that we are going to undertake. The GREAT thing about this fundraiser, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SELL ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! We are hoping that this fundraiser can be a very profitable one, so we won't have to be SELLING a lot throughout the year. So please be watching your mailbox for this fundraiser information, and get ready to pull out your Christmas card mailing list. We will need information back from you sometime in June and the fundraiser itself will be held during band camp timeframe, in July. Before you are sent your information for what we request back from you, all dates will be finalized.

If you have any questions on anything I have discussed here, send me an e-mail, or give me a call 419-894-6030, or come to one of our booster meetings. They are held the second Tuesday of every month, 6:30pm school cafeteria.

Thank-you for what you do for the Music Department at Arcadia Local School and here is to another great year of helping our kids!!!

Cindy Diller

Music booster president

2012-13 school year