You may have caught some headlines about the recent ups and downs of the stock market. Hopefully this project will give you a little insight on what stocks are and how they are traded on what is called “The Stock Market”.
We are going to investigate some companies that issue stock and are traded. This project will help you understand how we use decimals everyday in business and especially when trading stocks. You will perform some of the same tasks that investors and investment advisors do!
There are 3 steps
Step 1 - Practice looking up symbols – you will be using the websites provided to find out what the stock symbol is for various companies. A symbol ranges from 1 to 5 letters.
Step 2 – Practice looking up stock prices using the symbols provided. This will help you get familiar with how you would find the price of a particular company’s stock.
Step 3 – Select 1 stock to track.
v  You will be calculating prices.
v  You will be keeping track of one company stock price for 10 days. With this information you will create a graph showing the change in price over the days it was tracked.

This is a graded assignment so you must do your best work and show all your calculations. You must come and see me after each step to make sure you’re on the right track. Have fun!
Step 1 - Look up stock symbols

What's My Symbol?


Using the reference materials available to you, find the name of the trading symbols that have the following companies.

1. Game Stop = / ______
2. WalMart= / ______
3.Dell= / ______
4. Kellogg Company = / ______
5.Abercrombie and Fitch= / ______
6. Cisco Systems= / ______
7. Johnson & Johnson = / ______
8. Ford Motor Company = / ______
9. General Electric Company = / ______
10. AppleInc = / ______
11. AT&T Inc= / ______
12. Verizon Communications= / ______
Step 2 - Look up stock symbols / What's My Name?
Using the reference materials available to you, find the name of the companies that have the following trading symbols.
1. MCD = / ______/ 13. MMM = / ______
2. PEP = / ______/ 14.WM = / ______
3.CVC = / ______/ 15. GAP = / ______
4. HCR = / ______/ 16 WWY= / ______
5. NKE = / ______/ 17. MOT = / ______
6. BKS = / ______/ 18.TWX = / ______
7. CSCO = / ______/ 19.KO = / ______
8. INTC = / ______/ 20. TYC = / ______
9. MSFT = / ______/ 21.YUM = / ______
10. SUN = / ______/ 22. TXN = / ______
11. ORCL = / ______/ 23. CCL = / ______
12. DELL = / ______/ 24. C = / ______

Step 3 –

1 - Select 1 stock and follow its price each day. Our classroom gets Newsday every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Check the financial section or the internet each day for a stock quote (price).

Keep track of the stock price here

Stock name ______Symbol ______

Date / Price
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10

2 – Use the price from your first day and calculate how much it would cost if you:

1)  purchased 22 shares of stock

2)  purchased 100 shares of stock

3)  purchased 1000 shares of stock

3 – Use the first price (day 1) and the last price (day 10) to calculate how much it would cost you to buy 1 share of stock on day 1 and 1 share of stock on day 2. What is the difference in the prices? SHOW ALL YOUR WORK

4 – Find the mean, median and mode of all the prices.

5 - Bring your stock prices to computer class. You will be creating a graph in Excel showing the change of price over the time you’ve tracked your stock price. You need to select the graph that would be best to show your data. Be sure to label each axis on the graph and make sure the graph has a title. Please justify why you chose the graph you’re handing in. Print out the graph and attach it to all your work from this project. This is the last portion of your grade.

Websites to help you:

