Online Services ClaimManual
Revised May 2016
This manual describeshowtoenteronline claims for
schools and agencies participating in onlytheSpecial MilkProgram
Department ofPublicInstruction
125S. WebsterStreet
Table of Contents
Loggingontothe Wisconsin Child Nutrition Program Website...... 3
Navigating theMenu Options...... 5
EnterorModifyaClaim...... 7
VieworPrinta Claim...... 10
FrequentlyAskedQuestions...... 12
Loggingon to the WisconsinChild Nutrition ProgramsWebsite
a. Clickonthe “Online Services”button whichwillbringyouto theOnline Servicespage.
b. Ifyouwish to bookmarkthesitefor futurereference, doitatthis pointintime.
2.Click on the OnlineServicesLog-in button in the left column.
3. This will bring youto a log-inscreenwhere youwill beabletologin using your agencycodeandpassword, andaccess your agency’s information,includingcontract and claims.Do notbookmarkthislog-inscreen–if youwish tomakea bookmark, pleasegobacktoStep2and bookmarkatthatpoint.
5. Enteryouragency code–This is your six-digitagencycode/agreement number.
a. Donotusehyphens- useonlythe numeralsin theagencycode.
b. Donotenter leadingzeroes. Forexample, ifyouragencycodeis“012345“,onlyenter
6. Typeinyour agencyspecificpassword.(Thisisthepasswordassigned byDPI forclaimingreimbursementandfor contractpurposes. Ifyouhave forgottenthis password,pleaseseepage 13.)
7. Click the“Submit”button.
The“Reset”button willclear alldataentered infields.
8. A timerstartsfromthemomentyouenterthecontractand claims site. If no activityoccursfor30minutes,youwillreceiveanerror messageandneedtoreturntothemain “Log-in”screen. Anyactivityon apage (suchas goingfromonescreentoanotheror movingtoanotherentryfield onthe samepage)willresetthe30-minutetimer.
Navigatingthe MenuOptions
Onceyouarelogged in, amenuofoptionswill appear atthe topofthescreen.
On this screen,youcanseethefollowing menuoptions:
Home DayCare: This isforHomeDayCare providers only.
School NutritionProgram:This is for schoolagenciesparticipatingin the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and additional childnutritionprograms.
CommunityNutritionProgram:This is foragencies participatingin theChildandAdult CareFoodProgram(CACFP).
SummerFoodProgram:This is forsitesparticipatingin the SummerFoodServiceProgram(SFSP).
SpecialMilk Program:Thisis for agencies(both schools andchildcareprograms) participatingin the federal SpecialMilkProgram (SMP).
Logout:This iswhereyoucanclick from anypageonthewebsitetologoutofyour contractaccount. When youlogout,youwillneedtore-enteryour agencycodeandpasswordtore-entertheFNS web site.
Clickonthebluebarwhereit says“SpecialMilkProgram.”This will changetheyellowmenuoptions. Noticethatthe blue“SpecialMilkProgram”button isnowhighlightedwhite.
Select“ClaimReimbursement”from theyellow menuoptions.
This will againchangetheyellowmenuoptions. Noticethattheyellow“ClaimReimbursement”buttonis nowhighlightedin a lightercolortoshowthatthis isthepage youareviewing.
Therearetwo options underClaimReimbursement: “Enter-ModifyClaim”and “View-PrintClaim”.
Enter or Modifya Claim
Toentera newclaim,select“Enter-ModifyClaim”. The following information will be needed when submitting the online SMP claim.
(1)Claim Date
Enterthemonthyouareclaiming for,notthe current month. Be sure to select the correct year.
(2)Number of Sites/Schools Participating
The number of schools participating in the SMP during the claiming month. The number reported on the claim must be consistent with the number submitted on Schedule A of the school agency’s current online contract.
(3)Total Number of Days Operating
The highest number of days any of the schools served milk during the claiming month.
(4)Cost Per Half-Pint
The school agency’s actual cost per half-pint of milk, not what is charged to students, carried to four decimal places (e.g., $.2348). To determine the cost per half-pint, divide the total dollar cost of all milk purchased for the SMP during the claiming month by the number of half-pints of milk purchased for the SMP. The number of half-pint equivalents must be calculated if the school agency purchases milk in bulk (e.g., multiply the number of gallons purchased by 16).(5)Free Milk
The number of half-pints or half-pint equivalents served to students who are approved for free milk.
Note: This box is used only by schools that selected the pricing program with the free milk optionon the approved online contract. Under a pricing program with the free milk option, milk is provided free to students from households which meet the family size income criteria, are categorically eligible, or have been matched on a direct certification run, and milk is sold at a separate charge to non-eligible children. Enter “0” (zero) in the field if your SFA does not participate in the pricing program with free milk option.
(6)Paid Milk
The number of half-pints or half-pint equivalents (equal to 8 fluid ounces) served to students who do not qualify for free milk. Note: This box is where non-pricing programs (those who provide milk free to all students) and pricing programs without the free milk option report the total number of half-pints of milk served to students during the claiming month. Pricing programs with the free milk option enter the number of half-pints of milk served during the month to students who do not qualify for free milk.
When finished enteringthe claim information, preparer information and preparer phone number,clickon the“Submit”button.Do NOTusecommaswhen enteringnumbers.
To modifya claimthat hasnotyetbeen paid,select“Enter-ModifyClaim”.
After enteringaclaimforreimbursement,agencies maymodify theclaimuntil thetimethe claimis processed.Processingof claimsis completedinmostcases,onTuesdaymornings.
NOTE: Aftera claimhas been processed (“Paid” Status)byDPI itCANNOTbemodifiedonline.To submit a revision, after the claim is in “Paid” status, print-off a copy of the submitted claim. Write “Revised Claim” at the top of the page. Cross-off any incorrect numbers and write in what they should be. Sign and date the copy. Email it to Jacque Jordee () or fax it to her attention at (608)267-9207 for revision to be processed.Note: claim adjustments for claims that have been paid must be made within the 90-day period after the end of the claiming month unless a one-time exception is granted. An agency can only have one exception per program each 36-months/3-yrs per USDA.
Thewebsitewillshowthe unpaidclaimformodification after selecting Enter-Modify Claim. All datais modifiableexceptdateclaim. If nosuchclaimis found, arelevantmessagewill bedisplayed. When finished updatingtheclaim, clickon the“Submit”button atthe bottomtosubmittheclaimto DPI tobe processed.
After youhavesubmittedtheclaim, thefollowingmessagewillappear.
If anydata is entered incorrectly,youwill receiveanerrormessagetelling youwhat tocorrect(makesureyour claimis enteredwithin60days of the end of the claiming month andmakesurethat youarenotenteringanycommasorsymbols).
NOTE: Youcanonlyhave oneclaimpendingin thesystemforeachprogramatanygiventime. If youhavetwo monthsof claimsto enter, entertheearliermonth first. Oncetheclaimhasbeen processed (generallyonTuesdaymorning),youcanthen enterthe latermonth for reimbursement.
Viewand/or Printa Claim:
After submittal of a claim, you will need to printacopyofthe submitted claimforyour records, select"View-Print". The dollar amount of reimbursement, as well as the “Paid Date” will populate. This is assurance that the claim has been received at DPI. Itmay be viewedand/orprinted anytimeafter ithas beensubmittedtoDPI.Theclaimdoes nothavetobeprocessed tobeviewed.
SelectDateClaimMonth and Year fromdrop downlistboxandclickthe“Search”button.
If a claimis foundforthegiven criteriaitwillshowupintheboxbelow.
Clickthelinkunder“ClaimType”to viewthefull claiminformation.
Youcanprinttheclaimbyclickingtheprintbuttonofyour browser. If required,use “Back”button toview moreclaims.
Youcannot modifythe claimonthis screen.If your claimis unpaid, andyouneedto modifyit,returnto the “ClaimReimbursement”menuoption, byclickingon “SpecialMilkProgram”in thebluemenubar, andselect “Enter-ModifyClaim”. If your claimhasalreadybeen paid,you will need tosubmita paper copy of the original entry, with the corrections shown.
Claims areduewithinSIXTY DAYSofthelastdayof theclaiming month.Ifdaysof servicefor final claim month areLESSTHANTEN, theduedateof theclaimissixtydaysfromthelastdayof operation. A calendar is listed belowforyourconvenience.
ClaimingMonth / Last dayfor for Submittal/Receipt/PostmarkJanuary / April1(March 31onleapyears)
February / April29
March / May30
April / June29
May / July30
June / August29
July / September 29
August / October30
September / November 29
October / December30
November / January 29
December / March1(February29on
If for any reason you are unable to submit your claim online, please make sure to email it or fax it (608)267-9207 to meet these deadlines.
Yes.When theDPI PaymentProcess Packagethatpaysthe claims isrunning,wecannottakeclaims.
This processusuallylasts onlya shorttimeandisusuallydoneonTuesdaymornings.If thisprocess is runningyouwillgetan errormessagetelling youtowaitonehour, andthen retry.Other than whileweareprocessingpayments, theclaimsareaoftheInternetsiteisavailable anytimefrom anywhere.
Thereare“editchecks”oncertainfieldsonthe claim forms. If youthinkyouhavevaliddataandtheInternetsitewillnotacceptit,pleasecallJacquelineJordeeat608-267-9134.A paperclaimmayneedtobesubmitted insomeinstances (
If a previousclaim’s data isincorrectand ithas NOTbeen paid, you canchangethedata soitis correct.Oncethe claimispaid, itCANNOTbe modifiedonline. Youwillneedtosubmit apaper copy of the original entry, with the corrections shown Note: claim adjustments for claims that have been paid must be made within the 90-day period after the end of the claiming month unless a one-time exception is granted. An agency can only have one exception per program each 36-months/3-yrs per USDA.
Theinternetsystemcheckstheagencycodeagainst ourvalidcontractfile.If youdonothaveavalidcontractonfile, youwill notbeable tolog-in. For SchoolPrograms,call 608-267-9228.
A timerstartsfrom themomentthesiteis entered.Ifthereis noactivityatall for 30minutes,the userwill getanerrormessageand havetoreturnto themain“Log-in”screen.Any movementon a pageatall,suchasgoingfromonescreentoanotherorevenjustmovingtoanother entryfield on the samepagewillresetthe30-minutetimer.Ifyoutime-out,the datathat youenteredwillnotbe saved.
ContacttheDPI Federal and State Grant Programs forassistance:JacqueJordeeat 608-267-
ContacttheDPIFederal and State Grant Programsforassistance:JacqueJordeeat608-267-
9134 . Changingthispasswordwillchangethepasswordfor all relatedchildnutritionapplicationsincludingclaims forreimbursement, contractaccess,etc.Ifyouchangeyouragency’spassword,youwillneedtonotifyotherstaffin your agencythatneedtousethosefunctionsofthe newpassword.
PriortocontactingDPI withquestionsrelated to enteringdata onyourclaim, pleasebeprepared to answerthe followingquestions:
a) What isyouragencycode?
b) What informationareyoutryingtoenter?(Example:“OctoberClaimData”)
c) What screenareyouviewing?(Example:“View-PrintClaim”)
d) What page/s in thismanual areyoureferringto?Pagenumbersarelistedat thebottom-center of eachmanualpage.
e) Besure youhavethemanual withyouwhenyoucall, so thatyoucannotetheanswer to your questioninthemanual forfuture reference.
School Special Milk Programs
Department ofPublicInstruction
125S. WebsterStreet
Madison, WI 53707
608-267-9228 (phone)