MSU Dual Credit COMM 108
Checklist for Rules, Procedures, Expectations
Rules, Procedures, Expectations: / Students List Expectations:- When does class begin? When does class end?
When student walks through When I dismiss you.
- Is seating by chart assignment or by choice?
- What behavior is allowed upon entering the classroom?
___x board work or bell-ringer activity to complete
___ Other:
- Time to clean room? Prepare to leave?
- What behavior is expected upon leaving the classroom?
__x_ leave when this signal is given
Signal: I walk to door and open it.
- What to do when tardy:
- How to request permission to leave the room:
- Procedure for turning in assignments:
- Policy for making up missed work:
Late Work= Less than 3 days late without an excused absence with 30% penalty
Missing Work= More than 4 days late without an excused absence with 50% penalty / Student must make up missed work within 3-5 days of an excused absence. Missed quizzes or tests must be made up in Extended School Services or by arrangement with teacher. Students have two ESS sessions from the date they come back to make up a quiz or test.
A 30% penalty will be assigned to late work submitted within 3 days of the original due date without an excused absence.
A 50% penalty will be assigned to missing work. Work is considered to be missing if submitted 4 days or more after the original due date.
Opportunity for submitting late or missing work ends with each major grading period, either midterm or nine weeks.
- What to do if you don’t have your homework:
- Testing schedule:
- Cheating policy:
- What you should bring to class each day:
homework great attitude book
- What to do if you don’t have materials:
- Procedure for trash disposal:
- What to do if you need a tissue:
- Policy about gum and food:
- Where to find homework assignments:
- What to do when you finish before others:
- Area(s) of room off-limits to students:
- Where to find shared materials:
- When it is NOT okay to talk:
- Additional information:
Inappropriate Use of Cell Phones (detailed on Page 52 of Student Handbook):
1st Offense: Confiscation, return to student after 5 days
2nd Offense: Confiscation, return to parent after 5 days
3rd Offense: Principal referral