Head Office:
11E, Street 302, Sangkat Boeung Keng Kang I
Khan Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 915, Phnom Penh
Ph/Fax: 023 216 034
Coordinator: Mr. Barbara Fitzgerald
Kampot Province Office:
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 883 Fax: none
E-mail: none
Community Development Consultant: Mr. Brian Lund016 852 834
Project Team: Mr. Tep Sary012 884 133
Employee: 2
Founded: 1984
Organization Type and Origin: International agency, Australia
Mission: APHEDA is overseas aid agency of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), established in 1984. APHEDA's objectives are:
-To train workers in developing countries and refugee situations to implement long term solutions within their own communities with the assistance of trade unions;
-To promote the understanding of Australian trade unionists and the community of the causes and effects of poverty and the role of overseas aid;
Budget: N/A
Funding Sources: APHEDA, AusAID
Current Project Phase: on-going
Project Title: HIV/AIDS Awareness Program
Project Objective: To increase HIV/AIDS awareness among the target group
Target Group: Youth and women
Operation Sites: Women Development Centers: Kampot, Kampong Bay, Chhuk Dangtong, Chumkiri
Services: HIV/AIDS education
Head Office:
Kompong Trach district, Kampot Province
c/o Cooperation Committee for Cambodia
Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 885, Mail box: 217 CDRCP
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Director: Ms. Leng Sothea 016 881 399
Administration Officer: Khim Bonanone
Accountant: Chhim Pisithnone
Employees: 10 including 3 in HIV/AIDS/STD program
Founded: 1996
Organization Type and Origin: Cambodian NGO
Mission: CDRCP is dedicated to improving the living standard of the poor and to reduce their joblessness, as well as to prevent migration from rural to urban areas.
Funding Sources: KHANA
Current Project Phase: July 2000-June 2001
Project Title and Identification Number: HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
Project Objective: To reduce HIV/AIDS/STD transmission; To increase knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS/STD; To reduce discrimination for people living with AIDS.
Target Group: Male and female youth in the community
Operation Sites: Kampong Trach district
HealthServices: Education on primary health care, hygiene, birth spacing, reproductive health, and child health care.
Head office:
90 Street 304, Sangkat Boeung Kengkang II, Khan Chamcar Mon
Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 119,
Ph: 023 213 873 Fax: 023 213 873
Director: Dr. Sok Thim
Kampot Province Office:
Kompong Bay district, Kampot Province
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 629 Fax: none
Director: Dr. Sok Thim
Employees: 15
Founded: 1998
Organization Type and Origin: Cambodian NGO
Mission: CHC is working to promote reproductive health among out of school youth in the community.
Budget and Funding Sources: EU, UNFPA, and Memisa
Current Project Phase: 1998-2001
Project Title and Identification Number: Reproductive Health Promotion (GP 98 CMD 002)
Project Objective: To improve knowledge in reproductive health
Target Group: Out of school youth aged 12-25
Operation Sites: 133 villages of Kompong Trach district
Health Services: Health education and provision of STD care
Head Office:
23 street 294/57, Boeung Keng Kang I
Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 5,
Ph: 023 216 369/216 495 Fax: 018 810 761
Field Representative: Mr. Mal Simmons
Administration Assistant: Ms. Sok Chandara
International Contact: CIDSE CLV Program
c/o Broederlijk Delen, Huidevettersstraat 165
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Kampot Province Office:
Chumkiri district, Kampot Province
I COM: Channel 6, call sign: 240
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Program Officer (ICD Program): Mr. Mam Sambath
Employees: 70, including 4 expatriates, 9 assigned in Chumkiri district, Kampot Province
Founded: 1993
Organization Type and Origin: International NGO, Belgium
Mission: CIDSE's mission in Cambodia is to support the rural poor, especially the poorest and marginalised, in their efforts to meet their own needs and to support activities which promote peace, freedom, social justice and civil society through working in solidarity and partnership with Cambodian people.
Budget and Funding Sources: CIDSE Member Organization, European Commission, DGSI (Belgian government),CCDP (Canadian government)
Current Project Phase: 2000-2002
Project Title and Identification Number: Integrated Community Development Program (ICD) and Partnership Program. (C1241)
Project Objective:
1) Integrated Community Development Program
To achieve sustainable improvement of quality of life of the rural poor, of village institutions and associations; To improve food security, access to education and health practices.
2) Partnership Program
To strengthen the emerging civil society by building the capacity of Cambodian NGOs, especially those that address the needs of the rural poor.
Operation sites: Chumkiri district (24 villages)
Target Group: The rural poor (22 828 persons) including women-headed households, the disabled, and victims of natural and man-made disasters
Health services: Health education on HIV/AIDS, malaria and dengue, diarrhea and hygiene, immunization, nutrition, and birth spacing
Head office:
31 Street 388, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey I
Khan Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 140,
Ph: 023 362 145/215 046Fax: 023 215 047
Country Director: Mr. Mark Wilson
Program coordinator: Mr. Rikio Kimura
International Headquarters:
7807 East Greenway Road, Suite 3
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, USA
Kampot Province Office:
Chhuck district, Kampot Province
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Director, Child Development Program: Ms. Pailin ("Pik")
Angkor Chey district, Kampot Province
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Director, Water & Sanitation Program: Mr. Bun Sophat012 937 956
Employees: 70 including 11 expatriates
Founded: 1990
Organization Type and Origin: NGO from USA
Mission: Food for the Hungry International is a Christian non-profit organization committed to equipping people and their community to move beyond meeting their basic needs through integrated self-development and where necessary, emergency relief program.
Budget and Funding Sources: FHI (Japan, Korea, Canada, USA, UK), DFID, CIDA,
Rotary Club
Current Project Phase: Jan.-Dec. 2000
Project Title and Identification Number:
Child development program (NCD/980138/26)
Farmer-led experimentation program (NCD/980134/26)
Water and sanitation program (NCD/980135/26)
Leadership development program (NCD/980136/Z6)
Samaritan Strategy
Project Objective:
To equip children and their community to progress beyond meeting their basic needs; To help them break the mental attitude and practical skills and knowledge that keep them from achieving sustainable benefits from wholistic self-development;
To contribute to long-term alleviation of food shortage;
To reduce water-borne diseases through clean water and hygiene education;
To help empower people to begin to solve their problems;
To decrease the amount of time people spend fetching water;
To build strong leaders by providing wholistictraining to local leaders and group members directly and supporting their attendance of training opportunity offered by other organizations;
To build the capacity of local church to meet physical, social and intellectual needs of their own communities using their own resources.
Target Group: The poorest in Chhuk, Angkor Chey and Bantey Meas districts
Head Office:
c/o National Institute of Public Health
Street 289, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 1238
Ph: 023 884 476 Fax: 023 884 976
Team Leader and Senior Advisor: Dr. Gertrud Schmidt-Ehry
Project Management Assistant: Dr. Chhom Rada023 882 710/016 884 391
National Institute of Public Health:
Street 289, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1300, Phnom Penh
Ph: 023 880 345/881 345 Fax: 023 880 346
Acting Director: Sam An Ung, MD, MPH
Kampot Regional Training Center
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 930 Fax: none
Public Health Training coordinator: Dr. Ty Chhun Eng012 848 591
Kampot Provincial Health Department
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax: 033 932 309
Provincial Health Advisor: Dr. Danielle Arnaud
Employees: 2 (in Kampot)
Founded: 1995
Organization Type and Origin: Bilateral organization, Germany
Budget and Funding Sources: Government of Germany (BMZ)
Current Project Phase: Jan. 2000-Dec. 2003
Project Title and Identification Number: Cambodian-German Health System Development (95.2010.7-001.00)
Project Objective:
-To strengthen Provincial Health Department management capacity for implementation of Health Sector Reform III and to make increase use of health services
-Kampot Regional Training Center: To appropriately train hospital nurses, public health nurses and midwives from four provinces (Kampot, Takeo, Sihanukville, and Koh Kong) and 1 municipality (Kep)
Target Group: Poor population in rural areas of the selected provinces, especially pregnant women, mothers and children
Head Office:
c/o National Institute of Public Health
Street 289 Kim-Il Sung
Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 1158
Ph: 023 882 307 Fax: 023 884 976
Chief Technical Advisor: Mr. Colin Gleichmann
Field Coordinator Kampot: Ms. Annie Nut012 882 919
Kampot Province Office:
c/o Department of Rural Development
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none,
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Field Coordinator Kampot: Ms. Annie Nut012 882 919
Employees: 5
Founded: 1999
Organization type and origin: Bilateral organization, Germany
Mission: N/A
Budget and Funding Sources: N/A
Current Project Phase: December 1999-September 2002
Project Title and Identification Number: Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants
Project Objective: To strengthen government and non-government institutions in order to reintegrate ex-combatants
Target Group: Ex-combatants
Operation Sites: Districts: Chumkiri, Kampong Bay, Chhuk, Kampot, Angkor Chey, Banteay Meas, Kampong Trach, Dang Tong
Head Office:
c/o National Institute of Public Health
Street 289, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 2407
Ph: 023 880 795 Fax: 023 880 795
Team Leader: Ms. Martina Bergschneider012 811 795
Kampot Province Office:
c/o Kampot Department of Rural Development
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Health Component at Kampot Provincial Health Department
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax: 033 932 835
Health Advisor: Dr. Philippe Longfils012 838 739
Employees: 2 (health component)
Founded: 1996
Organization type and origin: Bilateral organization, Germany
Mission: IFSP aims at improving food security (qualitative and quantitative) for poor households through integrated project approach.
Budget and Funding Sources:German Government
Current Project Phase: Jan. 1999-Dec. 2001-Dec. 2003
Project Title and Identification Number: Integrated Food Security Program
Project Objective: To assist in the development of integrated strategies in nutrition education, promotion of family planning services, and other services, such as ante-natal care, safe delivery, health education; To improve health of population at the most peripheral level of health system i.e. the health centers and villages in target areas.
Target Group: Mainly women and children in villages covered by IFSP target areas.
Operation Sites: Chhuk Operational District: Dang Tung Health Center (17 villages) and Trapaing Raing Health Center, and Angkor Chey Operational District: Champey Health Center (15 villages) and Dang Kaum Health Centers.
Activities: Skill training, health and nutrition, community development, infrastructure rehabilitation, and agriculture development.
Health Services: Health education; health screening; nutrition; birth spacing; ante-natal care; safe delivery.
Handicap International Head Office:
67, rue de Spa, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Ph: Fax:
France Branch:
ERAC 14, Avenu Berthelot, 69361
Lyon Cedex 07
Ph: 33.4.78697979 Fax: 33.4.78697994
Cambodia Head Office:
18 Street 400, Boeung Keng Kang I, Chamcarmon
Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 838,
Ph: 023 217 300/217 298/982 811 Fax: 023 216 270
Country Director: Ms. Isabelle Plumat012 819 773
Deputy Director: Ms. Soun Sopha012 866 069
Kampot Province Office:
Kampong Bay district, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 920 Fax/E-mail: none
Coordinator, Social and Economic Rehabilitation Program: Miss Tho Linda
Employees: 129 including 14 local staff in Kampot and 12 expatriates
Founded: 1987
Organization type and origin: International NGO, Belgium
Mission:Handicap International aims to establish and support rehabilitation programs in favor of people with disability. These programs have a preventive and a curative component. They aim at developing the autonomy of persons with disability. Handicap International works with a global approach technically but also strategically at regional, national, provincial, and community level.
Budget 2000 and Funding Sources: N/A
Current Project Phase: 1987-present
Project Title and Identification Number: Provincial Rehabilitation Program (PRC) and Capacity Building of People with Disability in the Community Program (CABDIC)
Project Objective: Currently, HI runs 5 programs in Kampot
1. Provincial Rehabilitation Program (PRC)
Objective: To improve life of the disabled in all related areas – physical, medical, social and economic – with due respect to cultural context and sustainability of actions undertaken.
Project Site: Provincial Rehabilitation Center and outreach services delivered through the "meeting points" (district offices of the Department of Social Affairs) in the districts of Angkor Chey, Banteay Meas, Kampong Trach, Chhuk, Chumkiri, Dangtong and Kampot, and Kep municipality
a. Technical Services:
- Center based services – production and distribution of lower limb prostheses and physiotherapy services, distribution of crutches, wheelchairs and tricycles.
- District level services – referral and follow-up of clients by social workers
b. Social Services:
- referrals to vocational training services (eg. UCC Kampot), health services
- counseling
- emergency grants to the most vulnerable people for health care, income, housing repair
- awareness raising in the community about disability
2. Capacity Building of People with Disability in the Community Program (CABDIC)
Objective: To build the capacity of disabled people in the community
Project Site: Districts of Angkor Chey, Chhuk, Dangton, Kampot
- Rehabilitation of disabled children – home-based rehabilitation of children including stimulation and exercises, the emphasis being on teaching the children's family members to continue the rehabilitation process
- Self-help group promotion – encouraging disabled people to meet and form self-help groups. Providing training to these groups.
- Promoting the integration of disabled children into school
- Raising community awareness about disability
Target Group: Most vulnerable group includes war and mine victims, amputees, children with polio, cerebral palsy, people with hemiplegia, paraplegia or quadriplegia, leprosy, and blindness in 8 districts.
International Headquarters:
Cordaid, P.O Box 16440, 2500BK The Hague
The Netherlands
Ph: 0031 70 313 6300
Sub office:
22 Street 418, Toul Tompoung, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 2417, Phnom Penh
Ph: 023 364 583 Fax: 023 215 192
Head Office in Cambodia:
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 859 Fax: 033 932 859
Program Acting Coordinator: Mr. Stan Klikenberg012 931 709/833 499
Administration Officer: Mr. Peou Sinoun012 820 929
Finance Assistant: Doung Chendanone
Employees: 21 including 6 expatriates
Founded: 1995
Budget and Funding Sources: EU contribution, MEMISA/PSO contribution, DGIS contribution, ECHO contribution for rehabilitation of health infrastructures in Angkorchey district
Organization Type and Origin: International NGO, The Netherlands
Mission: MEMISA aims to help improve the status of health and health care for the poorest group in society, irrespective of race, sex, creed or political beliefs.
Current Project Phase: 1999 to 2002
Project Title and Identification Number: Health Care Development Program in Kampot province Phase II
Project number: GP98 CMD001
Project Objective:
Broad objective:
To improve health status of population by reducing morbidity and mortality rate especially for mothers and children under the age of 5 years.
Specific objective:
To improve health infrastructures by rehabilitating and constructing health care facilities
To strengthen human capacity of local Memisa staff and staff of Health Department at provincial and district level.
To implement various primary health care programs to contribute to the improvement of population.
To promote population involvement in health initiatives at community level, and in representation in health services management.
To increase utilization health services by cost-sharing from the population, incentives to health staff, and by improving quality of health care.
To improve management capacities at district level, as well as MEMISA Cambodian staff, via training, to increase the capacity of running the programs on their own, via a local NGO or otherwise (institutional capacity building).
Operation Sites: Kampot, Kampong Trach, Angkor Chey, and Chhuk districts.
Target Group: General population especially mothers and children under 5
Health Services: Reproductive health care for young people
Head office:
Ministry of Education Youth & Sports
Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Russian Federation Street, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: none Ph/Fax: 023 884 275
E-mail: none
General Director: Mr. Pich Sophoan012 822 101
Director: Mr. Roath Bunla
First Deputy Director: Mr. Lao Heum012 855 530
Second Deputy Director: Mr. Hem Chantha
Kampot Province center:
Kompong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 860 Fax: none
Director: Ms. Nou Neath012 837 667
Deputy Director: Mr. Seng Sotheara016 883 496
Chief, Administration Office: Mr. Tien Hien Paknone
Employees: 12
Funding Sources: Asian Development Bank (ADB) and National Training Fund Office of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Organization Type and Origin: Government institution
Mission: The Provincial Training Center offers a wide range of basic technical and vocational courses specifically designed to meet the daily needs of the community.
Current Project Phase: 1999-2001
Project Title: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project
Identification Number: ADB loan No. 1368CAM(SF)
Project Objective: Vocational training for jobless people from18 years old
Main Activities: Basic training for auto repair, electricity repair, motor repair, sewing, masonry, welding, small engine repair, wedding outfitting, silkworm raising, food processing, livestock raising, mushroom growing, and hair cutting.