The Parish of ST Paul, Kersal Moor, and ST Andrew, Carr Clough
(04) Sunday 22 Feb to Saturday 8 March 2015
With thanks to Hilary Shedlock….
I love St Andrew’s; it is only 10 minutes’ walk from home. I love the way the shadow of the trees move behind the stained-glass window, the memories it holds, its small size, the way it is an ordinary house of God in the middle of an estate of ordinary houses for people.
I love St Paul’s; I can see its spire from my window. I love its feeling of space, the way it stands out from the places around it, the memories it holds, the ‘hidden’ window with the dove.
But most of all I love the people of the parish; the people who welcome me and offer me their love and support. I love their enthusiasm to do God’s work in the communities that surround us and I love the opportunities I am given to be with God and with Gods people, to learn, to celebrate and to worship together.
Both buildings are different, they are in different places, they offer different opportunities, but they have the same purpose; to give us all the space to worship God, time to be with Jesus and a place to do the Spirits work.
We are all different with different gifts, skills, personalities and experiences and maybe we feel different because we worship at one place or the other. But God calls us to come together with our differences and be the Church.
I know that the parish needs both buildings where they have been placed. The buildings cannot move but we can move between the buildings, because it isn't about St Paul’s or St Andrew’s but about building a Church that is centred on Christ. And to do that we need to work and pray together in the power of God.
Sundays: St Paul’s 10am
Evening Bible Study 7.30 - 8.30pm
St Andrew’s 11am
Wednesdays: St Paul’s 10am
St Andrew’s 2pm
Mon-Thurs Prayers: St Paul’s 9.05am
Monday compline: The Rectory 9pm
Bible Readings
1 March – both churches
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16. Mark 8: 31 to end.
8 March – both churches
Exodus 20:1-17 & John 2:13-22
Sunday 22 February 11am to 12.30pm Thinking Day Service at St. Andrew’s.
Friday, 27 February St Paul’s Social Area, 7.30 to 9.30pm: ‘Angels on Fire’ food and comedy evening.
Sunday, 1 March 11am to 12.30pm Main Service with AGM at St. Andrew’s.
Monday, 2 March 7.30 to 9pm St. Paul’s Committee Meeting.
Thursday, 5 March 7.30 to 9pm First session of this year’s Lent Course starts at St. Paul’s, led by Eileen Booth and Beryl Proctor. This takes place also on 12, 19 and 26 March each Thursday evening all are welcome. Please bring wood cross to first meeting.
Friday, 6 March 7.30 to 10pm ‘First Friday’ Men’s Group meeting. Leader; David Martin 0161-766-2736.
Sunday, 8 March 10 to 11.30am Main Service with AGM at St. Paul’s.
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Monday, 9 March 7.30 to 9 pm St. Andrew’s Committee meeting.
Tuesday, 10 March 12.30 to 2.30pm Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship at St. Paul’s.
Saturday, 14 March 10am to 3.30pm Deanery Quiet Day at St. Paul’s.
March 14 to 22 at Manchester Maccabi Community and Sports Club, ‘The Towers of Babel’: a recommended play about 9/11 and afterwards. Tickets are £9 from
Monday, 16 March PCC Meeting
Thursday, 19 March 7.30pm Open meeting to question MP Graham Stringer and ask him for the Election promises you want! Our Lady of Dolours, Servite Church, Sedgley Park, Bury New Road.
Sunday, 22 March 10.30am Our APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) after a short Joint Parish Service in St Paul’s, followed by Bring and Share lunch together.
Saturday, 28 March St Paul’s, 9.30am to 4.30pm. A First Aid Course run by Dave Saunders. Bring your own lunch. Maximum number of participants 10. Please register with Eileen on 792 9960.
Please pray for Andy Smith as he goes to his BAP (Bishop's Advisory Panel) on Monday (23rd). This is the culmination of a long process in which over three days Andy will be assessed, in the company of others who are also offering for ordained ministry, and then the interviewers will report to Bishop David. This can be a gruelling experience - pray that Andy feels God's presence throughout, and that the interviewers recommend him for training.
The Dyson family would like to say a big thank you for all the cards, kind messages and prayers received during their recent bereavement.
We warmly congratulate Stephen Pearson on being nominated and accepted for Lay Assistant Ministry.
Songs of Praise is coming to Manchester Cathedral!
Manchester Cathedral is hosting two special programmes this Easter. The first is a live broadcast on BBC One of Eucharist for Easter Sunday on 5 April; the second is a recording for the ever-popular programme, Songs of Praise, on Easter Monday, 6 April. Apply for tickets by 16 March. For full details, including how to obtain tickets, visit thediocesan news page.