GibsonAreaHospital and Health Services

Environment of Care

Issued:January 2005

Subject:Tobacco-Free Campus

Scope:All Departments and Medical Staff

Standard: E.C. 1.1.2Page 1 of 2


Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services is committed to the promotion of quality health care, which includes the prevention of disease. With this commitment comes the responsibility of providing a safe and healthy environment. To establish and maintain the safest possible environment in which to deliver such care, GAHHS campus buildings, property, parking lots and operated vehicles are tobacco-free. GAHHS is dedicated to maintaining a smoke-free campus environment. This policy is established to minimize adverse health effects to patients, visitors, physicians, volunteers and employees; to reduce risk of fire for all of the above; to promote health and serve as a community role model; and to enhance employee productivity and reduce healthcare costs.


Effective April 1 2006, Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services will be a Tobacco-Free campus. This policy applies to all tobacco products including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, herbal tobacco products and chewing tobacco, none of which will be permitted to be used or distributed on campus or at any facility owned, leased or operated by Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services.

Tobacco products are prohibited in all facilities used by the hospital including leased buildings, parking lots, and hospital owned, leased or operated vehicles. Tobacco products are prohibited anywhere on the hospital campus, with the exception of personal vehicles parked on GAHHS property as they are personal property of the owner. There are no designated smoking areas on the campus.

Those employees who wish to leave GAHHS property in order to use tobacco products will be required to clock out under the Human Resource time and attendance policy.

This policy applies to all colleagues, patients, medical staff, students, contracted personnel, auxilans, volunteers, visitors, vendors, and tenants of Gibson Area Hospital & Health Services.


Communication of the policy will be by signage at campus entrances, building entrances, parking areas and reminders from staff when necessary. Job applicants will be notified of the policy upon application.

This policy pertains to all persons while on the hospital campus. Employees, physicians or volunteers found to be in violation of this policy will subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

All staff will be responsible for the enforcement of this policy. Any colleague, patient or guest violating the tobacco-free policy will be asked by a fellow colleague or a member of management to discontinue using their tobacco product. Supervisors are responsible for managing this policy within their respective work areas. Department Managers and/or supervisors (progressing to the Administrator On-Call) are responsible for upholding this policy in all patient areas.

Reviewed and approved by:

Safety Committee Chairperson
Governing Body
Medical Staff