Modern Palestine & Roots of 21st Century Muslim Jihad.
© John Puzzo 2006
In its most recent history, Palestine has been under military occupation for more than 800 years.
The ‘Palestine’ of today is Israel.
Palestinian authority is confined to an area within Israel known as the ‘West Bank’ and the Gaza Strip.
Curiously, the “Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel,” a US ‘tax-exempt’ organization, retained control of 51 ‘nature preserves’ covering more than 38,270 hectares of land in the West Bank, control that is enforced by the Israeli Army operating under authority of ‘Military Order 363 (1969).’ (1)
The Muslim Jihad will continue until it is destroyed or until it conquers the world. It is the mandate of Islam to rid the planet of Infidels and usher in the Islamic World Order under Shaira law.
"Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar, La Allah Il Allah, La Allah Il Allah U Mohammed Rassul Allah.”
…is the Muslim call to prayer. It is also the Islamic War Cry. It is heard by more people around the globe than any other sound of the human voice. It is recited by every Muslim suicide bomber, executioner, and terrorist before, during, and after the act that defines them.
This prayer is recited by the Mullah’s from each of the four corners of the minaret as Muslims all over the world face toward Mecca and kneel at sunset. It means: "[our] God is greater. There is no God but [our] God, and Mohammed is the prophet of God."
Their Crusade is ‘Jihad,’ and it is inexorably linked to Palestine.
Islamist proselytizing agents are arrogant and cruel and see themselves above all rules of conduct regarding others, infidel and faithful alike. Accepted boundaries of conduct in every arena of human behavior are used for their purposes or considered meaningless.
Their callousness is demonstrated when they legitimize the killing of innocents and demonstrate remorseless pride in their actions. They intend to vanquish the ‘infidel’ even as they seek immortal life through unlawful means. They would destroy the entire world rather than submit to authority other than that of the Wahabist Allah. Western civilization must wage a war of biblical proportion yet seems not to have grasped the threat it is under.
Islamist crusaders (Jihadist’s) have with much success used the Palestinian issue to gain converts and strengthen adherents to their vision. It is a compelling argument for them.
Creation of the State of Israel
The Zionist movement that resulted in the creation of Israel modern Palestine in the 20th Century took shape among influential power-brokers in British dinner clubs and gained momentum among Russian, German, and Polish Jewry, especially in the wake of the Dreyfus Affair, in the first decade of the 20th Century.
US President Woodrow Wilson was a strong supporter of Zionism. The resulting ‘Balfour Doctrine’ came to fruition decades later, in 1948, with the arbitrary creation of a new nation – Israel.
A fair question asked in the Muslim world – and elsewhere – is this:
Are the Jews of present day Israel a ‘Semitic’ peoples – or are they are Jews descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland who migrated eastward between the 10th and 19th century and formed communities in Germany, Poland, Austria, and elsewhere in Eastern Europe, as some suggest?
In the 11th century the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe and the Steppe comprised 3% of the world's Jewish population. Today they account for over 80% of world Jewry. Most Jewish communities with ancestral histories to Europe are Ashkenazim. A significant majority of the Jews who migrated from Europe to other continents in the past two centuries are Eastern Ashkenazim.
From medieval times until the mid-20th century, the lingua franca among Ashkenazi Jews was Yiddish. They developed a distinct culture and a Jewish liturgy influenced by interaction with surrounding nations. Ashkenazi Jews created the framework for ‘Reform’ Judaism which exists in sharp disagreement with Orthodox Judaism.
DNA research on Ashkenazi origins may establish Jewish migration from the Southern Mediterranean to the Northern European regions. One study indicates that the Y chromosome of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are of Middle Eastern origin, similar to Lebanese and Syrian DNA types. Since the Y chromosome is only passed from father to son, it may be used to trace Jewish male origins.
Another study examines Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). mtDNA can only be passed from mother to child, thus allows the tracking of maternal origins. According to this study the mtDNA of most Israeli Jews generally match that of European populations and not Middle Eastern populations. This would seem to indicate that the Jews of Israel are not Semitic.
DNA Research and Genetic mapping: A role to play in Middle East Realpolitik?
The Institute for Biological Research is one of the most secret places in Israel. Only Dimona, the country’s nuclear facility in the Negev desert, is surrounded by more secrecy. Most of the Institute’s 12 acres of facilities are underground. Laboratories are only reached through airlocks.
There have been persistent reports that the Institute is engaged in DNA sequencing research. One former member of the Knesset, Dedi Zucker, caused a storm in the Israeli Parliament when he claimed that the institute was “trying to create an ethnic specific weapon” in which Arabs could be targeted by Israeli weapons, something that could backfire on the Jews…if they were Semites…
The Israeli government source kept silent toward this information, which was attributed to Israeli military sources. In a 1998 issue of the British 'Sunday Times’ it was reported that Israel had embarked on a program to develop biological weapons which can affect people according to their ethnicity by engineering DNA-specific bio-weapons.
The paper reported that Israeli scientists were trying to exploit recent genetic discoveries in order to isolate Arab-specific genes and develop designer 'germs' that can attack only those who carry the 'distinctive genes' by targeting their 'DNA.’
Historical evidence indicates that there were Jewish communities north of the Alps and Pyrenees as early as the 8th and 9th Century. By the early 900s, Jewish populations were well-established in Northern Europe; they followed the Norman Conquest into England in 1066 and also settled in the Rhineland during this period.
With the onset of the Crusades and the expulsions of Jews from England (1290), France (1394), and parts of Germany (1400s), Jewish migration pushed recurrently eastward into Poland, Lithuania, and Russia.
Jewish economic activity has historically focused on trade, business management, and financial services, the latter not necessarily (as some suggest) due to early Christian European prohibitions restricting certain activities by Christians (usury) and between Christians and Jews.
Where they could not possess landed estates, Jews historically have possessed wealth in the form of portable and fungible assets - gold and silver coin and currency. With this form of wealth and the alliances kept among the closed society of Jews, their influence extended well beyond Jewish enclaves. The rise of the “House of Rothschild” from banker to Barony demonstrates that fact.
By the 1400s, the Ashkenazi Jewish communities in Poland were the largest Jewish communities in the world. By 1931, Ashkenazi Jews accounted for nearly 92 percent of world Jewry.
These Jews claim to have an unchallengeable, eternal, historic right to the Land of Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza, which they say is their inheritance…
from God…
But the Jews’ celestial claim to ‘Palestine,’ a nation-state inhabited in the great majority by Semitic Arabs since Rome destroyed the Jewish temple in 73 AD is unique in world history. Many other countries and peoples have been defeated by conquest and their populations wiped out, dispersed, or absorbed, and they have not been given a nation…
For example, Armenians and Kurds are dispossessed peoples that have been subjected to genocide. Today, the Kurds are the largest dispossessed minority in the world: some 30 million people without a country, mostly living in Turkey, Northern Iraq, and Iran.
The Palestinian issue lies at the heart of the Arab-Israeli conflict and by extension it is used to justify Arab/Muslim hostility towards the West. European and American power created modern day Israel. America supports Israel today in every way.
The governance of ‘Palestine’ has been more by occupation than by representation of the Arab populace, a fact since Roman times. The inhabitants of Palestine since Roman times have remained overwhelmingly Arab Semites.
Palestine may be ‘Palestinian,’ but it is a nation within a nation and there are Jewish checkpoints into and out of Palestine and internal checkpoints as well, all of them manned by Israeli soldiers. To a nearly universal extent, Israel also controls the Palestinian economy.
When Jewish immigration to Palestine began nearly 18 centuries after the destruction of the Temple, it was mostly to very small Jewish communities within an overwhelmingly Arab region: the "four sacred cities" of Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias, and Hebron. This migration increased at the end of Ottoman rule, when national boundaries were subjectively redrawn by treaty at the close of WW I.
The Ottoman Turks occupied Palestine as part of the Ottoman Empire since 1516. In World War I, Turkey allied itself with Germany. The prosecution of the war in North Africa led to the British capture of ‘Palestine’ from the Turks at the close of WWI and defeat of the Central Powers by the Entente Powers:
“No other war had changed the map of Europe so dramatically — four empires disappeared: the German, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and the Russian. Four defunct dynasties, the Hohenzollerns, the Habsburg, Romanov’s and the Ottomans together with all their ancillary aristocracies, all fell after the war. Belgium was badly damaged, as was France with 1.4 million soldiers dead, not counting other casualties. Germany and Russia were similarly affected. The war had profound economic consequences. In addition, a major influenza epidemic that started in Western Europe in the latter months of the war, killed millions in Europe and then spread around the world. Overall, the Spanish flu killed at least 50 million people.”
Turkey's loss of its Middle East Empire at the end of WWI was formalized at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference and codified in Treaty of Versailles.
“The Ottoman Empire was to be partitioned by the Treaty of Sèvres in 1920. The treaty, however, was never ratified by the Sultan and was rejected by the Turkish republican movement. This led to the Turkish Independence War and, ultimately, to the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne.” The entire region was thrust into repression, internecine conflict, civil war and genocide. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_I#Aftermath
In the interim, the British had made two agreements – one with the Arabs and another with Zionist Jews:
In exchange for the enlistment of disparate Arab tribes to enter WW I against the Turks – an effort made famous by ‘Lawrence of Arabia,’ a nation-state for Arabs was proposed – Palestine. The Arab tribes that entered the war on the side of the Allies believed that their involvement on the Allied side during the ‘Great War’ held the promise of an Arab country from the Red Sea to the Persian Gulf.
At the same time, the British ‘proclaimed’ the Balfour Declaration of 1917, "in…favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people." For nearly 90 years, this duplicitous, bifurcated, diplomatic oddity has dominated the history of the Middle East.
The Balfour Declaration:
Dated November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration took the form of a letter from British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour, to Lord Rothschild (Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild) for transmission to the Zionist Federation, a private Zionist organization controlled in the main by European Jews and the House of Rothschild.
The letter stated a position agreed on at a British Cabinet meeting – not Parliament – on October 31, 1917, that the British would support Zionist plans for a "national homeland" in Palestine for the Jewish people.
Only national rights for Jews were spoken of in the Declaration, but language in the informal letter ‘hoped’ that nothing should be done which would ‘prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’ – the majority Arabs – who had lived there for several thousand of years...Such ‘hopes’ would prove misplaced. Israel maintains an apartheid system for controlling Arabs living in Israel to this day.
Dear Lord Rothschild:
I have much pleasure in conveying to you on behalf of His Majesty's Government the following declaration of our sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. "His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country." I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.
Yours sincerely
Arthur James Balfour
At the time of the ‘Declaration,’ most of the area of Palestine was still under the control of the Ottoman Empire. ‘Palestine’ included all of what is now Jordan, other areas not currently within the borders of Israel, and what is now Israel.