Ancient Egypt Notes
- Egyptians relied on the NileRiver.
- The NileRiver provided fish and supported plants and animals.
- 2 rivers join to make the Nile (Blue Nile and White Nile)
- The NileRiver is the world’s longest river and flows from the south to the north.
A Sheltered Land
- Shortly before the Nile reaches the Mediterranean Sea it divides into branches call a delta.
- SaharaDesert – largest desert in the world
- Egypt was naturally protected from enemies because it was surrounded by deserts, rivers, deltas and cataracts (rapids).
The River People
- Used papyrus to make baskets, sandals, river rafts, and paper.
- Developed geometry to measure land
- Floods watered the land and provided fertile soils for crops to grow.
- Egyptians developed their own writing that was made up of sound and picture symbols.
- Only scribes were taught to write.
- Men were allowed to become scribes.
A United Egypt
- Advances in farming, trade, and craft created a government in Egypt.
- Villages chiefs were earliest rulers.
- Eventually some of the village chiefs formed kingdoms.
- The stronger village chiefs outlasted the weaker village chiefs and eventually Egypt was divided into 2 kingdoms (Upper and Lower Kingom)
Egypt’s Ruling Family
- 3100 B.C. the 2 kingdoms became 1.
- Narmer is credited for joining the 2 kingdoms.
- Over time Egypt is ruled by 31 dynasties for about 2000 years.
- Dynasty – time of rule from 1 family.
Early Egyptian Life
- Social classes set up as a pyramid.
- Social Classes from top to bottom:
Priests and nobles
Traders, shopkeepers, artisans, and scribes
Farmers and herders
Unskilled workers
- Higher on the pyramid – the more money you had
- Middle class ran businesses and sold goods.
- Farmers made up large part of population.
- Unskilled workers carried cargo from boats to market.
- Diets of bread, beer, vegetables, and fruits
- Father was the head of the family.
- Girls learned to sew and cook form mothers.
- Boys learned farming and other trades from fathers.
- Children did not attend school and played various games.
- Located in northern Africa
- NileRiver runs through it
- South of Mediterranean Sea
- West of Red Sea
- Defenses – Nile delta, SaharaDesert, EasternDesert, Nile Cataracts
- Egyptian economy – farming and trading.