Chapter 4 Quizzes without answers
Quiz 1 – Important Names - Matching
___ 1. John LockeA. Declared that God was an invention, a projection of
human feelings and emotions.
____ 2. Philip JakobSpenerB. Called into question the church’s teachings on
____ 3.John Newton C. Disregarded the Republicanism of the French
____4. William Wilberforce D. Associated with Pietism, stressed the importance of a
deepening personal relationship with Jesus.
____ 5.Napoleon Bonaparte E. Sought the abolition of social conditions which he
presumed made religion appealing and even
necessary to the masses.
____ 6.Ludwig Feuerbach F. Argued for the need to tolerate some degree of
religious diversity, rather than allowing it to
lead to conflict.
____ 7. Karl Marx G. Associated with American Revivalism, made popular
the practice of “altar calls.”
____ 8.Charles Darwin H. Englishman who fought to abolish the slave trade.
____ 9. Charles Grandison Finney I. Associated with Pentecostalism, initiated a study of
____ 10. Charles ParhamJ. Former slave owner, turned abolitionist, known for his hymns, especially “Amazing Grace.”
Quiz 2 – Fill-in-the-Blank
- For ______, author of Letters of Toleration, religion is understood to be a private matter of public indifference.
- ______described the universe as a complex machine designed by an intelligent creator.
- ______, a famous American deist, regarded the Trinity as irrational and thus as an obstacle to devotion.
- ______described his conversion experience in terms of having his heart “strangely warmed.”
- New England in the 1730’s and 40’s experienced a surge in religious fervor known as ______.
- Thomas Jefferson outlined the principle of ______in an attempt to create a free market for religious practices.
- The defeat of Napoleon at ______led to the redrawing of national European boundaries.
- ______declared that religion was a dangerous projection made necessary by unjust social conditions.
- A movement known as ______developed within Italy advocating an increase in Papal power and authority.
- The so-called “wall of ______” is a result of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.
Quiz 3 – Fill-in-the-Blank
- During the Enlightenment there is a growing faith in ______as the basis for philosophy and ethics.
- The Enlightenment was most significant in regions highly influenced by ______.
- The assumption that there is a discrepancy between the real Jesus of history and the NT interpretation of Jesus resulted in the ______.
- ______focuses on the importance of a deep personal relationship with God.
- Because they tried to intervene on behalf of the indigenous people of what is now known as Latin America, the ______were suppressed by the Vatican in response to political pressure from Spain and Portugal.
- Whereas the American Revolution was, to a limited extent, an attempt to secure freedom for religion, the French Revolution was, to the same extent an attempt to secure ______.
- ______-_ developed in response to the failures of Rationalism to maintain peace in Europe; it saw Christianity largely as a source for cultural and artistic excellence.
- Charles Darwin’s ______called into questions the church’s teachings on creation.
- ______is the term used to describe the Roman Catholic Church’s attempt to come to terms with the Enlightenment.
- The “Protestant Bible belt” is the result of the American ______of the early 1800’s.
Quiz 4– Short Answer
- What was the name of John Locke’s book in which he advocated for a degree of religious toleration?
- What is the image of God made possible by Newton’s notion of the universe as a complex machine designed by an intelligent creator?
- The “Quest for the Historical Jesus” is based on what assumption?
- What central figure of the first “Great Awakening” in New England focused on personal conversion narratives?
- Who articulated, in the Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom, the principle of separation of church and state?
- What is significant about the year 1807 in British history?
- Who declared that religion was the “opium of the people”?
- What are the two primary claims of the papal encyclical, Pastor Aeternus?
- From what document does the following come?: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”
- What is the result of the Louisiana Purchase?
Quiz 5 – Short Answer
- What groups were excluded by Locke’s notion of tolerance?
- What are the two major theological “problems” of the Enlightenment?
- Who described his conversion in terms of having his heart “strangely warmed” and consequently focused on the importance of experience in the life of faith?
- What religious group tried to prevent the enslavement of indigenous people in contemporary Latin America and were consequently disbanded by the Vatican?
- What was the primary trigger of the French Revolution?
- What is the name given for the philosophical and political movement that re-focused energy on Christianity and saw Rationalism as cause of the French Revolution?
- Who wrote Origin of Species, calling into question the church’s teachings on the doctrine of creation?
- What did Pope Pius X, in 1907, declare to be “the most pernicious of all the adversaries of the Church”?
- Who was Antoinette Brown?
- What is the “fulfillment hypothesis”?