Office of the Board of Director’s

P.O. Box 626

Benton City, WA 99320

Phone: 509-588-4396

Board of Directors Meeting

May 10, 2016

The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Tuesday meeting was held at the District office on Highland Road in Benton City, WA beginning at 3:00PM.

In Attendance: Chairman Robert Buoy, Director Tyler Wilson, Director Dirk Martin, Operations Manager Ed Mitchell, Office Manager Ivy Johnson. Kim Pietrok CPA.

1. April 25, 2016, Board meeting minutes, Director Martin moved to accept the minutes, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

2. Operation/Maintenance Voucher

21-23 $16,183.26

Vouchers to County $30,313.69

Total $46,496.95

Director Martin moved to accept and pay vouches 21-23 and vouchers to County, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

3. Kim Pietrok CPA

·  Ms. Pietrok stated that she came to the meeting to do an overview of the District’s budget vs. actuals. She stated that the District’s budget was done annually and is now on a cash basis. She stated that the assessment collections look very good and that is one of the things that the S&P looks at during the Bond review. Discussion on the budget vs. actuals, Ms Pietrok stated that the District was right on track with the budget.

4. Administrative Report

·  Presented P&L and Balance Sheets for the District & Project

·  There has be $1,151,864.00 in 2016 assessments collected

·  There was a $180.00 increase in electricity last month compared to 2015

5. Maintenance Report

·  Running 27 CFS at the river pump station

·  They have been flushing lines

·  They have been servicing vaults and PRV’s

·  DNR easement update; the Operations Manager stated that he contacted the DNR regarding the easement and Mr. Unland stated that it should be coming soon

·  The Operations Manger stated the crane arrived today at the river pump station to repair the 400 HP pump, Triangle pump will be there tomorrow for the repair

·  The Operations Manager stated that the inverter for #5 had to be replaced with the spare inverter and was sent out for repair

·  All of the surplus inventory has been loaded out except for the City’s valve boxes

·  The Operations Manager presented a possible retro-fit idea for the river pump station to supplement the low pressure side if there is ever an issue of one of the low pressure pumps going down, he stated that this couldn’t be done until the water was off, so there were no decisions made

Director Martin moved to adjourn the meeting, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 3:33PM.

Robert Buoy-Chairman ______

Dirk Martin-Director ______

Tyler Wilson-Director ______

Ivy Johnson-Office Mgr ______