ANPSG Meeting 16.2.17 Draft Minutes / Action required
1. / Present – Christine Marsh (Chair – CM), Rachel White (Secretary – RW), Colin Barcroft (Treasurer – CB), Sylvia Dyke (SD), Tom Evans (Cheshire East –TE –from 8pm), Phil Williams (PW), Matt Helliwell (MH), Pauline Oakley (PO), Sarah Anderson (Vice Chair – SA), Kevin Armstrong (KA), Jane Smith (JS), Hilary Robinson (HR).
2. / Apologies– John Williams, Sue Helliwell, Michael Unett
3. / Andrew Thompson not at meeting due to RW’S error in email list
MH didn’t receive details of this meeting due to same error. / RW to amend email list.
4. / ANPSG can use Council Offices in afternoon for free if councillor can lock up.
5. / CB introduced by CM. Ex partner at KPMG and Baker Tilley accountants in Stoke. Works for 4 local charities. Can’t attend all meetings. This may be advantageous as treasurer to demonstrate independence. Will send report to meetings when required. Elected to position of Treasurer – JS proposed, PO seconded.
CB stated that ANPSG can’t have its own bank account. All invoices/receipts must be kept. Current balance available from initial grant= £23250.
SA asked if stipulation in paragraph 17 of Financial meeting minutes of 24.1.17 was necessary. CB said it is as ‘Firewall’ IT protection is needed.
6. / The minutes of the meeting on 12.1.17 were agreed as an accurate record. MH was proposed and seconded as IT specialist in absentia at that meeting. MH confirmed his position at this meeting.
7. / CM reminded all members that we are apolitical and community-focused in our actions as ANPSG members. SA said we could mention our affiliations.
8. / CM said that as the Steering Group is large,Bill Morris, Daniel Keen and John Williams will be removed from the group as they have indicated that they simply want to be kept informed. There is currently no disabled representation. SD said this representation and that of other significant groups could be sought for subgroups where necessary in the future. / RW to contact BM, JW, DK and advise them to use ANP website
9. / SWOT Analysis of Alsager – SD said one already exists.
SD volunteered to collate ANPSG SWOT analysis from ANPSG members’ individual responses. RW pointed out that the Alsager residents’ consultation commissioned last year by Alsager Town Council only produced replies from 6% of households. / SD to send existing SWOT analysis to RW. Send your SWOT to SD. SD to prepare ANPSG
10. / CM circulated copies of our draft constitution. The references to ‘Parish Council’ need to be changed to ‘Town Council’. It was agreed that we need Andrew Thomson’s advice to agree the constitution. / Agree Constitution at next meeting. SA and HR to review draft.
11. / Agenda Item 6: producing list of groups ANPSG members are associated with. CM reported that no-one had contacted her following our first press release in Alsager in Focus and Alsager Chronicle. PW said this was not surprising as no specific request to the public had been made. SD commented that certain groups will have a good level of knowledge and engagement e.g. Save Fanny’s Croft group / green space.
KA said we should promote the NP in forums that are popular e.g. Facebook pages ‘Alsager Present and Future’ and ‘What’s on in Alsager’. CM asked MH and PW to co-ordinate releasing information. PW suggested Alsager Town Council could have a Facebook page and the NP could be promoted there. JS suggested using a Crisis Management social media template as a publicity vehicle. SD said that the Alsager Chronicle has a sizeable readership and the Alsager reporter is happy to include residents’ news. / ANPSG members to list associated groups on Skills Audit document (see no.18 )
MH and PW to use Facebook pages.
12. / Agenda item 7 : website. MH will create website to hold static information e.g. Vision statement and link to minutes. There are other NP websites to view for guidance. CB said there is website for general NP information. It was agreed to pay £25 p.a. for / MH to set up website.
13. / NP costs depend on what specialist reports are commissioned. Cheshire Community Action charge for their services so we must be prudent. CM reminded us that we must discover what Local and National Plans prescribe for Alsager and use our NP to do what they don’t. Andrew Thomson can be asked to summarise how Local and National Plans affect Alsager. / Ask AT to summarise impact of Local and National Plans on Alsager
14. / Tom Evans (TE) (Cheshire East Council) (CE) arrived at 8pm.
CM has contacted Haslington Parish Council (HPC) to ask if we can include the White Moss area up to M6 motorway in our NP. They have not agreed. SD noted that there has been no representative from HPC at any liaison meetings. 350 houses are due to be built there in the southern zone and 400 in the northern zone. These count towards the 2000 houses minimum to be built in Alsager. TE advised keeping the dialogue open with HPC as they may change their mind. TE stated that CE recognise that the Alsager parish boundary does not reflect the use of Alsager services; our NP should take account of the impact on Alsager of planning policies; our policies will be based on the number of houses built close to Alsager even if in another NP area; we should respond to CE’s policy. SD suggested we meet HPC with TE in a friendly co-operative manner to explain our views on the White Moss/M6 area. TE stated that we cannot write policies for that site but we can find out what policies will apply there.
SD informed us that Strategic Planning had refused the building of 400 houses due to Highways limitations. There is a ‘Shared Space’ highways proposal by the developers (Renewal) in the town centre. SD encouraged us to attend the ATC planning meeting on 28th Feb when this will be discussed. RW said that this supports White Moss being in Alsager NP. TE advised us to continue as if White Moss IS in our Designated Area and maintain a friendly relationship with HPC; there are often problems with NP boundaries.
TE advised that agreeing a Designated Area takes 4-8 weeks. You must have a Designated Area before you apply for Locality funding. CB asked for clarification on applying for Locality Funding. TE advised spending money on filling the gaps in evidence required for our policies. / RW, SD, TE and CM to meet with Richard Hovey, HPC chair and Haslington reps. CM to contact RH.
Attend meeting on 28.2.if you can, 7.15pm, Alsager Institute.
15. / Consultation of Alsager households : TE advised asking 5-10 questions only (see Shavington’s). Answers may be predictable but we then have proof of Community Engagement. RW asked if 6% response rate was sufficient and TE pointed out that all households were asked! Several members stated that this means Consultation has already been done.
CM asked if someone could look at the Consultation Document (May 2016) and draw out main points. TE advised 6 points maximum at this stage – then if other themes emerge later they can be included. TE said we are capable of doing SWOT analysis and drafting our Vision statement. / HR and SA to review document and produce list of points.
16. / TE advised us to
- appoint a Project Manager to keep the process on track
- review planning applications on CE website over the last 2 years and decide what we like, don’t like, what we want to start and stop seeing in Alsager
- look at NPs for other towns our size
- commission what is good design for Alsager (this will have a cost)
- consider what affects the landscape e.g. horse use – ménages, stables.. / Project Manager to be appointed.
?? to review last 2 years planning applications-split so each do 2 months each?
Examine NPs for towns of 14000 residents
17. / SD recommended that an ANPSG rep should attend Partnership Forum meetings. / Appoint reps to attend influential local group meetings
18. / RW asked members to complete a Skills Audit /personal profile statement to demonstrate our group covers a broad cross-section of Alsager residents. / All to complete document.
19. / CM advised that ATC are happy with ANPSG and its treasurer; we have their support.
20. / Date of next meeting – Wed 1st March 7pm, Rachel White’s home, 46 Sandbach Road South.
The meeting closed at 9pm.


ANPSG Minutes (Final)16.2.17