MINUTES of a meeting of the FINANCE & GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE held in the Sports Pavilion, Castle Meadow, Wilton on TUESDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2009 at 7.00pm
Present Cllr A Kinsey, Mayor of Wilton
Cllr T Batchelder, Deputy Mayor of Wilton in the chair
Cllr Mrs B Belk
Cllr T Abbott
Cllr P Edge
In Attendance Cllr J Rhind-Tutt, Mrs Julie Pomroy
Mrs A C Purves Town Clerk
Mr H Abel Minute Secretary
Also Present PCSO Lydia Waterman & Mrs Julie Pomroy, Secretary of Wilton Club FC
Prior to the start of the meeting, Julie Pomroy spoke about told the meeting that her team also played at Salisbury Town Council’s ground at Harnham where there was a new pavilion and excellent facilities. On these occasions, they were charged £34.50 for each match. At Castle Meadow, where the facilities are poorer, the cost of the 2008/2009 season was £375. This works out at £73 for each match. She asked if Wilton Town Council could do something about their charges.
Apologies Cllr Mrs J Griffin and Cllr I Seviour.
69. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on 21st July 2009 were signed by the Chairman as a true and accurate record. (prop Cllr Kinsey, sec Cllr Edge – all in favour)
70. To receive any Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007.
Cllr Edge declared a personal interest in all matters relating to Wilton Town Football Club.
71. Matters arising from the Full Council meeting
· Introduction of Designated Public Place Orders (DPPO) – The introduction of a DPPO in Wilton would give the police far greater capacity to deal with incidents of anti social behaviour and underage or unruly drinking. The process for putting a DDP in place started with the collection of evidence. This has already started. The police are collecting photographs of damage and things like discarded beer cans. Stage 2 would be consultation when details of the proposed order would be published in the local newspaper.
It was felt that a narrowly focussed DPPO on, say, Castle Meadow would simply drive potential offenders to other places like Bulbridge. Therefore, the emphasis should be wider allowing the police greater scope for the exercise of discretion. It was agreed that the process for the introduction of a DPPO for Wilton be started – (prop Cllr Batchelder, sec Cllr Edge – all in favour)
72. Finance
v A schedule of accounts dated 15th September 2009 in the sum of £4,609.64 was confirmed and authorised for payment. (prop Cllr Edge, sec Cllr Kinsey – all in favour)
v Bank balances: - c/a £100. dep/a £80,583.37.
73. To Review other ongoing matters
· Sports Pavilion – Architect Michael Lyons has been asked to provide full specifications for the work. This will then be used as a basis for tenders. Cllr Kinsey asked if the Town Council should be cautious about proceeding in view of proposals for the development of the Wilton Middle School as a sports complex. It was concluded that this was a ten to twelve year project and there would always be the need for a pavilion at Castle Meadow.
· Castle Meadow Charges. – It was agreed that there be a new charge for all Football and Cricket matches of £30.00 per match effective immediately. (prop Cllr Batchelder, sec Cllr Kinsey – all in favour). It was also agreed that marking out the pitch be removed from the current grounds maintenance contract in order that marking was done unnecessarily.
· Parish Stewards – Tasks required – Members highlighted various tasks which needed to be undertaken.
· Proposals re River Wylye revetments at Wilton Shopping Village – An estimate has been received from 5 Rivers quoting between £25,000 and £30,000. Eva Stutzenberger, Project Manager of Living River, has indicated that Living River would not, after all, be able to assist financially with the work. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to explore possible avenues for grant assistance.
· Knot Weed – Plans to inject clumps of knot weed with poison will be implemented within the next two weeks. Advice suggests that this will cause die back and that any future growth will be minimal and controllable with Roundup (already deployed by maintenance staff).
· Newsletter – It was agreed that the A3 double sided version in full colour should be the format used for the first edition. The printing cost would be £170. Hugh Abel has type set the first edition free of charge but warned that future editions would be subject to a £40 setting fee. It was also agreed that there should be an initial run of 500. (prop Cllr Batchelder, sec Cllr Kinsey – all in favour)
· Town Council website – The Town Clerk told the meeting that this was due to go live on Wednesday 16th September. The site’s address was www.wiltontowncouncil.gov.uk
· Information board & dipping platform – Living River recommend that the platform be placed adjacent to Castle Meadow at a place where there is already an indent in the bank. It is planned to apply for all the necessary consents and then construct the platform in the spring of 2010.
74. Chairman’s Report
Cllr Batchelder offered his apologies for the next Full Council Meeting.
75. Town Clerk’s Report
The Town Clerk reported on the following:
i. Town Council Office Closures – The office will be closed on Wednesday 16th and Friday 18th September.
ii. Town Clerk’s Absence – The Town Clerk will be absent from the October and November Full Council Meetings. Arrangements have been made for Clare Churchill, Town Clerk to Quidhampton Parish Council, to act as deputy.
iii. Wiltshire Council Service of Dedication – Members are invited to attend a service of Dedication for the new Wiltshire Council on Sunday 11th October at 3.00pm.
iv. Flagpole in Town Centre – Cllr Abbott told the meeting that the bolt securing the base of the flagpole had rusted through and needed replacement. It was agreed to instruct the Town Clerk to proceed with this matter.
v. Internal Audit Discussion – It was agreed to convene a meeting for this purpose on Monday 19th October at 3.00pm.
76. To confirm the date of the next F&GPC meeting
Tuesday 20th October 2009 at 7.00pm
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.21pm.
Members of the Council considered the foregoing matters in consideration of their duties: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime and Disorder; health and Safety, and Human Rights.
Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting – Tuesday 15 September 2009