Mentoring/Evaluation Program



Ò Observe, identify, and feedback to referees their strengths, weaknesses, and ways to improve.


Ò Observe, identify, and feedback how well a referee performed during a game. The net of the feedback would be areas for improvement and pass/fail. The evaluation is done at a varsity-level game.

Objectives of the Program

Ò To improve the overall officiating level by mentoring 10-15 referees each year

Ò To improve the overall varsity officiating level by evaluating a different 10-15 referees each year

Ò To identify referees with high potential

Ò To provide a process for members to request upgrade evaluations

Who is mentored/evaluated?

Ò Predetermined by plan

Ò Requested by a member

Ò Requested by the Executive Committee

Predetermined by program

Ò Evaluate the three-highest rated Grade 1s

Ò Evaluate the three-lowest rated Grade 1As

Ò Evaluate the three-highest rated Grade 2s

Ò Evaluate the three-lowest rated Grade 1s

Ò Mentor all 1st-year referees

Ò Mentor all new Grade 1s

Requested by a Member

Ò Evaluate members that request upgrade to the varsity level

Ò Mentor members that request guidance on upgrading

Process for Requesting Mentoring or Evaluation

Ò The referee, after receiving his/her initial-run assignments, e-mails a request for mentoring or evaluation to the head of the Mentoring/Evaluation Program, and includes his/her schedule.

Ò The head of the program will assign a mentor or evaluator and will reply to the referee, giving him/her the date of the selected game.

Ò It is the responsibility of the referee to inform the head of the program if a change in the game assignment occurs, e.g., time, place, referee.

Ò If a referee fails an evaluation, he/she can request another during the same season, but the request will be placed at the end of the queue

Effect of a failed evaluation

Ò If within his/her current grade (i.e., not for upgrade), puts the referee at the bottom of the rating list for his/her grade

Ò A subsequent successful evaluation will neutralize the failure and he/she will resume their original place in the rating list

Ò If for upgrade, the referee cannot be upgraded in the current year


Ò Experienced USSF- or NISOA-Certified Assessors

Ò Program Chair – Dave Longacre

January 21, 2013