RemixRegistration Form


Participant’s full name
Date of birth (DD/MM/YY)


Gender / Male Female
Ethnicity / White and Asian
White British
Other mixed background
Other White
White & black Caribbean
White & Black African
White Irish / Other Black background
Other Asian background
Other Ethnic group
Prefer not to say
Is the participantcurrently in education, training or employment?
Which School/Collegedo they attend?


Address 1
Address 2
Post code



Participant’s phone number
Participant’s email
Legal Guardian Name
Legal Guardian phone number
Emergency Phone
Legal Guardian Email

Additional needs

Do you consider the participant to be disabled, have any specific learning needs, medical conditions or dietary requirements? (Y/N)
If yes, please give more information
How did you hear about Remix? / Through Family/friends Flyer Poster
CH Website BPM Website School

Please send this form back to r Remix Academy, Colston Hall, Colston street, Bristol, BS1 5AR

Information for parents, CARERS and young pEOPLE

About Bristol Plays Music:

As you may know, Bristol Plays Music (and its Remix Academy) has an excellent record of running educational activities for young people. We choose venues that offer secure and friendly environments to run such courses. Your contribution to safety is vital. Please make sure you read this document and understand its contents.

  1. What security do we offer?

The Music Leaders and support staff are experienced in working with young people. The staff team responsible for your Young Person have valid DBS (previously CRB) checks and have been cleared to work with persons of all ages. All staff and Music Leaders have excellent records in working with children and young people.

At Colston Hall:

  • Box Office, in the Colston Hall Foyer, is located on the ground floor, by the Trenchard Street Entrance and is manned from 10am to 6pm during opening hours.
  • There will be a Duty Manager in the building at all times. This person can be contacted via the Box Office. They are responsible for responding to any customer and operational needs that arise and should be your main point of contact outside of the session.
  • The Remix Studios are located to the right of the old building (as you face it, on Colston Street), through the huge, red doors. Just follow the signs.
  • The Education Suite is located in the Colston Hall Foyer, on the Ground Floor, next to Box Office.
  • During all sessions, we keep outside doors locked so that nobody can access the spaces without being let in.
  • All young people, whether accompanied by an adult or not, should report to a member of the Bristol Plays Music team upon arrival and sign in.
  • Our staff will be easily identified by wearing branded t-shirts (either with Bristol Plays Music or Remix Academy on the front).
  1. Your contribution to safety:

We encourageparents and carers to put safety first.

  • Do not help people you do not know to enter our spaces. Direct them to Box Office.
  • Remix participants must sign in and out of sessions themselves. They should never leave the building without advising a member of staff. We cannot be held responsible for any young person if we have not been told they are leaving our spaces.
  • Report anything unusual to staff.

You can always approach us about any issues that cause worry, no matter how small.


Your key contacts Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm are:

BPM office at Colston Hall: 0117 204 7126 email

During session times the Remix Studios can be contacted on 0117 204 7159.

At all other times, the Colston Hall Box Office, can be contacted on 0844 887 1500. In anemergency, you can call the Duty Manager on 0755 112 5776.

Please have the numbers provided saved into your mobile phone and your Young Person’s mobile phone.

You need to make sure that we have:

  • Your mobile phone number/an additional emergency mobile number
  • Your Young Person’s mobile phone number

These, along with other details, should be clearly written on the registration form which you will have filled out before the first session.

  1. Behaviour Rules:

These rules apply to all sessions and performances including those not at Colston Hall.

We have a zero tolerance policy to:

  • All drugs (other than prescribed for medical purposes)
  • Under age drinking
  • Violence, bullying and disorderly behaviour
  • Theft and damage to property
  • Physical signs of affection inappropriate for an educational environment

Anyone found breaking the above rules will be asked to leave and may be subject to Police intervention or BPM suing for damages (if applicable). No refund will be given.

Out of Bounds

Young People are only permitted to be in the following places:

  • The Remix Studios
  • The Yard (area immediately outside of the Remix Studios)
  • Education Suite
  • Colston Hall Foyer building

Do not go into any unauthorized areas or climb any staircases to see where they lead. Access to the Remix Academy spaces is a privilege and Colston Hall will close the space if it finds that we have violated that privilege by accessing unauthorised areas. Anyone found in an out-of-bounds area will be subject to a warning.

Three strikes and out:

For general behaviour issues of a less severe nature such as rudeness and persistent lateness we operate on a ‘three strikes and out’ policy.

  1. Verbal warning and call to parents/carers.
  2. Written warning and call to parents/carers.
  3. We ask the parent/carer to take the Young Person home. No refund will be given.

Arriving late disrupts the session for everyone so please allow enough time for the journey. Thank You!

Remix Academy declaration

We are responsible for ensuring a positive learning environment, a high standard of tuition and a professional team. All young people will be responsibly looked after by us whilst in designated areas and behaving in an appropriate manner. The designated areas are defined under ‘Out of Bounds’. We define appropriate behaviour as following the rules as laid out in this document. We will take all reasonable steps to protect and look after your young person.

In order for us to achieve maximum safety conditions, we need you to agree to the following. Parents/carers are responsible for ensuring that the young people behave in an appropriate manner. We reserve the right to send anyone home that we consider to be behaving in an unacceptable way. You will not receive a refund.

Our staff do not expect to receive abuse of any kind for enforcing the rules. Please note disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.

Staff do not expect to be given false information. If you, or your young person, has a problem, please discuss it with a member of staff so then we can assist. We can’t help if we don’t know. In order to help us in our work, we would be grateful if you would take the time to make yourself/your young person aware of the rules and other information contained in this document.



Declaration Form:

Please sign below to indicate that you have understood the terms and conditions. Both the parent/carer and young people (11-17 yrs old) must sign this behaviour agreement.


It is important to make it very clear to your young person that you support our staff in every respect.

Although most young people find the Remix Academy to be an enjoyable and rewarding experience and come back year after year, it is an educational environment and rules pertaining to behaviour are a necessity.

Please be aware that in the case of illness or behavioural problems, parents/guardians or other person appointed by the parent/carer must be available to collect their young person.

Declaration by parent/carer

I have read the information for parents, carers and young people and fully understand its contents

and hereby give consent for (YP’s name) ………………………………………….to participate under the terms and conditions of this document and confirm they are medically fit to take part in Remix Academy activities.

  • I (parent/family member over 18yrs/carer) will collect my young person Tick box [ ]


  • I hereby give consent for my young person to travel independently to and from Colston Hall by themselves. Tick box [ ]

Parent/carer’s name…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Signed………………………………………..……………………..… Date………………………………..

Declaration by young person (11-17 yrs old)

I have read this letter and understand it. I agree to follow all the rules it contains.

Young person’s name…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Signed…………………………………………………………….……. Date…………………………………

*Please note this document also acts as permission to film and photograph your young person for documentation or publicity purposes. It also acts as permission to hold relevant information (contained in the registration form) for our own purposes only. We will never give out any of your details to a third party without getting your permission first.*

Please send this form back to r Remix Academy, Colston Hall, Colston street, Bristol, BS1 5AR