Treaty of Versailles- ANSWER SHEET

Directions: Choose an option from the Option Sheet and explain why you picked it.

A. BLAME- Who is to blame for the war?
B. COST OF WAR- Germany must pay-but how much?
D. ALLIED COLONIES- Colonies sent troops to fight. Should they be free and independent countries?
E. FRANCE- France wants German land lost in previous wars.
F. AUSTRO-HUNGARY-an ally of Germany. Should it be broken into 3 new countries (Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia)
G. ITALY- Italy wants Austro-Hungarian lands
H. CENTRAL POWER COLONIES- What should be done with them?
K. LEAGUE OF NATIONS-should we create it?

Treaty of Versailles- OPTION SHEET

Directions-Chose an option for each area and record it on your Answer sheet.

AREA OF CONCERN / OPTION 1 / Option 2 / Option 3
A. BLAME- Who is to blame for the war? / Germany / No one nation is blamed / Blame is shared equally
B. COST OF WAR- Germany must pay-but how much? / 2 billion dollars / 6.6 billion dollars / 24 billion dollars
C. GERMANY ARMY / Reduce to 100,000 troops and 10 ships / Reduce to 250,000 troops and 25 ships / Reduce to 500,000 troops and 50 ships
D. ALLIED COLONIES- Colonies send troops to fight. Should they be free and independent countries? / Allied Colonies become free nations / Allied colonies remain colonies / Allied colonies given to the League of Nations to manage
E. FRANCE- France wants German land lost in previous wars. / Lands returned to France / Germany allowed to keep lands / Lands placed under control of League of Nations
F. AUSTRO-HUNGARY-an ally of Germany. Should it be broken into 3 new countries (Austria, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia) / Break it up into 3 new countries / Keep Austro-Hungary as it. Do not split up. / Place under control of the League of Nations
G. ITALY- Italy wants Austro-Hungarian lands / Give lands to Italy / Let Austro-Hungary keep lands / Place under control of League of Nations
H. CENTRAL POWER COLONIES- What should be done with them? / Central Power colonies given to Allies / Central Power colonies allowed to become free nations / Central Power colonies given to League of Nations to manage
I. POLAND, FINLAND, ESTONIA, LATVIA, LITHUANIA - / To become free independent nations / Place under control of the League of Nations / Give it to the Russians
K. LEAGUE OF NATIONS-should we create it? / Yes, we need a League so Nations can talk out differences / No, a League won’t prevent wars