German ECONOMY Award in Slovenia 2018
»CORPORATE Social Responsibility 4.0«
Application form
Deadline for applications: 16 March2018
A. General Information about the Company
Name of company
AddressExecutive director
Contact person
(in case of furhter inquiries)
Telephone number / Number of employees
E-mail address / Year of establishment
Homepage / Registry number
(company, individuals)
Capital(share of Slovenian and Germancapital)
Sector:productionsectorwholesale sectorretail sector
service sector other
Brief company profile (products, services)Certificates:
The company already obtained the following certificates (please attach relevant copies):
The following certificates are still in progress (please attach relevant copies):
Not necessary for our products
Companies overall development
in€ / 2016 / 2017 (forecast) / Notes of the juryTurnover
Net profit / Net loss
Volume of export
Gross average salaries
B. CORPORATE Social Responsibility 4.0
The industrial (R)evolution will alongside innovation, value appreciation and competition change as well the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, Digitalization has a direct impact on a company's social responsibility concerning employment and affects the number of employees as well as the profile.Industry 4.0 is full of opportunities but it will also trigger many risks. Companies, which want to be successful in the long run, need to aim at a cost-efficient, social and environmental responsiblebehavior.
1.a) Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Please focus on the following questions:Is the social responsibility strategy integrated in the corporate strategy and how?Does the company own a system to examine the effectiveness of the social responsibility strategy?Which measures (economic, social, environmental) are taken to achieve the objectives of social responsibility? / Notes of the jury1.b) Corporate Social Responsibility 4.0
The focus should be on Industry 4.0 measures and solutions, which have been implemented and contributed to corporate social responsibility. (Please give examples of good practice, projects whichhad an impact on employment, motivation of employees and employee skills; Increase of a positive image among stakeholders and consumers; Development of new networks, business contacts, processes, ideas or products, optimization methods throughout the processes). / Notes of the jury2.)Special activities regarding the German-Slovene economic relations
Notes of the jury3.)Corporate Ethics
Please provide additional information that might simplify judges' overall assessment of your company. Areas of our interest are: customer service, communication, job creation and employment protection, corporate governance, etc. / Notes of the juryWhere did you get the information about the German Economy Award 2018 in Slovenia?
Official webpage of the German-SloveneChamber of Commerce and Industry(
Direct call up by the German-Slovene Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Informed by business partner
By signing this form, you will automatically confirm the correctness of the information provided above.
SignatureName, position
The German-Slovene chamber of commerce undertakes to keep provided information confidential. The infrmation will only be utilized to process the application and for the judges' decision, it will not be exposed to a third party.