Storyboard Template for Digital Stories Date: 12-16-2009
Student Name Amanda Walton & Andrea McCord ______
Project Name: “Shattered Dreams and Broken Promises due to Child Abuse”______
Description:This is the title of our video. We chose this title because this affects children so badly the feel like they have shattered dreams and broken promises.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll ______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose to put this picture at the beginning to introduce that the movie is about child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We liked this picture because this child looks scared and wants to tune out all the noise like most children do during abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.53______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose this picture because this picture matches the words of the song.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.67______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose this picture because it also matches the words of the song about a girl talking to her father.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 9.47______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We liked this picture because the little boy looks scared and wishes he was in another place.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.73______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We really liked this picture because it shows the results of abuse of the child.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We liked this picture because we thought it went good with the words of the song.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This statistic shows the death of children every day in the United States due to child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: The lyrics of our song talk about the bad things she had seen. The child in this picture looked as if she was hiding her eyes from the same thing.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This is a very moving photograph. As a child of abuse, you can see the pain in her eyes.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Wounds can be bandaged but as this picture shows there will be permanent emotional scars.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This line graph shows the number of deaths per day for every year.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: When you get hurt someone is there to comfort you and it’s all better but abuse hurts a lifetime.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: In this photograph you can actually see the physical abuse that has been done to the child.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: The child in this picture looks as if she was being abused and nobody has takes care of her.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose to point out this statistic in this part of the video because the next picture is of a teenage girl with a baby doll.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This is a very strong image because it shows a girl that has been beaten up very badly.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This image fits the lyrics of the song so we matched them together.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose this information because it shows what the future could hold for a child who is a victim of child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 6.97______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We matched this picture with the lyrics of the songs of where she is praying for the abuse to stop.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This photograph matches the lyrics to our song about how they pray for a happy family without abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: In this image this girl looks alone and timid._
Description: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll_____
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This is a very strong image because the girl knows that her dad is coming and she is about to get abused.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose to put this statistic in this part of the movie because it goes with the next clip.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 6.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We really liked this photograph because it shows that adults should be punished and not the children.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This picture shows the devastation in the children and how upset they are.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This picture shows the depression in the little girl and the colors show depression.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: These statistic shows that teens that are abused are at a greater chance of getting an STD by not practicing safe sex.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 6.50______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose this picture of a girl sitting in the bathroom floor after getting abused.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We feel that this picture is very moving because the girl is sad and it also shows statistics so it was a very good picture for this part of the song.
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s)______
Description: Some injuries are more extensive such as the injury shown. Child abuse can sometimes result in death.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description:This image is very strong. It shows a child with sad eyes.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Female prisoners statistic showing how many convicted criminals were abused as children.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Child abuse can be difficult to understand. It is important to inform children that it is NEVER okay for adults to hurt you.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: A child’s point of view of child abuse. _____
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Child abuse can be painful for children and adults.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: If only child abuse would stop with a simple “pretty please.”
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We really liked this image because it proves that children are getting hurt and that they want the adults to stop abusing them.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This photograph shows the physical abuse this child has been through and the bruises left on him.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We liked this image because it shows people actually trying to stop child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We added this poster so people will get the message to stop child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out
Description: We chose this picture because it fit with the lyrics of the song and to prove that child abuse can lead to death.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This picture was chosen because it shows the effects of what can happen due to child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This photograph matches the lyrics of the song so we felt like this would fit the video.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This picture shows a little baby and asks to stop child abuse. When you see this image you wonder who could hurt such a precious child.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We chose to put this poster in the video because we hung posters like this around our school to help educate the students and staff about child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We liked this image because of the sadness shown in his eyes from abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This image shows all the different things that can happen to children and how all these different things can lead to the death of a child.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: This is unfortunately the future for many victims of child abuse.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.)______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: The number to child abuse hotlines. ______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: We wanted to dedicate this video to all who have died at the hand of an abuser.
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Photo Credits. ______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 7.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Photo Credits. ______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 5.58______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Photo Credits.______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Photo Credits.______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Photo Credits. ______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______
Description: Photo Credits.______
Music: “Alyssa Lies” by Jason Michael Carroll______
Timing (secs.) 4.00______Effect(s): Fade Out______