Course Description and Outline
Contemporary World Issues and Civic Engagement is a one-semester elective course designed to acquaint students with current events of local, state, national, and international interest. Knowledge about and analysis of current events are vital elements in students’ educational development as they prepare for their roles as active citizens. This course allows students to acquire knowledge of key contemporary personalities and events that impact their lives. Daily and weekly news sources serve as primary references for organization of the content of this course.
Students will:
· Describe current news stories from various perspectives, including geographical, historical, political, social, and cultural.
· Compare the relationship of governments and economies to events occurring in specific nations.
· Compare civic responsibilities, individual rights, opportunities, and privileges of citizens of the United States to those of citizens of other nations.
· Analyze scientific and technological changes for their impact on the United States and the world.
· Analyze cultural elements, including language, art, music, literature, and belief systems, to determine how they facilitate global understanding or misunderstanding.
· Compare information presented through various media, including television, newspapers, magazines, journals, and the Internet.
· Identify strategies that facilitate public discussion on societal issues, including debating various positions, using a deliberative process, blogging, and presenting public forums.
· Organize a service-learning project, including research and implementation,that addresses an identified community or global issue having an impact on the quality of life of individuals and groups.
Williamson, Contemporary World Issues Syllabus Saraland High School / 2014-15Exams, Assignments, and Grading``
Exams: Tests are given at the end of each chapter completed. Tests are worth 100 points,
and are worth 60% of your total grade. In addition there will be a cumulative exam given at the
end of each semester weighted as 1/5th of your total grade. Grade scale: 100-90=A, 89-80=B,
79-70=C, 69-60=D, 59-0=E.
Notebook/News Journals: Students are required to keep notes on class discussions and
reading assignments. How you take notes is up to you. On occasion, I have allowed the use
of notes on exams.
Notebooks are worth 100 points. Points are awarded as
Class Participation: All students are expected to be present and on time to class. Once in
class, students are expected to have their materials and be focused on the lesson
Make Ups:
Make up tests be given only to those students who have an excused absence
Make up exams are to be taken within 3 days of returning to school. Please meet with me to discuss acceptable time for both parties.
Failure to make an appointment for a make-up exam will result in a zero for that test or quiz.
Make-ups are given for homework and journals only if the absence is excused by a doctor's note,
documented family emergency, or school approved activity. If you are absent on the day of your
essay or presentation is due, you must have the assignment delivered to me by 1 PM on the due
date. A letter grade will be deducted from papers or presentations turned in after class time on the
due date. Papers or presentations turned in a day late will have their final grade reduced by 50%.
Papers more than two days late will receive a zero.
I consider copying test papers, homework, plagiarism, and allowing others to copy your work
Required Materials
Must be brought to class unless told otherwise:
Notebook, Journal
Class Rules
Bring your material to class everyday
Be in your seat when tardy bell rings
Be prepared for class
Do not speak when teacher is speaking
Carry your load in a group assignment
Do not expect others to do all the work
No CELLPHONES are to be out of purses or book bags
Bring your agenda to class daily.
Be in Class everyday
Bring your agenda notebook to class daily. No hall passes will be provided without the agenda.
Be in uniform—with shirt tucked in
¨ Cell Phone Policy- Students are not allowed to have cell phones on their person during the taking of test in this class. Students will be asked to turn their phones off and place them in a basket. The cell phone will be returned after the classroom as a whole completes the test. If a cell phone is found on the student subsequent to the teacher asking for the phones to be turned in the teacher will assume the student has engaged in cheating on the assignment and a zero will be given.
Paper towels Lysol
Spray cleaner Kleenex
These items are used daily by the students and would be greatly appreciated
Parents are strongly encouraged to obtain the student’s PIN number from the office in order to remain informed of the student’s progress. The PIN number gives the parent/guardian access to the student’s grades at any time. In addition, the parent may contact me by email, , to discuss any concerns regarding the student’s grade.
I have reviewed the syllabus and what is expected of me and my student for Government/Economics at Saraland High School.
Parent Date