a]UTT/14/2133/DFO - Elms Farm, Church Road, StanstedCONDITIONAL
Details following outline application UTT/13/1959/OP - details ofAPPROVAL
landscaping, scale and appearance
b]UTT/14/2200/FUL - Fullers Almhouses, Church Road, StanstedCONDITIONAL
Proposed extension of existing apartment building to form 2 no.APPROVAL
additional dwellings and associated parking
c]UTT/14/3081/FUL - 44 Lower Street, StanstedCONDITIONAL
Change of use from bed and breakfast to residential dwellingAPPROVAL
d]UTT/14/3139/CLP - 9 Peachey Walk, StanstedAPPROVE CERT.
Proposed single storey extensionOF LAWFULNESS
e]UTT/14/3325/HHF - 58 Chapel Hill, StanstedCONDITIONAL
First floor and two-storey rear extensions; new pitched roof toAPPROVAL
front porch; relocation of window in west elevation; enlargement
of existing door opening to rear
f]UTT/14/3329/HHF - 3 High Lane, StanstedCONDITIONAL
Proposed single storey rear extensionAPPROVAL
g]UTT/14/3354/FUL - Stansted Castle & Toy Museum, Castle Walk,CONDITIONAL
Lower Street, StanstedAPPROVAL
Partial retention of existing structure and separation and alteration
to form detached garage/store
h]UTT/2376/LB - Bentfield House, Bentfield Bower, StanstedCONDITIONAL
Increase roof to side extension, render rear elevation of side extension,APPROVAL
replace windows and door and internal alterations
i]UTT/14/3060/HHF - 47 Mountfitchet Road, StanstedCONDITIONAL
Two storey side extensionAPPROVAL
j]UTT/14/3458/TEL - Stansted Sports Assoc. Cambridge Rd, StanstedPRIOR APPROVAL Replacement of existing pole and antennas with new pole and NOT REQUIRED
shrouded antennas, installation of 2 no. 300mm diameter dish
antennas, 3 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary development
k]UTT/14/3449/LB - The Garden House, Bentfield Place, Bentfield Rd.CONDITIONAL
Demolition of bungalow within the cartilage of a listed buildingAPPROVAL
1]UTT/14/3317/TCA - 3 Bentfield Road, StanstedTREE NO
Fell 1 no. Sycamore tree to ground levelOBJECTION
2]UTT/14/3359/TCA - 65 Chapel Hill, StanstedTREE NO
Reduce and reshape to 20% 1 no. Horse ChestnutOBJECTION
3]UTT/14/3467/TCA - 28 Bentfield End Causeway, StanstedTREES NO
Fell 1 no. multi-stem Ash tree, thin crown on 1 no. Cherry treeOBJECTIONS
and reshape; remove hedge between Ash and Cherry trees
1]ECC - Tot Lane, Birchanger, close of road from 26 January until 23 February while gas work
is carried out.
2]UTT/14/1384/FUL - Down Farm, Elsenham Road
Construction of 5 x 4 bedroom eco-friendly dwelling houses with associated car parking,
amenity space, landscaping and means of access
Appeal hearing on 5 February 2015, 10 am, being held in UDC Council offices