1. What about Special Checks?
It is our intention to limit the issuance of special checks as much as possible, knowing that they can never be totally eliminated. The Payroll Office will use its discretion in determining when a special check is warranted. The criteria will be much stricter than it has been previously. Payments not issued by special check will be included in the employee’s next regular paycheck.
2. Will there be a record of the ID of the person who reported hours in as there is now?
There will be a record of who last performed (saved) a time approval transaction. It will be shown on the report of time input for the period that each department will be able to print on an as required basis.
3. Will departments continue to receive the Employee Benefit Accrual Reports after the info is on their pay stubs?
The Employee Benefit Accrual Report will be discontinued. An on-line panel will show the leave time earned, taken, and available. Additionally, the leave time available will be shown for each employee on the Time Input Panel.
4. An office hires a student to begin 8/27/00 and the employment record number is 0 (first job for the student). A second office hires the same student for a job which begins 7/22/00 and is employment record number 1. Where would the employee’s paycheck go?
The check will always go to the location of the lowest active EMPL record. In the above example, that means the check will go to the job with the 8/27 start date.
5. In the case of one student working multiple jobs, will the check stub have the amount of hours worked next to the appropriate job, so any individual can see job #0 was paid “x” number of hours and job #1 was paid for “x” number of hours?
Only hours paid at different hourly rates will show separately on the paystub. All hours paid at the same rate will be combined.
6. Currently, we enter time to the tenth. The new system allows 2 decimal places – are we sticking with one or going to more?
Enter time to the second decimal place.
7. In the case of multiple jobs, how will overtime be calculated?
Overtime is calculated and charged by the system.
Overtime Calculated by System:
All hours are reported as worked, vacation, holiday, personal business, sick, etc.
The system will determine, based upon the University rules (see question #8), what is straight time and what is overtime.
The employee’s primary job will only be charged for the regular time and overtime worked in that job.
Any hours worked in a secondary job will be charged as straight time or overtime appropriately, and paid according to the rate in effect for the secondary job.
If an employee has more than one secondary job, any straight time or overtime will be proportionately split between the jobs.
Example 1:
Employee’s primary job is in General Accounting. Secondary job at Carrier Dome.
37.5 hours worked in General Accounting. 10 hours worked at Carrier Dome.
General Accounting will be charged for 37.5 hours at straight time at General Accounting rate.
Dome will be charged for 2.5 hours at straight time at the Dome rate, and 7.5 hours at 1.5 overtime at Dome rate.
Example 2:
Employee’s primary job is in General Accounting. Secondary jobs at Carrier Dome and in Parking Services.
42 hours worked in General Accounting. 10 hours worked at Carrier Dome. 5 hours worked as Parking attendant.
General Accounting will be charged for 37.5 hours at straight time at General Accounting rate, 2.5 hours at straight time overtime at the General Accounting rate, and 2 hours at 1.5 overtime at the General Accounting rate.
Dome will be charged for 10 hours (10/15x15) at 1.5 overtime at Dome rate.
Parking will be charged for 5 hours (5/15x15) at 1.5 overtime at Dome rate.
8. An employee has overtime and vacation during the same time period. Will the system know to only pay overtime if the employee was physically working more than 40 hours?
Effective September 1, 1998, all time worked and benefit time, with the exception of sick time, is included in the calculation of overtime. This applies to all hourly employees, union and non-union.
9. Do we need to enter time for Faculty/GA’s when they are absent?
Exception time entry into the Peoplesoft System is required for these groups. The appropriate Time Reporting codes are available on the Time Entry panel for the Faculty and GA’s. It is important to remember, that in the event of a Lost Time Accident/Injury (Worker's Comp situation) or an extended illness (more than 5 consecutive days), that the Risk Management Office and Human Resources must be notified.
10. If a weekly person works 37.5 hours working Saturday and Sunday and having Monday and Tuesday (or M, W or Th, M or whatever) off consistently, should that person be Exception or Positive time reporting?
They could be either. If Exception, you’d have to enter four exceptions every week (deleting the two weekdays they DIDN’T work and adding hours for Sat and Sun. If Positive, you’d have to enter hours for all five days. We suggest Positive – it’s a little more work, but less chance for overpayment.
11. What are the differences between Overload, Extra Services, and a Concurrent Job?
Both Extra Services and Overload are used for additional work done by exempt employees above and beyond their regular position. Extra Services payments and Overload payments are requested on a Request for Additional Pay form (RAP). A Concurrent Job is a job worked by an hourly employee in addition to another job they currently hold at SU. Concurrent jobs are given on a Job Action Notice (JAN).
12. Will there be a report to check if workstudy students have reached their maximum number of hours?
There will be an on-line panel to check if they have reached their AWARD limit. In addition, the same reports that are currently issued regarding workstudy students will continue to be issued.
13. How will the time for 60-159 (one-time appointments) be entered?
Time will be entered in the same way for all appointments. If the person is an exception time reporting employee, then only exception time need be entered. If a positive time reporting employee, then all time must be entered. A Job Action Notice (JAN) is used to set up appointments in PeopleSoft in order for time to be reported and the person to be paid.