Full file at Test-Bank-for-Life-The-science-of-Biolgy,-10th-Edition;-David-Sadava

Test File

to accompany

Life: The Science of Biology,Ninth Edition

Sadava • Hillis • Heller • Berenbaum

Chapter 1: Studying Life


(By Catherine Ueckert)

Multiple Choice

1.The basic structural and physiological unit of all living organisms is the






Answer: e

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 4

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

2.A cell

a.can be composed of many types of tissues.

b.is found only in plants and animals.

c.is the smallest entity studied by biologists.

d.may be a distinct entity or a building block of a more complex organism.

e.All of the above

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 4

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

3.Darwin noted that all populations have ______potential to grow, but that in nature most populations ______over time.

a.limited; are stable

b.unlimited; grow slowly

c.limited; fluctuate unpredictably

d.unlimited; are stable

e.limited; decrease slowly

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 5

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

4.A species consists of

a.all the organisms that live together in a particular area.

b.morphologically similar organisms that cannot interbreed.

c.morphologically similar organisms capable of interbreeding.

d.an adult organism and all of its offspring.

e.morphologically similar organisms that live in the same area.

Answer: c

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 5

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

5.Based on the large numbers of offspring produced by many organisms, Darwin proposed that mortality was high and only a few individuals survived to reproduce. He referred to the differential reproductive success of individuals with particular variations as


b.artificial selection.

c.the cell theory.

d.natural selection.

e.inheritance of acquired characteristics.

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 5

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

6.A key point in Darwin’s explanation of evolution is that

a.the biological structures most likely to be inherited are those that have become best suited to the environment through constant use.

b.all mutations that occur are those that will help future generations better fit into their environments.

c.any trait that confers even a small increase in the probability that its possessor will survive and reproduce will be strongly favored and will spread through the population.

d.genes change in order to help organisms cope with problems encountered within their environments.

e.extinction is nature’s way of weeding out undeserving organisms.

Answer: c

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 5

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

7.Which of the following statements is true?

a.The diversity of life has depended on similar environments and ecological communities throughout the globe.

b.Sexual selection and genetic drift contribute to the diversity of life.

c.Earth has existed and changed over a few thousand years, at most.

d.All ancestral forms of life were very similar to organisms that currently exist.

e.All organisms are genetically closely related.

Answer: b

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 5

Bloom’s Category: 4. Analyzing

8.All living organisms acquire ______from their environment.




d.heterotrophic nutrition

e.autotrophic nutrition

Answer: b

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 6

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

9.Which of the following represents a correct ordering of the levels of complexity at which life is studied, from most simple to most complex?

a.Cell, tissue, organ, organism, population, community

b.Community, population, organism, organ, tissue, cell

c.Cell, organ, tissue, organism, population, community

d.Cell, tissue, organ, population, organism, community

e.Tissue, organ, cell, population, organism, community

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 7

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

10.Yeasts can be used to study human cancer because yeasts and humans

a.share a genetic code.

b.are both prokaryotes.

c.have exactly the same genome.

d.have the same number of chromosomes.

e.None of the above; yeast cannot be used to study human cancer.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 8

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

11.A gene controlling human skin color was discovered in experiments with

a.fruit flies.



d.mustard plants.

e.sea urchins.

Answer: b

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 8

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

12.Earth is approximately ______years old.

a.4–5 billion

b.4–5 trillion

c.4–5 million


e.40–50 trillion

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 9

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

13.Scientists estimate that for more than ______years after cells originated, all organisms consisted of one cell.



c.2.5 million

d.2.5 billion

e.2.5 trillion

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 9–10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

14.Metabolism is

a.the consumption of energy only.

b.the release of energy only.

c.all conversions of matter and energy taking place in an organism.

d.the production of heat by chemical reactions.

e.the exchange of nutrients and waste products with the environment.

Answer: c

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

15.The initial accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere was the result of photosynthesis from an organism most like modern






Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

16.A prerequisite for the survival of life on land was the accumulation of

a.O2 in the atmosphere.

b.CO2 in the atmosphere.

c.water vapor in the atmosphere.

d.O3 in the atmosphere.

e.bacteria in the soil.

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

17.The chemical formula for ozone is





e.None of the above

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

18.Ozone is important to life on Earth because it

a.is toxic to all forms of life.

b.can be used in place of oxygen.

c.blocks much ultraviolet radiation.

d.provides energy to some basic forms of life.

e.acts as a disinfectant.

Answer: c

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10–11

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

19.Plants, fungi, and animals have evolved from


b.endosymbiotic bacteria.



e.inorganic molecules.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

20.Plants are

a.eukaryotic multicellular autotrophs.

b.eukaryotic unicellular autotrophs.

c.eukaryotic multicellular heterotrophs.

d.prokaryotic multicellular autotrophs.

e.prokaryotic unicellular heterotrophs.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

21.Biologists have organized the diversity of life into three domains based largely on

a.physical similarities.

b.ecological niches.

c.chronological order.

d.molecular data.

e.All of the above

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

22.Scientists group species on an evolutionary tree that is based on

a.the fossil record.

b.physical structures.

c.genomic sequencing.

d.All of the above

e.None of the above

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

23.The domain Eukarya includes all of the following except


b.the kingdom Plantae.

c.the kingdom Fungi.

d.the kingdom Animalia.


Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

24.A phylogenetic tree

a.shows evolutionary relationships.

b.relies on evidence from fossils, metabolic processes, and molecular analyses of genomes.

c.helps us understand the history and relationships of living organisms.

d.shows the order in which populations split and evolved into new species.

e.All of the above

Answer: e

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12–13

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

25.The branching patterns of the evolutionary tree of life are based on a rich array of evidence from


b.molecular evidence.

c.metabolic processes.

d.All of the above

e.None of the above

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12–13

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

26.Which of the following can result from a scientific investigation?

a.Proof of the hypothesis

b.Refinement of the experimental design

c.Formulation of new questions that result in additional experimentation

d.Repetition of statistical tests to verify results

e.Development of additional technologies to meet the needs of scientists

Answer: c

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

27.Which of the following is not a major step in the hypothetico-deductive method?

a.Controlling an environment

b.Making an observation

c.Forming a hypothesis

d.Making a prediction

e.Testing a prediction

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

28.After observing that fish live in clean water but not in polluted water, researchers state that “polluted water kills fish.” This statement is an example of

a.scientific inquiry.

b.biological evolution.

c.a prediction.

d.a hypothesis.

e.a theory.

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 3. Applying

29.The main purpose of any single experiment is to

a.obtain accurate quantitative measurements.

b.prove unambiguously that a particular hypothesis is correct.

c.avoid comparative analysis.

d.answer as many key questions as possible.

e.test a prediction that is based on a hypothesis.

Answer: e

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

30.Which of the following is not a feature of scientific hypotheses?

a.They are unable to be falsified.

b.They make predictions.

c.They are based on observations.

d.They can be tested by experimentation.

e.They can be tested by observational analysis.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 4. Analyzing

31.Which of the following statements about the scientific method is correct?

a.Deductive logic is used to make predictions from a hypothesis.

b.The most informative experiments are those that have the ability to show that a hypothesis is correct.

c.In a comparative experiment, a scientist compares groups that differ in a variable that has been manipulated in one of the groups and left unaltered in the other group.

d.Controlled experiments are valuable when we do not know or cannot control the critical variables.

e.A statistical test of a hypothesis starts with the premise that a significant difference exists between the groups in the study.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

32.The advantage of controlled experiments is that

a.all variables are held constant except for one.

b.the hypothesis is proven right.

c.patterns can be predicted.

d.investigations can be carried out in the field.

e.a massive amount of data can be synthesized.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 5. Evaluating

33.Which of the following statements is false?

a.Statistical methods are applied to data in order to calculate the likelihood that the null hypothesis is incorrect.

b.Statistical tests analyze variation and calculate the probability that observed differences in an experiment could be due to random variation.

c.Statistical tests can be used to evaluate both comparative and controlled experiments.

d.Scientists generally conclude that the differences they measure are true if the statistical tests show that the probability of error is 5 percent or lower.

e.The power of science derives from absolute dependence on evidence that comes from reproducible and quantifiable observations.

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14

Bloom’s Category: 4. Analyzing

34.Comparative experiments are designed to answer questions that require

a.observation and comparison rather than controlled variables.

b.experimental groups and control groups.

c.little or no data collection.

d.a final, definitive answer.

e.the collection of qualitative data.

Answer: a

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14–15

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

35.Which of the following statements represents a scientific point of view?

a.Earth was created by a supernatural force.

b.The positions of the sun, moon, and stars provide guidance for making decisions.

c.Inner strength comes from the beauty in nature.

d.Testing the effect of antibiotics on E. coli can help prevent deaths from food poisoning.

e.Meditation helps to solve problems.

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 14–15

Bloom’s Category: 3. Applying

36.Which of the following statements about the experiments of Tyrone Hayes on abnormalities of male frog sex organs is correct?

a.In a set of controlled experiments, he had to reject his hypothesis that atrazine was causing abnormalities in male frogs.

b.As a result of the comparative experiments, he formed a new hypothesis that snails were causing the limb deformities in the frogs.

c.The controlled experiments compared the effects of various atrazine concentrations on reproductive tissues.

d.He reasoned, by means of inductive logic, that if atrazine caused abnormal testes development, then such deformities could be caused simply by exposing developing tadpoles to various concentrations of atrazine.

e.The abnormality rate was proportional to the level of atrazine exposure.

Answer: c

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 15

Bloom’s Category: 4. Analyzing

37.Which of the following questions cannot be answered by means of the hypothetico-deductive method?

a.Are bees more attracted to red roses than to yellow roses?

b.Are red roses more beautiful than yellow roses?

c.Why are red roses red?

d.Do red roses bloom earlier than yellow roses?

e.Are red roses more susceptible to mildew than yellow roses?

Answer: b

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 15–16

Bloom’s Category: 3. Applying

38.Overfishing of the western bluefin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico breeding ground resulted in a serious decline in the population. Fishing quotas were established in the Gulf of Mexico to allow the endangered population to recover. Why did this policy fail to achieve the desired result?

a.The feeding grounds of the western bluefin are geographically separated from the feeding grounds of the eastern bluefin.

b.The breeding grounds of the western bluefin are geographically separated from the breeding grounds of the eastern bluefin.

c.Fisherman disregarded the policy.

d.Western and eastern populations of bluefin feed throughout the entire North Atlantic.

e.The policy was designed without advice and guidance from scientists.

Answer: d

Textbook Reference: 1.4 How Does Biology Influence Public Policy?

Page: 17–18

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

Fill in the Blank

1.Most living organisms consist of one or more ______, have changed or ______over time, and can regulate their ______environment.

Answer: cells; evolved; internal

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 3

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

2.______are structural, physiological, or behavioral traits that enhance an organism’s chance of survival and reproduction in its environment.

Answer: Adaptations

Textbook Reference: 1.1 What Is Biology?

Page: 6

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

3.The total chemical activity of a living organism is called its ______.

Answer: metabolism

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 7

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

4.Currently, scientists agree with the estimate that life first appeared approximately ______years ago.

Answer: 4 billion

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

5.Fatlike molecules were the critical ingredient in the enclosure of biological molecules in ______because these molecules are not ______in water and tend to form membrane-like ______.

Answer: membranes; soluble; films

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 10

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

6.The ability to use energy from sunlight to synthesize complex molecules is known as ______.

Answer: photosynthesis

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 11

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

7.About ______years ago, prokaryotes acquired the ability to photosynthesize.

Answer: 2.7 billion

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 11

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

8.Some organelles in eukaryotes can be described as ______within a cell.

Answer: cells

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 11

Bloom’s Category: 2. Understanding

9.In contrast to eukaryotic cells, prokaryotes lack discrete ______compartments.

Answer: intracellular

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 11

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

10.Single-celled organisms that lack discrete intracellular compartments belong to the two kingdoms: ______and ______.

Answer: Archaea; Bacteria

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

11.There are three domains used to categorize life forms that have evolved separately for about a billion years: ______, ______, and ______.

Answer: Archaea; Bacteria; Eukarya

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

12.Scientists who study evolution and classification of life’s diverse organisms are called ______.

Answer: systematists

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

13.A Pacific tree frog has the scientific nomenclature of Hyla regilla. This particular tree frog belongs to the genus ______.

Answer: Hyla

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 3. Applying

14.A ______tree shows the evolutionary relationships among species.

Answer: phylogenetic

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

15.Multicellular organisms that are photosynthetic belong to the kingdom ______.

Answer: Plantae

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

16.Fungi and animals both belong to the ______domain, and their cell structure is ______.

Answer: Eukarya; multicellular

Textbook Reference: 1.2 How Is All Life on Earth Related?

Page: 12

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

17.Scientific investigations are based above all on the processes of ______and ______.

Answer: observation; experimentation

Textbook Reference: 1.3 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?

Page: 13–14

Bloom’s Category: 1. Remembering

18.The ______hypothesis states that no difference exists due to the variable under investigation.