Biochemistry II, CHE 452
MW 11:00-12:45PM
Instructor:Dr. Sturm
Office Hours: TBA
Course Organization and Policies:
1.Prerequisites: (a) General Chemistry (1 year) and (b) Organic Chemistry w/ Laboratory (1 year or a 1 semester survey course) and (c) Biochemistry I (CHE 450).
2.Suggested Text: "Harper's Biochemistry", Murray; Granner; Mayes; Rodwell; Appleton & Lange; twenty-seventh edition, 2006; ISBN: 0071461973.
3.Lecture Notes: The lecture notes are available on-line, arranged via lecture topic, at: It is suggested that you bring a printed copy of the lecture notes with you to class to facilitate learning. Examination questions will be derived directly from lecture material so class attendance is essential to do well in this course.
4.Team Learning: As an adjunct to the lectures we will be engaged in a series of team learning activities, based on important pedagogical research described in Pedagogies of Engagement: Classroom-Based Practices. The major purpose of these team learning activities is to increase your mastery of course concepts as well as to provide you with an opportunity to practice developing collaborative skills that will be required for graduate and professional school.
Generally there will be 20-30 minutes of lecture at a time then each Learning Team will work on a set of objective based problems. Most of the team learning time should be spent in verbalizing solutions to problems and engaging in a dialogue designed to ensure that all team members understand not just the solutions to the problems but also the rationale and logic of each solution.
You must be present for 100% of the time that your group meets.
Everyone must contribute-no sandbaggers or dominators allowed.
You are responsible for one another-help each other out.
You can criticize an idea but not a person.
5.Daily Quizzes: There will be a 10 minute daily quiz beginning Wednesday, January 28th, 2009. There will be a total of 23 quizzes each worth 5 pts. The scores from 20 of these quizzes (100 pts) will be used in the calculation of your final grade.
6.Examinations: There will be three examinations (see syllabus for specific dates) each worth 100 points (300 total).
7.Presentations: Each Learning Team will give a 10-15 minute oral presentation on a current topic in biochemistry worth 100 points. Presentations will be scheduled on Monday, May 11th and Wednesday, May 13th and will take place during the regularly scheduled class periods. More information will follow.
8.Grading Criteria: Letter gradesare based on the following point distribution. Grades are criterion-referenced not norm-referenced; each student has an equal opportunity meet the criteria charted below:
Daily Quizzes=100 pts
Three Exams @100 pts=300 pts
Presentation=100 pts
Grade / Percentages / Grade / PercentagesA / 100-91 / A- / 90-89
B+ / 88-87 / B / 86-81
B- / 80-79 / C+ / 78-77
C / 76-71 / C- / 70-69
D+ / 68-67 / D / 66-60
F / 59-0
- Case Studies (CS) /Clinical Correlates: Related directly to the general biochemical principles being taught are intended to give "real-life" significance to the biochemistry experience and should be printed from the web site.
- Course Description:Metabolism of nitrogenous compounds, discussion of nucleic acid structure/function and metabolic control.
- Academic Integrity Statement: A university is a community of learners bonded together by the search for knowledge; the pursuit of personal, social, cultural, physical, and intellectual development; and the desire for the liberating effects of an advanced education. California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) has a culture--an academic culture--shared with other universities and colleges across the nation. Integral to that culture is a set of values such as academic freedom, dedication to teaching and learning, diversity, civility toward others, and academic integrity. Academic integrity is of central importance in the university community and involves committed allegiance to the values, the principles, and the code of behavior held to be central in that community. Integrity concerns honesty and implies being truthful, fair, and free from lies, fraud and deceit.
- Disabled Student Services:CSUDH adheres to the American with Disabilities Act with respect to providing reasonable accommodations for students with temporary or permanent disabilities. To receive accommodations, students with disabilities must register with Disabled Student Services. For more information, please contact their office in Welch Hall B250 at (310) 243-3660 or (310) 243-2028.