Minutes of the leigh PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held in the Small Hall,
High Street, Leigh on Monday 7TH OCTOBER 2013 at 8.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr. C. Stratton-Brown (Chairman), Cllr D. Bennie, Cllr P. Croft, Cllr B. Doherty, Cllr A. Johnston, Cllr J. Knock, Cllr G. Marchant, Cllr S. Smith and Cllr R. Swallow
APOLOGIES: PCSO Dave O’Neil, District Cllr Cook and County Cllr Pearman
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and public
Open Session
Mr Richard Myers, the Sevenoaks representative of the West Kent Neighbourhood Watch Association, attended the Open Session in order to give an overview of the scheme. Mr Myers said that the West Kent Neighbourhood Watch Association is made up of the following four district/borough councils: Sevenoaks, Tonbridge & Malling, Tunbridge Wells and Maidstone, and there are 2,400 Neighbourhood Watch schemes in Kent, with one third being in the West Kent area. The WKNWA has produced new overlays to cover old signs, which are much more striking. Mr Myers urged everyone to sign up to the e-watch newsletter which lists crime incidents and notifications from the Police, Fire & Rescue, Ambulance Service etc. Various items are available to members of the public which deter thieves, such as door stickers, purse chains, marker pens, Selecta DNA kits (which costs £15 and can mark up to 400 items). The WKNWA works closely with the North West Kent Crime Prevention Panel, who travel the area giving advice on safety, see www. nwkcpp.org.uk. Mr Myers undertook to contact the co-ordinators of schemes in the Leigh parish and ask them to make contact with the Clerk so that the Parish Council can build an overview of the schemes currently in operation in the parish, and to highlight areas where it may be beneficial to start a scheme.
Cllr Stratton-Brown thanked Mr Myers very much for sparing the time to attend the meeting, and members agreed that the talk was most interesting.
Questions from members of the public
Mr Chris Rowley said that he has received a letter from Ashill Developments regarding the GSK site and he has arranged a meeting with them to discuss the historical aspects of the site. Mr Rowley also advised that he has been in contact with KCC regarding the proposed permissive path at Paul’s Hill. KCC has said that if, at a local level, approval could be sought from the Penshurst Estate then the process would be a lot quicker. Members agreed to meet on site to discuss the exact route, and members were happy for Mr Rowley to approach the Penshurst Estate in this regard. Mr Rowley also asked if there is anywhere that the Historical Society archives could be stored? Members agreed to give it consideration.
Report by District Cllr Cook
The Clerk reported that District Cllr Cook has advised that, during development at Hollow Trees Drive, the contractor has concreted over the ditch. D.Cllr Cook has spoken to Nicola Clinch at SDC and it is hoped that the developer will be asked to reinstate the ditch all the way down. Nicola Clinch was also concerned about a couple of oak trees on the site, and has asked Les Jones to have a look.
Report by County Cllr Pearman
The Clerk reported that an email update has been received from County Cllr Pearman, please see correspondence.
Closed Session
77. Apologies for absence were received from District Cllr Cook, County Cllr Pearman and PCSO Dave O’Neil.
78. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non-Pecuniary Interest in respect of matters to be discussed
Cllr Croft declared an DPI in item 85(vi) the application for tree works at Kennards, and also a DPI in item 85(i) maintenance contract for work on The Green.
79. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2013 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Marchant, seconded by Cllr Johnston, and all were in favour.
80. To report on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda – none.
81. Planning
i. to consider applications received
SE/13/02524/LDCEX: Stidolphs Old Farmhouse, Eggpie Lane, Weald TN14 6NP (small part in Leigh parish) - retention of the use of barn as a self-contained independent dwelling for the period in excess of 4 years. Members reluctantly objected to this application, preferring to see the dwelling linked to the main house.
ii. notification of planning decisions:
SE/13/02107/FUL: Oak Tree Cottage, Powder Mill Lane, Leigh – demolition of existing dwelling with the erection of two new detached dwellings. Application withdrawn.
iii. To discuss the outline application for development on the GSK site, Powder Mills
Cllr Stratton-Brown reported that a meeting has been arranged with Ashill Developments at 8pm on Wednesday 16th October in the Large Village Hall. Members of the Parish Council and the GSK working party have been invited. Unfortunately, representatives from Hildenborough Parish Council are unable to attend, but the Clerk has suggested that they hold their own meeting with the developers. Members asked whether it would be possible for those that couldn’t attend the meeting on the 16th October join the meeting with Hildenborough Parish Council. Clerk to ask SDC whether the Parish Council will have an opportunity to view and comment on the Demolition Traffic Management Plan, and asked whether the demolition will include Building 12 on the site. There was concern about the potential number of vehicles accessing the site during demolition.
iv. To hear update regarding the Sevenoaks Boxing Club judicial review
The Clerk reported that D.Cllr Cook has advised that the judicial review was refused and the decision went in favour of SDC to show that there were no procedural errors made whilst dealing with this application.
82. To hear update regarding the verge cutting contract 2013
The Clerk advised that the second swathe cut will be done before 15th October, and the contractor has asked whether the parishes would mind if they cut on a Sunday. Members had no objection to the Sunday working, but were disappointed that the second swathe cut has not yet been done.
83. To hear report of the Summer Family Fun Play Scheme
The Clerk reported that the attendance figures have now been received for the summer play scheme. Leigh’s event was held on Friday 23rd August, and 163 children registered on the day. Overall, 2,493 people registered at the 30 sessions provided in 19 sites across the Sevenoaks district, and many people came along to more than one event.
84. To hear update regarding the permissive path request at Knotley Hall
The Clerk reported that David Munn at KCC has today received the signed agreements which will need to be sealed by their legal department and returned to Lambert and Foster, and then the contractor will be instructed and the work will commence. David hopes that the path will be open within the month. A resident of Knotley Hall has asked again if the speed limit could be reduced from 60mph, and when the path is in use, there may be more weight that could be added to this request as children will be crossing the road. Clerk to ask KCC whether there will be any pedestrians crossing warning signs.
85. Environment
i. To consider contracts for maintenance of The Green and other areas
The Clerk reported that Peter Croft Garden Services have provided the following details:
§ Cut Church & Vicarage Green: 2.50 hrs £54 per cut
§ Strim and cut Charcott Green: 1.25 hrs £30 per cut
§ Cut Well Close 0.50 hrs £12 per cut
§ Strim and cut Jessica’s Hall and Village Green 1.50 hrs £19 per cut
§ Cut Chapel Burial Ground 1.25 hrs £30 per cut
§ Cut War Memorial Green 0.25 hrs £7.50 per cut
If the Parish Council want collection and disposal of grass cuttings, there would be an additional cost per combined cut as above of £136.
Cllr Croft took no part of the discussion and vote. Members were very satisfied with the standard of work carried out by Peter Croft Garden Services and approved the costs as above. However, members did not wish to incur the additional cost of collecting and disposing of the grass cuttings, it would be preferable to spend any additional money on additional cuts, depending upon the weather. If the grass is cut more often, there are less grass cuttings.
ii. To consider how the surface of The Green could be improved
Cllr Swallow reported that he has arranged a meeting with Simon Kidd from Landscape Services at 10am on Friday 11th October to discuss the drainage and soil quality of the pitches on The Green. Derek Furneaux will also attend the meeting to represent the Football Club. Cllr Swallow has asked the Cricket Club for a breakdown of costs that are charged to the Football Club; this is an annual fee and not per game, so if only a few games are played on the pitch, the cost per game is high. Cllr Swallow is in the process of arranging a meeting with representatives from all the village clubs as each club has challenges such as funding or membership, and there may be benefits in working together.
iii. To hear update regarding the application to fell an oak tree at Onival, Powdermills Lane
The Clerk reported that the application to fell the tree has been approved by SDC. Les Jones, the Arboricultural and Landscape Officer at SDC, said that he has considered all the reports included in the application and is satisfied with the insurer’s argument against the use of a root barrier and his concerns about leaking drains being connected to the damage. One final issue has not been fully answered, and that is the issue of a neighbouring oak tree who’s roots could be growing into the grounds of the property and it could be these roots causing the damage. The roots found are too small for DNA testing and it would be virtually impossible to differentiate and be sure which tree roots are causing the damage but on the balance of probabilities Les Jones suspects that it is the roots from this tree in the garden of Onival. The Clerk asked Les Jones for clarification and he said “The application is to fell the tree which has now been consented to. There is a condition to replant a new tree, which will take on the current TPO and be protected by it. The current TPO will therefore remain in force and continue to protect the replacement tree.” The Clerk also reported that the resident has said that he will now wait to hear from the insurance company to discuss it further.
iv. To hear update regarding the felling of the Horse Chestnut tree on The Green
The Clerk reported that a tree specialist was asked to look at this tree, which is positioned on The Green at the junction of Powder Mills Lane and The High Street. The specialist’s recommendation was that the tree should be felled as soon as possible, as it is in a position where, if it fell suddenly, it could cause a nasty accident. There is fungal growth at the base and significant decay and cavities in the tree, which suggests that it's dead or dying. The Clerk reported that she wrote to SDC requesting permission to fell the tree, and approval was given with the advice that the tree should be removed as soon as possible. The Clerk obtained three quotes:
1. Contractor A: to remove tree to as close to ground as possible, removing all wood and debris: £960. To grind stump, raking mulch back into hole: £320
2. Contractor B: to remove tree to as close to ground as possible, removing all wood and debris: £990. To grind stump, raking mulch back into hole: £150
3. Contractor C: to remove tree to as close to ground as possible, removing all wood and debris and to grind stump, raking mulch back into hole: £600
All prices are exclusive of VAT.
Cllr Knock proposed that retrospective approval be given to Contractor C, Richard Enderby at RWE, being the lowest price. This was seconded by Cllr Stratton-Brown and all were in favour.
v. To agree a tree re-planting scheme on The Green
The Clerk reported that Les Jones’s recommendation is that five new oak trees are planted on The Green, and a trio of trees at the site of the felled Horse Chestnut. Members agreed to re-plant one tree to replace the fallen Horse Chestnut, and Clerk to contact Kent Men of the Trees for advice on the species.
vi. Applications for Tree Works
i. SE/13/02643/WTCA: Kennards, Hildenborough Road, Leigh TN11 8RE – reduce yew tree to approximately 2m. above adjacent conifer; reduce leylandii to the right of this to match; reduce lateral spread of yew tree to approximately two thirds, and trim face of leylandii back as hard as possible. Cllr Croft declared a DPI and took no part in the discussion or vote. Members had no objections to these works.
ii. SE/13/02050/WTPO: West Cottage, High Street, Leigh TN11 8RL – crown and thin 1 copper sycamore tree by 25% (TPO). Members had no objections to these works.
vii. Cllr Doherty said that the visibility is very poor for pedestrians wishing to cross the road from The Green towards the Church, and vegetation needs cutting back. Clerk to ask Highways whether the visibility is adequate and, if it is not, Clerk to contact the residents.
86. Highways update
i. To consider what action can be taken to improve the sound barriers on the A21
The Clerk advised that she is waiting to speak to Highways on this matter, and will report further next month.
ii. To consider what action can be taken to improve safety at the junction of High Street & Lower Green
The Clerk reported that she has not heard further from County Cllr Pearman on what steps he has taken to improve the safety on this junction, and she is also waiting to hear back from Highways.