Using Key Words
What is it?
It is making a list of the words that will help you find the information you need about your research topic. They are called "key words" because they can "unlock" the doors that will lead you to usefulinformation.
When will I use them?
You will use them when searching through books (using indexes) and through electronic sources (using search screensin online reference sources orsearch tools such as search engines or directories).
Why do I need to do it?
If you have good key words, you'll find the kind of information you want faster. If you don't have good key words, you can waste a lot of time not finding the information you need.
What are "good key words"?
Good key words are the important words or short phrases that specifically describe your topic and closely related topics. They are not long sentences.
When do I list them?
Start as soon as you have a general topic. You will be able to add more key words to your list as you focus and learn more about your topic.
How do I list them?
1. First, write one or two sentences about your topic, or use your research questions.
2. Next, underline all of the specific words that describe your topic.
3. Make a separate list of these specific words.
4. Add to your list any other words that mean the same thing (synonyms) or are related terms.
5. Think of more words or phrases that describe the larger topic, of which your topic is a part. Add those to the list.
Now you should have a pretty long list of words and phrases that you can use to search for information. If one word isn't in a book'sindex or doesn't turn up anyresults on an electronic search, try another word or a combination of words.
Let’s say my topic is the ocean, specifically something about ocean mammals like whales or dolphins.
1. Write a sentence about your topic:
How do ocean mammals,such aswhales or dolphins, survive in the water?
2. Pull out the key words and phrases in the sentences above and list them separately:
ocean mammal
3. Now start expanding the list with related terms and synonyms:
ocean--> sea-->marine
mammals --> warm-blooded animals
ocean mammal --> marine mammal
whales --> cetaceans
dolphins --> porpoises
4. Are there any larger categories that might lead you to information?
ocean mammal --> ocean life, marine life, mammals, animals
5. Are there any words or phrases that are more specific?
whales --> blue whale, killer whale, humpback whale
dolphins --> bottle nose dolphin
6. Now I have a beginning list of key words and phrases to begin searching for information. I can put them in order like this:
Synonyms and Related Termsocean
ocean mammal
marine mammal
dolphins porpoises / Larger Categories
ocean life
marine life
Smaller Categories
blue whale
killer whale
humpback whale
bottle nose dolphin
7. Leave yourself room on the chart to add more key words and phrases as you discover them in your searching.