(Yellow) / Focal agencies/Persons
(Blue) / TA Needed
(White) / Timeline
(Pink) / Other concerns, resources needed, etc.
I. Creation of the municipal PMC
Briefing with LCE and the Municipal Development Council on PMC creation and composition / DILG (member of Regional PMC) / Manual of Operations of RPMES (legal mandate, composition of team, roles and responsibilities, etc.) / Regular MDC meeting:
Mapanas (3 may 2012)
Bobon (25 April 2012) / Multi-sectoral representation
MDC Resolution on PMC Creation / MDC/MPDC Secretariat / None / May-June 2012
MDC Resolution on PMC membership Nomination / MDC/MPDC Secretariat / None / May-June 2012
Issuance of Executive Order on creation of PMC / Local Chief Executive (Mayor) / None / May-June 2012
Issuance of Special Order on Appointment of PMC members / Local Chief Executive (Mayor) / None / May-June 2012
II. PMC Organization and Action Planning
Orientation of PMC members / DILG, DBM, NEDA (Region VIII) / Municipal Project Monitoring and Evaluation System (MPMES) / July 2012
Prepare work and financial plan of PMC / Municipal PMC / July 2012
III. Development Localized RPMES Manual of Operations
Training on formulation of MPMES manual / DILG, DBM, NEDA (Region VIII) / Formulation of “Localized” MPMES Manual (with support from provincial offices) / August 2012 / Funding support (activities not included in 2012 AIP and budget)
Pilot testing of manual and tools / Municipal PMC / October 2012
Revision / Finalization of manual / Municipal PMC / November 2012
IV. Start of PMS M&E and reporting
Municipal PMC / 1st Quarter 2013
General concerns:
1. Resolution of conflicting data from CSO, LGU data
2. Monitoring equipment
3. Outcome monitoring
4. Process documentation (positive and negative experiences, lessons learned)
Decentralized Monitoring Workshop - 12 April 2012
Group: Region VIII (Northern Samar)
- Mapanas LGU
- Bobon LGU
- Provincial PDO
- NEDA National