Stepping Stones Recovery Center
MEMORANDUM – Intake Introduction
TO:All Referral Professionals
FROM:Intake Coordinator
Stepping Stones Recovery Center
Phone: (907) 569-0097
Fax:(907) 569-0098
Thank you for your interest in Stepping Stones Recovery Center, part of Akeela, Inc.
A completed packetis to include all documents listed on the INTAKE CHECKLIST.
Please fax or email completed packets to the Stepping Stones Intake Coordinator at number above.
There are more applications than available beds for treatment. A wait list is maintained for applicants who are approved for admission until beds are available. (See below for information on priority admission criteria.)
Stepping Stones Recovery Center admission policies include Priority Admission Criteria. Applicants who meet any of the Priority Admission Criteria will have priority over other individuals on the Wait List (per State of Alaska Wait List Protocol). Please see Intake Form for the complete list of criteria.
It is long-standing policy for Akeela treatment programsthat persons with criminal charges that have not yet been adjudicated (pre-sentence) are ineligible for admission.
Please inform the applicant that submitting the application package does not mean acceptance into the Stepping Stones treatment program. After submitting a completed packet, an interview with the Intake Coordinator may be required, the interview may be either in person or by telephone. The admission process includes treatment team review of completed intake packets.
Also please inform the applicantthat after submitting a completed Intake packet, the applicant will need to have contact with the Intake Coordinator. If the applicant does not have a phone or a reliable contact phone number, the applicant will take the initiative to contact theIntake Coordinator at Stepping Stones on a regular basis. If you require further information, please contact the Intake Coordinator at numbers above.
Stepping Stones Recovery Center
A completed intake packet is to include the following 6 items:
1) / Intake Form (Page 3 - 6)2) / Medical, TB, Medication Self-Administration Form (Page 8-10) All forms must to be filled out by a Health Care Provider. Medication self-administration form must be completed prior to admission; Medical and TB forms preferred completion within past 30 days, mandatory completion within 14 days of program admission(Upon program approval, you may be placed on a waitlist).
3) / Behavioral Health Assessment
Contact (907)433-7080 to schedule an assessment date and time. Assessment has to be completed within past six months. Comprehensive Biopsychosocial Substance Abuse and Mental Health evaluation to include DSM--5 and ASAM-3rd edition diagnoses with treatment recommendations requiring level 3.5 level of care — must be completed within the past 6 months.
5) / Releases of Information (ROI) {Page 11-12 (examples) – Page 13 (blank form) }
Include a separate signed ROI for each of the parties involved in the applicant’s case, i.e., physician, attorney, parole officer, counselor, OCS, etc. A separate ROI is required for each person, each agency and each person at each agency.
Children Profile ( Page 14 - 16)
6) / If on probation or parole, copy of the Presentence Report
After all six boxes are checked above,
Fax all the above completed paperwork to Stepping Stones Intake at (907) 569-0097.
You may also scan and email your application to
Or mail to Stepping Stones Intake, 360 West Benson, Anchorage, AK 99503
Thank you,
Intake Coordinator, Stepping Stones Recovery Center
Phone: (907) 569-0097
Fax:(907) 569-0098
Stepping Stones Recovery Center
This form is to be completed by the referral agency and applicant together. Please be as specific as possible as incomplete information will slow admission process.
Referring Individual Name: ______
Referring Agency Name: ______
Mailing Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Phone Number: ______Fax Number: ______
Will the client be returning to you after treatment? Yes No
If No, what counselor will provide follow-up care: ______
Applicant Personal Information:
Name: ______
Birth date: ______Age: ____Social Security Number ______
Medicaid Number: ______State ID Number ______
Mailing Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Can we leave a message at this phone?
Home Phone: ______Yes No
Work Phone: ______Yes No
Other Contact Phone: ______Yes No
Race: (Please circle all that apply) Aleut American Indian Asian Athabascan Black/African American Caucasian Haida Inupiat Native Hawaiian
Other Alaska Native Pacific Islander Tlingit
TsimshianYupikOther: ______
Ethnicity: (circle one) Not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino/Mexican Chicano/Other Hispanic Cuban Hispanic specific origin not specified Mexican American
Spanish/Hispanic Latino Puerto Rican
Doyou have any applicable special needs: (Circle all that apply)
NoneUnknownOther Visual Impairment/Blind TBI Severe Hearing Loss/Deaf Autism Developmentally Disabled Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder Organically Based Problem
Moderate to Severe Medical ProblemsMajor Difficulty in Ambulation/Non Ambulatory
English Fluency:(Circle one)ExcellentGood Moderate PoorNone
Interpreter Needed: Yes No
Primary Language: EnglishOther:______
Education:HS DiplomaGEDBA/BS DegreeAA DegreeMaster’s Degree
Vocational Training: ______
Highest Grade Completed: ______
Military Status:
Never in MilitaryReserves/National Guard Active Duty Retired Veteran Combat
Discharge Type: Honorable General Medical Less than Honorable
Presenting problems in own words (what brings you here?): ______
If female, are you pregnant? YesNoIf Yes, what is your due date: ______
Have you ever Injected Drugs? YesNo
Do you use tobacco: Yes No What type: (Cigarettes/ Cigars/ Smokeless/ Pipe)
Are you participating in Opioid Replacement Therapy Yes No
Number of prior substance use disorder treatment admissions: ______
Number of Non-TX SA related hospitalization in past 6 months: ______
Number of Non-TX SA related hospitalization in past 6 months: ______
Number of prior Mental Health Hospitalizations: ______
Number of times you have participated in a Self-Help group in the last 30 days:______
Please describe your Health Status (Circle one): ExcellentGood FairPoor
Do You have an Identified Mental Health Problem? Yes NoType: ______
Are You currently on psychotropic medication? Yes No Name: ______
Do you receive Public assistance and/or food stamps Yes No
Do you receive WIC or other supplemental nutritional resources? Yes No
Employment Status:
Employed Full TimeNot in Labor Force, InmateRetired Student Employed Part Time Not in Labor Force, Not Seeking Work Seasonal in season Disabled Homemaker Not in Labor Force, Subsistence Seasonal, out of season Unemployed, seeking work Unemployed, not seeking work
Not in Labor Force: Other: ______
List your profession/work/experience/skills/trade
Professional/ManagerialService/HouseholdCrafts/OperativesFarm Owner/Laborer Sales Laborer/Not farm
Annual Household Income: (Circle one)
0-999 1,000-4,9995, 000- 9,999 10,000-19,999 20,000-29,000 20,000-29,000 30,000-39,000 40,000-49,000
50,000-59,000 60,000+
Please identify you primary source of income (Circle One)
NoneTribal Assistance ProgramAK Native Corporation Dividend Public Assistance/Welfare Alimony
Alaska PFDChild Support Parent’s Income Employment Interest and Other Social Security Social Security Disability Self Employed Railroad Retirement Unemployment Compensation Spouse/Significant other Retirement/Survivor/Disability Pension Supplemental Security Insurance Other
Marital status (Circle one):
Co-habitatingDivorcedMarriedNever Married/SingleSeparated
No ResponseNot CollectedUnknownWidowed
Living Arrangements: (Circle One)
Assisted LivingCorrection Detention FacilityCrisis ResidenceFoster Care Group Home Halfway House Homeless Shelter Residential Treatment Therapeutic Foster Care Transitional Housing Unknown Hospital for Psychiatric purposes Nursing Home Private Residence with supportive services Private Residence without supportive services Other
Household Composition: (Circle One)
Lives AloneLives with AdolescentsLives with Children
Lives with Non-Relatives Lives with RelativesLives with Significant Other Lives with Significant Other and Children Other
Number of People Living with You: ______Number of Children: ______
Number of Children in Residential Setting Receiving Services ______
Number of legal dependents ______
Legal Status: None/No Involvement 180 Day Commitment 30 Day Commitment
90 Commitment Case PendingCommunity Sentencing Deferred Prosecution Informal Probation Emergency Commitment Incarcerated Office of Children's Services Probation/Parole Court ordered for observation and evaluation Court ordered for mental health treatment Court ordered juvenile (INT), DJJ Custody Court ordered for alcohol treatment
Title 12-Not Guilty by reason of InsanityCourt ordered juvenile (INT) Parents Retain Custody
Number of Arrests in the past 30 days: ______
Priority Admission Criteria: Check all that apply:
Pregnant Woman.
Injection Drug User (IV Drug User).
Imminent danger to self or others and repeated use of treatment resources, that is, has continuous or multiple prior substance abuse treatment placements.
On DOC Furlough.
HIV/AIDS Positive.
Women with Children (with or without OCS custody or OCS supervision.)
Have co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorder diagnoses.
Referrals from Alcohol Safety Action Program, or Therapeutic Courts, or API.
Stepping Stones Recovery Center
In order to be admitted into the program, you must be well enough to participate in the program. If you arrive under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or in withdrawal requiring clinical intervention, you will be referred to an appropriate detoxification setting before treatment.
Stepping Stones is not responsible for your transportation or any other personal costs you may incur (e.g., approved medications) while in treatment.
Please bring required medications. Medications must be in the original prescription bottle with the original prescribed information and may not be mixed in with other medications.
Treatment fees will be determined using a sliding fee scale appropriate to the client’s income and family status utilizing the federal poverty guidelines.
I agree that the information provided by me in development of the Behavioral Health assessment, history and physical, and other intake paperwork is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
I have signed an enclosed Release of Information to obtain further information that is necessary to determine my suitability for treatment and/or to confirm I will be reporting for treatment at Stepping Stones Recovery Center as scheduled.
I have also signed a Release of Information, which authorizes my physician to release to Stepping StonesRecovery Center, medical information which is required to assess my suitability for acceptance and admittance into the residential treatment program.
Other Releases of Information may also be required from other agencies (DOC, Courts, OCS, etc.) should also be signed for a comprehensive understanding of your appropriateness for our program.
I have read and agree to the enclosed “Resident Information and Responsibilities.”
Applicant’s Signature______Date______
Medical Clearance Form
The following medical information form must be completed by a health care provider in order to participate in AKEELA Residential Treatment Program.
Does this patient require detoxification prior to entering treatment? □ NO □ YES
Does this patient have any physical impairments/limitations? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please explain: ______
Does this patient have any communicable diseases? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please explain:
If applicable, is this patient pregnant? □ NO □ YES- ______
Vital Signs
This patient has been medically evaluated and cleared to participate in residential treatment which may include groups and other activities up to 8 or more hours per day. □ NO □ YES
If NO, please explain:
Is this patient in psychiatric crisis? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please explain:
Has this patient reported any recent suicidal ideation or homicidal ideation? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please explain:
Does this patient have a regular Primary Care Provider? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please list:
Does this patient have a regular Mental Health Provider? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please list:
Signature of Physician / PA / ANPDate:
Name of Clinic: ______
Medical Clearance for Self-Administration of Medication
Name of Medication / Prescribed By / Dosage / RouteIf the patient is prescribed addictive or narcotic medications are there non-narcotic alternatives? □ NO □ YES
If YES, please list: ______
RE: Medical Clearance for Self-Administration of Medication
- The person listed below is requesting substance use disorder treatment at a residential treatment program of Akeela, Inc. The residential treatment program does not administer medications, but instead safely stores medications so that clients can then take their own medication (self-administration) as prescribed by their prescriber.
- In keeping with regulations by the State of Alaska, persons entering residential treatment in which clients take their own medication require a medical clearance from a physician, PA or ANP that states the client is capable of self-administration of medication prescribed.
- If you have questions, please call specific Stepping Stones Program Manager at
(907)569-0097. Or please call Akeela Chief Clinical Officer at 907-565-1200.
Name of Client: ______
DOB: ______
The person named above is capable of self-administration of medication prescribed.
Signature of Physician / PA / ANPDate:
Name of Clinic: ______
Clinic Office Phone Number: ______
Date: ______
I, ____Jane Doe______DOB: 01/02/19**PHONE #: ___907-222-2222__ hereby request/authorize records:
TO/FROM: __John Doe/ OCS______123 Lala Street, Apt#4______Anchorage, AK 99508___ be sent to/from:
Name of Person/Agency AddressCity, State, Zip Code
TO/FROM: ____Akeela Inc._____360 W. Benson Blvd ______Anchorage, AK _99508___
Name of Person/AgencyAddressCity, State, Zip Code
How are records/information to be delivered: (initial all that apply) 907-222-2222
JD / FAX: (Number) / JD / ELECTRONIC (EMAIL)*: / JD / VERBAL / JD / MAIL / JD / I will pick-up records / JD / Exchange Information between parties*Email is not considered to be as secure as other means of delivery and should be carefully considered prior to authorization.
For care received from ____Intake to ___Discharge____
Initial all that apply:
JD / Admission Assessment / Transfer/Discharge Summary / Progress NotesTreatment Plan/Updates / Attendance / JD / Leave Message for client to contact agency
UA Results / JD / Client Presence in Treatment
Other(Please specify):
The purpose of the release of this information is (Initial all that apply):
Sharing with other health care providers / My personal records / LegalCoordination of Care / Further Treatment
JD / Other(Please specify):
I understand that the information in my health record may include information relating to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). It may also include information about behavioral or mental health services and treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Exchange of information ensures continuity of care between providers. By not sharing information, my health care could be compromised.
I hereby authorize the use or disclosure of my health care and/or other information as described above. I understand that this authorization is voluntary. I understand that the individuals(s) or organization releasing this information will not condition my treatment, payment, enrollment in a health plan (If applicable) or eligibility for benefits on whether I provide this authorization. I understand that if the person(s) or organization authorized to receive this information is not a health plan or health care provider, the released information may no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations. To the extent that this information is required to remain confidential by federal or state law, the recipient of this information must continue to keep this information confidential.
I understand that my alcohol and/or drug treatment records are protected under the Federal regulations governing Confidentiality and Drug Abuse Patient Records, 42 CFR, Part 2, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), 45 CFR parts 160 and 164, and cannot be disclosed without my written consent unless otherwise provided for by the regulations. I also understand that I may revoke this consent in writing at any time except to the extent that action has been taken reliance on it and that in any event this consent expires automatically as follows: (Date of expiration or Event triggering expiration) ______Discharge___; if no date is specified, this consent will expire one (1) year from date of signature.
By my signature below I indicate that I have read this document, or have had it read to me, that I fully understand its meaning, that I have consented to its terms knowingly and voluntarily, that I have not been under any undue duress or influence of alcohol or drugs in making this agreement.
______Jane Doe______
Signature of ClientDate
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or person authorizedDate
RECIPIENT INFORMATION: This information has been disclosed to you from records protected by federal confidentiality rules (42 CFR Part 2). The federal rules prohibit you from making any further disclosure of information in this record that identifies a patient as having or having had a substance use disorder either directly, by reference to publicly available information, or through verification of such identification by another person unless further disclosure is expressly permitted by the written consent of the individual whose information is being disclosed or as otherwise permitted by 42 CFR part 2. A general authorization for the release of medical or other information is not sufficient for this purpose. The federal rules restrict any use of the information to investigate or prosecute with regard to a crime any patient with a substance use disorder, except as provided at §§2.12(c)(5) and 2.65REVOCATION: I, ______hereby revoke the above Release of information as of: ______(date).
Signature of ClientDate
Signature of Parent, Guardian, or person authorizedDate
I, ____Jane Doe______DOB: 01/02/19**PHONE #: ___907-222-2222__ hereby request/authorize records:
TO/FROM: __Anch. Office of Children Services______123 Lala Street, Apt#4______Anchorage, AK 99508___ be sent to/from:
Name of Person/Agency AddressCity, State, Zip Code
TO/FROM: ____Akeela Inc._____360 W. Benson Blvd ______Anchorage, AK _99508___
Name of Person/AgencyAddressCity, State, Zip Code
How are records/information to be delivered: (initial all that apply) 907-222-2222
JD / FAX: (Number) / JD / ELECTRONIC (EMAIL)*: / JD / VERBAL / JD / MAIL / JD / I will pick-up records / JD / Exchange Information between parties*Email is not considered to be as secure as other means of delivery and should be carefully considered prior to authorization.