
ElA6C1 The student demonstrates understanding and control of the rules of the English language, realizing that usage involves the appropriate application of conventions and grammar in both written and spoken formats. The student

  1. Identifies and uses eight basic parts of speech and demonstrates that words can be different parts of speech within a sentence.

b. Identifies and uses nouns-abstract, common, collective, plural, and possessive.


Students will know…

  1. Rules of the English language
  2. Usage
  3. Conventions
  4. Grammar


Students will…

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the English language.
  2. Apply conventions and grammar in written and spoken formats.
  3. Collaborate to create noun cereal boxes.
  4. Create noun cereal boxes.
  5. Evaluate their projects based on rubrics and self-evaluations.

Enduring Understanding

Students will understand that nouns are one of the eight basic parts of speech, are used in all subjects, and can be classified as abstract, common, collective, plural, and possessive.

Essential Questions

  1. What is a noun?
  2. What is the difference between plural and possessive nouns?
  3. What characteristics identify abstract, collective and common nouns?


Step 1: Discuss the essential questions. Copy the following chart onto your paper. List the classifications of nouns, define each type, and write an example of each noun. Students will work in pairs to complete the warm-up. Students will share their responses.


Noun ClassificationsDefinitionsExamples

Step 2: Students will be divided into groups of five. The teacher will explain that this lesson will serve as the culminating activity based on the unit just completed.

Step 3: The teacher will pass out the project assignment sheet, and she will answer any student questions.

Step 4: Student groups will create noun cereal boxes based upon the unit of nouns. They will follow the directions listed on the project assignment sheet. Students are encouraged to use pictures from magazines, newspapers, the internet (clip art), etc.

Step 5: The teacher will pass out the project rubric, and she will discuss how the students will be assessed.

Step 6: The teacher will pass out the paper to be used for the boxes, and she will model the process for wrapping the box. The teacher will model the process as often as needed. The teacher will model a completed cereal box.

Step 7: Student groups will complete rough drafts prior to beginning the group project.

Step 8: Student groups will use the assignment sheet, magazines, newspaper, the internet, and art supplies to create the noun cereal boxes.

Step 9: Projects will be displayed in the media center.


Students will complete written evaluations based on what they learned by completing the project and how they did in their groups. (This closure will also serve as evaluation.)


Materials needed to complete this project include: cereal boxes, scissors, glue, coloring pencils, markers, crayons, construction paper, printer paper, magazines, newspapers, the internet (clip art), a rubric, and the project assignment sheet.


  1. Performance Assessment- Student groups will create noun cereal boxes, which define and give examples of abstract, common, collective, plural, and possessive nouns. They will provide the rules for making nouns plural and possessive. Groups will be assessed using the provided rubric.
  2. Informal Assessment
  3. Students will complete written evaluations based on what they learned by completing the project and how they did in their groups. (This evaluation will also serve as closure.)
  4. Teacher Observation
  5. Teacher/Group Conferences


Assignment: Groups are to complete noun cereal boxes based upon the unit of nouns studied. You are to follow the directions listed below. The teacher will pass out the paper to be used for the boxes, and she will model the process for wrapping the box. The teacher will model the process as often as needed. The teacher will model a completed cereal box. Your group project will be graded based n the rubric provided. When instructed to provide examples, try to use pictures.


  1. Title for your project
  2. Authors’ names,
  3. Illustration.

Top: Abstract noun.

  1. Define abstract noun.
  2. Give examples of abstract nouns.
  3. Use an abstract noun in a sentence.
  4. Underline the abstract noun used.

Right Side: Common Noun

  1. Defined common nouns.
  2. Give examples of common nouns.
  3. Use a common noun in a sentence.
  4. Underline the common noun.

Left Side: Collective Noun

  1. Define collective noun.
  2. Give examples of collective nouns.
  3. Use a collective noun in a sentence.
  4. Underline the collective noun.

Back: Plural Noun (Top Portion)

  1. Define plural noun
  2. State how a noun is made plural.
  3. Provide several examples.
  4. Write a sentence, and underline the plural noun(s)

Back: Possessive Noun (Bottom Portion)

  1. State what a possessive noun shows.
  2. List the tree rules for making a noun possessive.
  3. Write a sentence for each rule listed.
  4. Underline the possessive noun used.

Noun Cereal Box

Student Name: ______

CATEGORY / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 0 / Score
Accuracy / Content of book is accurate and all directions were followed. / One inaccuracy or one direction not followed. / Two inaccuracies or direction not followed / Three inaccuracies or direction not followed / More than three inaccuracies or direction not followed / ____x 5 =
Terms / All assigned terms are defined fully. / Assigned terms are defined. / One term is not defined or defined incorrectly. / Two terms are not defined or defined incorrectly. / More than two terms are not defined or inaccurately defined. / ___x 3 =
Spelling / All work is spelled correctly. / One spelling error. / Two spelling errors. / Three spelling errors. / Spelling errors detract from the overall project. / ___x 2 =
Neatness / Work is very neat, easy to read, and is suitable for display. / Work is generally neat, easy to read, and is suitable for display. / Work is lacking in neatness or readability, but is still suitable for display. / Work is messy, difficult to read, and is not suitable for display. / Work is to messy to be read or displayed. / ___x 2 =
Color/Pictures / Color and pictures in such a way that is enhances the project. / Color and pictures used. / Color or pictures used, but not effectively. / Color or pictures used, but not both. / Neither color nor pictures were used. / ___x 3 =
Use of Space / Work is written in complete sentences. / Only one run-on
fragment. / Two
run-ons or
fragments. / Three
run-ons or fragments. / More than three run-ons. / ___x 2 =
Grammar / Sentences are written using proper grammar and mechanics, and vary in complexity and structure. / Sentences are written using proper grammar and mechanics. / Minor grammatical or mechanical errors do not detract from the overall impression of the project. / Major grammatical or mechanical errors detract from the overall impression of the project. / Severe grammatical or mechanical errors impede the reading of the project. / ___x 3 =