Helena B. Hansen, MD, PhD
25 Waverly Place Room 608
New York, NY 10003
(212) 998-8189
Academic Appointments:
Assistant Professor of Anthropology, New York University (2011-present)
Assistant Research Professor of Psychiatry, New York University (2011-present)
Research Psychiatrist, Nathan Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, New York State Office of Mental Health (2011-present)
Education and Certification:
2012Addiction Psychiatry Board Certification, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
2011General Psychiatry Board Certification, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology
2009-2011Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholar, Columbia University
2009-2011Addiction Psychiatry Fellow, New York University Medical Center
2005-2009Psychiatry Residency Training Program, New York University Medical Center
2005Yale University, M.D., Ph.D. Medicine and Anthropology
1992Harvard University, A.B. cum laude, Biology
In PressHansen H: Addicted to Christ: Remaking Men in Puerto Rican Pentecostal Ministries.University of California Press
2017 Managing the Fix (52 minutes). Hansen H: Director and Writer.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:
In Press Hatcher A and H Hansen: “At the Expense of a Life: Race, Class, and the Meaning of Buprenorphine in Pharmaceuticalized ‘Care’.” Substance Use and Misuse
In Press Manseau M, Ali N, Thompson-Bush K, Morris-Smith L, Felix A, Bernstein C, Haggerty R, Hansen H: “Training Residents within community-based mental health partnerships.” Psychiatric Services
In Press Mendoza S, Rivera A, and H Hansen: “Re-Racialization of Addiction and the Re-Distribution of Blame in the White Opioid Epidemic.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly
2017 Hansen H and J Metzl: “New Medicine for US Health Reform: Training Physicians for Structural Interventions.” Academic Medicine 92(3):279-281
2017 Gupta V, Duncan L, Mendoza S, Hansen, H and R Swift:“Merging Outpatient Addiction and Opioid Maintenance Programs During A Disaster: Lessons From Hurricane Sandy.” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness epub ahead of print
2016Hansen, H and J Netherland: “Is the Prescription Opioid Epidemic a White Problem?” American Journal of Public Health106(12):2127-2129
2016 Netherland J, Hansen H: “The War on Drugs That Wasn’t: Wasted Whiteness, ‘Dirty Doctors,’ and Race in Media Coverage of Prescription Opioid Misuse.” Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry40(4):664-686
2016 Mendoza S, Rivera A and Hansen H: “The prescription opioid ‘crisis’ among middle class white Americans.” Transcultural Psychiatry 53(4):465-87
2016 Hansen H, Siegel C, Wanderling J, DiRocco D: “Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment for Opioid Dependence by Income, Ethnicity and Race of Neighborhoods in New York City.” Drug and Alcohol Dependence164:14-21
2016 Hansen H and J Metzl: “Structural Competency in the U.S. healthcare crisis: putting social and policy interventions into clinical practice.” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry13(2):179-83
2016 Polydouro S, Ross S, Duncan L, Coleman P, Hansen H: “Integrating buprenorphine into an Opioid Treatment Program: tailoring care for patients with Opioid Use Disorders.” Psychiatric Services69:44-49
2016 Kirane H, Ketteringham M, Bereket S, Dima R, Basta A, Mendoza S, Hansen H. “Awareness and attitudes toward intranasal naloxone rescue for opioid overdose prevention.”J Subst Abuse Treat 69:44-9.
2016 Reich A, Hansen H and B Link: “Fundamental Interventions: How Physicians Can Address Fundamental Causes of Disease.”Journal of Bioethical Inquiry13(2):185-92
2016 Angoff N, Duncan L, Roxas N, Hansen H: “Power Day: Addressing the Use and Abuse of Power in Medical Training.” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry13(2):2013-13
2016 Vaughn R, Morris Smith L, Bernstein C, HansenH, Ofori-Atta A, Ohene S: “Expanding the Pipeline: The New York University School of Medicine-University of Ghana School of Medicine and Dentistry Psychiatric Education Initiative.” International Journal of Mental Health 45(2):154-9
2015 Hansen H: “Pharmaceutical Prosthesis and White Racial Rescue in the Prescription Opioid ‘Epidemic.’”Somatosphere December 14
2015J Netherland and H Hansen: “White Opioids: Pharmaceutical Race and the War on Drugs that Wasn’t.”BioSocietiesadvance online publication, doi:10.1057/biosoc.2015.
2015Duncan L, Mendoza S, Hansen H: “Buprenorphine Maintenance for Opioid Dependence in Public Sector Healthcare: Benefits and Barriers.”Journal of Addiction Medicine and Therapeutic Science1(1): 031-036.
2015Lopez LM, de Saxe Zerden L, Bourgois P, Hansen H, Abadie R, Dobrowski K, and R Curtis: “HIV/AIDS in Puerto Rican People Who Inject Drugs: Policy Considerations.” American Journal of Public Health 105(1):e3
2014Hansen H, Bourgois P, and E Drucker: “Pathologizing Poverty: New Forms of Disability, Diagnosis and Stigma under Welfare Reform.” Social Science and Medicine103:126-33
2014Metzl J and H Hansen: “Structural Competency: Theorizing a New Medical Engagement with Stigma and Inequality.” Social Science and Medicine 103:76-83
2014McClure B, Mendoza S, Duncan L, Rotrosen J, and H Hansen: “Effects of Regulation on Methadone and Buprenorphine Provision in the Wake of Hurricane Sandy.” Journal of Urban Health 91(5):999-1008
2013Hansen H: “Drugs for Life: How Pharmaceutical Companies Define Our Health” (Book Review) American Ethnologist 40(4):798-799
2013Hansen H: “Weighing the Evidence: Risks and Benefits of Participatory Ethnography in Corporatized Clinical Care.” Social Science and Medicine99:194-200
2013Hansen H, Lindemann D, Holmes S “Ethnography of Health for Social Change: Impact on Public Perception and Policy.” Social Science and Medicine99:116-8
2013Martin E, Litchfield G, Mandefro M, Parvez F, Holmes S, Lindemann D, and H Hansen: “Enhancing the Public Impact of Ethnography.” Social Science and Medicine 99:205-8
2013Hansen H, Donaldson Z, Bates L, Bearman P, Keely Cheslak-Postava K, Harper K, Holmes S, Link B, Lovasi G, Springer K, and J Teitler: “Integrating Biosocial Models into Revisions of the DSM: Need for Population Health Findings to Guide Psychiatric Research and Diagnosis.” Health Affairs32(5):984-93
2013Hansen H, Siegel C, Bertollo D, Case B, DiRocco D, and M Galanter: “Variation in Use of Buprenorphine and Methadone Treatment by Racial, Ethnic and Income Characteristics of Residential Social Areas in New York City.” Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research40(3):367-77
2013Hansen H, Dugan T, Becker A, Lewis-Fernandez R, Lu F, Oquendo M, Alarcon R, and M Trujillo: “Educating Psychiatry Residents about Cultural Aspects of Care: A Qualitative Study of US Residency Faculty.” Academic Psychiatry 37(6):412-6
2013Lewis-Fernandez R, Raggio G, Gorritz M, Duan N, Marcus S, Cabassa L, Humensky J, Becker A, Alarcon R, Oquendo M, Hansen H, Like R, Weiss M, Desai P, Primm A, Lu F, Kopelowicz A, Hinton L, and D Hinton: “GAP-REACH: A Checklist to Assess Comprehensive Reporting of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture in Psychiatric Publications.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 201(10):860-71
2012Hansen H and Skinner M.: “From White Bullets to Black Markets and Greened Medicine: The Neuroeconomics and Neuroracial Politics of Opioid Pharmaceuticals.” Annals of Anthropological Practice 36(1):167-182
2012 Hansen H and S Roberts:“Two Tiers of Biomedicalization: Buprenorphine, Methadone and the Biopolitics of Addiction Stigma and Race.” Advances in Medical Sociology14:79-102
2011Hansen H: “The ‘New Masculinity’: Addiction Treatment as a Reconstruction of Gender in Puerto Rican Evangelist Street Ministries.” Social Science and Medicine 74(11):1721-8
2010Barry D, Irwin K, Jones E, Becker W, Tetrault J, Sullivan L, Hansen H, O’Connor P, Schottenfeld R, and D Fiellin: “Opioids, Chronic Pain, and Addiction in Primary Care.” Journal of Pain 11(12):1442-50
2009Barry D, Irwin K, Jones E, Becker W, Tetrault J, Sulllivan L, Hansen H, O’Connor P, Schottenfeld, R, and D Fiellin: “Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment into Office-Based Practice: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of General Internal Medicine 24(2):218-25
2009Alarcón RD, Becker AE, Lewis-Fernández R, Like RC, Desai P, Foulks E, Gonzales J, Hansen H, Kopelowicz A, Lu FG, Oquendo MA, Primm A; Cultural Psychiatry Committee of the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry “Issues for DSM-V: The role of culture in psychiatric diagnosis.” Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases 2009 Aug;197(8):559-660
2008Hansen H: “Bipolar Disorder as Culture Bound Syndrome: A Book Review.” American Journal of Psychiatry, Resident’s Edition, 165(10):A44-5
2006Alegria M, Page JB, Hansen H, Cauce AM, Robles R. Blanco C, Cortes DE, Amaro H,
Morales A, Berry P: "Improving drug treatment services for Hispanics: research gaps and scientific opportunities." Drug and Alcohol Dependence 84 Suppl 1:S76-84.
2006Reisman AB, Hansen H, Rastegar, A. 2006"The craft of writing: a physician-writer's workshop for resident physicians." Journal of General Internal Medicine 21(10):1109-11.
2005Hansen H: "Isla Evangelista-a Story of Church and State: Puerto Rico's
Faith-Based Initiatives." Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 29(4):433-56.
2004Hansen H: “Faith-Based Treatment for Addiction in Puerto Rico.” JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 291(23):2882.
2004Hansen H, Alegría M, Peña M, et al.: “Drug Treatment, Health and Social Service Utilization by Substance Abusing Women from a Community-Based Sample.” Medical Care 42(11):1117-1124.
2003Hansen H and N Groce: “Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Quarantine in Cuba.” JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) 290(21):2875.
2002Hansen H, Lopez-Iftikhar M, and Alegria M: “Economy of Risk and Respect: Accounts of HIV Risk Taking among Puerto Rican Sex Workers.” Journal of Sex Research 39(4):292-301.
2001Hansen H and Groce N: “From Quarantine to Condoms: Shifting Policies and Problems of HIV Control in Cuba.” Medical Anthropology 19:259-292.
Special Journal Issues – Guest Editor:
2016 Academic Medicine Special Issue on Structural Competency in Clinical Education
2016 Journal of Bioethical Inquiry Special Issue on Structural Competency, Theory and Application
2013 Social Science and Medicine Special Issue on Ethnography of Health for Social Change: Impact on Public Perception and Policy
Book Chapters and Other Publications:
In press Siegel C, Haugland G, and H Hansen: “Cultural Competence in the Organization and Delivery of Care.” In Kaplan and Sadock’s Synopsis of Psychiatry. Benjamin Sadock and Virginia Sadock, Eds, New York, Wolters Kluwer publishers.
2016Hansen H, Netherland J: Letter to the Editor re: “Why are white death rates rising?” New York Times February 27
2014Hansen H and Netherland J: “Heroin and Painkiller Deaths Require Public Health Policies.” (Op-Ed) Huffington Post February 15, 2014
2012 Hansen H: “Pharmaceutical Evangelism and Spiritual Capital: Two Communities of Addicted Selves.” In Addiction Trajectories. Rakhiel and Garriott, Eds. Duke University Press
2003Alegria M, Page B, Hansen H, Cauce AM, Robles R, Blanco C, Cortes D, Amaro H, Morales A, and P Berry: “Improving Dug Treatment Services for Hispanics.” National Strategic Plan on Hispanic Drug Abuse Research. National Hispanic Science Network and Institute on Urban Health Research, Boston.
2001Rebhun LA and Hansen H: “Rural Drug Use.” In Handbook of Rural Health, S. Loue and B. Quill, Eds., Kluwer Academic Press, New York.
2014-18 Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award in Health Policy Research ($329,000)
2012-17 National Institutes of Health K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award($908,260)
2012-14 Andrew Mellon Foundation Sawyer Seminar for the Comparative Study of Cultures($150,000)
2010Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Project Grant for Working Group and Conference on Ethnography and Policy, Columbia University ($18,700)
2010Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Seed Grant for Visual Documentary “Clinical Trials: Race, Class and Addiction Pharmaceuticals” ($20,000)
2007American Psychiatric Association/SAMHSA Fellowship ($37,000)
Awards and Fellowships:
2013-15 Burche Minority Leadership Award Fellowship, Kaiser Permanente Foundation
2010American Association of Directors of Residency Training Model Curriculum Award
2008Social Science Research Council/Columbia University Press IDRF Book Fellowship Award
2007National Institutes of Mental Health Outstanding Resident Award
2006Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry Ginsberg Fellowship
2006American Psychiatric Association Research Colloquium Fellowship
2006APA Annual Meeting APIRE Fellowship
2005Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture John Spiegel Award for Best Research Paper
2005Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society
2005Miriam Kathleen Dasey Award for academic achievement and integrity, Yale University
2005Janet M. Glasgow Memorial Achievement Citation, Yale University
2005 American Psychiatric Association Minority Fellow
2004Certificate of Commendation, American Association of Women Psychiatrists
2003Special Recognition, Student Paper Competition, American Ethnological Society
1998Fellow, NIDA Training Program, Substance Abuse Research among Hispanics/Latinos, University of Texas San Antonio
1996Cromwell Fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral Students, Yale University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
1995Special Merit Scholarship, Yale University School of Medicine
1995Endowment Scholarship, Yale University School of Medicine
1995National Medical Fellowship, National Medical Association
Selected Invited Presentations:
2017 Keynote Speaker, American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting Chester Pierce Presidential Symposium, San Diego, CA
2017 Keynote Speaker, National Conference for Physician Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
2017Michael M. Davis Lecturer “White opioids in the War on Drugs that Wasn’t.” University of Chicago School Center for Health Administration Studies, Chicago, IL
2017University of Pennsylvania CAMRA Film Festival, presenter of “Managing the Fix”
2017Grand Rounds Speaker “Structural Competency in Mental Health Care.” CUCS/Janian Program for Mental Health Care, New York
2017Grand Rounds Speaker “Race and Stigma in Opioid Treatment: The War on Drugs that Wasn’t.” Beth Israel Hospital, New York
2016 Symposium Keynote Speaker: “Sociocultural Factors Impacting Access to Medically Assisted Treatment and Care Delivery.” American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Bonita Springs Florida
2016Keynote Speaker “Structural Competency: New Approaches to Dismantling Racism in Health Care.” UC Berkeley Medical Anthropology Program, Berkeley, CA
2016 Inaugural Speaker: “White Opioids: the War on Drugs that Wasn’t.” Yale University Department of History of Medicine Series on Race in Medicine. New Haven
2016Invited Speaker for Round Table on Structural Racism and Health, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO
2016Keynote Speaker “The War on Drugs that Wasn’t: Race and Opioids.” UCLA MD-Ph.D. Research Conference, Los Angeles
2016Invited Speaker “Managing the Fix: A Film about Treating Addiction in the Age of Pills.” Rad Med Lecture Series, Program in Medical Anthropology, U.C. Berkeley
2016Invited Speaker “Gender and Race in the Opioid Epidemic.” Gender in the Drug War Conference, State University of New York, Buffalo
2016Grand Rounds Speaker “Structural Competency: New Medicine for the Inequalities that are Making us Sick.” Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
2016 Keynote Speaker: “Structural Competency: Theory and Practice.” For conference New Responses to Inequity and Discrimination in Health and Welfare. UC Berkeley Center for Social Medicine, Berkeley
2016Grand Rounds Speaker “Structural Competency and Addressing the Social Determinants of Health.” Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York
2016Invited Discussant for panel “Young Bodies and Minds: Psychoactive Substances and High Performing Selves.” American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis
2016Invited Speaker “Race and Opioid Policy.” Drug Policy Alliance on White Faces/Black Lives: Race and Reparative Justice in the Era of a “Gentler War on Drugs.” Columbia University
2016Invited Speaker “How Cultures of Medication are Made.” Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Investigator Awards Annual Meeting. San Diego
2016Invited Speaker “White Opioids and the War on Drugs that Wasn’t.” Villanova School of Law Conference on Opioids and Drug Policy, Philadelphia
2016Grand Rounds Speaker “Structural Competency for Mental Health Professionals.” Brooklyn Veterans Administration Hospital, Brooklyn, NY
2015Workshop Speaker “Pentecostal Addiction Ministries in Puerto Rico.” American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, Irvine, CA
2015Invited Speaker “Entitlements and the Entitled: Addiction-As-Disability and White Privilege in the Prescription Opioid ‘Epidemic.’”Black Biopolitics Seminar, Princeton, NJ
2015Invited Speaker “The War on Drugs that Wasn’t: Race, Stigma and Addiction Pharmaceuticals.”Global Health Colloquium, Princeton, NJ
2015 Invited Speaker “Structural Competency: New Medicine for the Inequalities that are Making Us Sick.” Mt Sinai School of Medicine Social Justice Seminar, NY, NY
2015Invited Speaker “Entitlements and the Entitled: Addiction-As-Disability and Biostratification.” UCSF Department of the Anthropology and History of Medicine Culpepper Seminar, San Francisco, CA
2015Invited Speaker “The War on Drugs that Wasn’t: Narcotic Apartheid in the Prescription Opioid ‘Epidemic.’” UCSFInterdisciplinary Lecture Series, San Francisco, CA
2015 Invited Speaker “Structural Competency: Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Mental Health Care.” UCSF Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, San Francisco, CA
2015Invited Speaker “From Structural Violence to Structural Competency: Clinicians in Trauma and Global Mental Health Work.” Columbia University Summer Institute on Trauma, Resilience and Global Mental Health
2015 Invited Speaker “Managing the Fix: Visual Social Science to Mobilize Against Addiction Treatment Disparities.” Columbia University Oral History Project Summer Institute
2015 Invited Speaker “The Role of Clinical Practitioners in Community and Institutional Promotion of Mental Health and Addiction Treatment: Toward Structural Competency.” National Research Council, Washington, DC
2015Invited Speaker: “Structural Competency: Addressing Social Determinants of Health in Mental Health Care.” Yale University Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds
2015Invited Speaker: “MD-Ph.D.s and Curriculum Reform for Social Medicine and Cultural Issues in Health.” National Conference for Physician-Scholars in the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Pennsylvania
2015Invited Speaker: “Managing the Fix: A Film-In-Progress About Pharmacotherapies for Addiction.” Yale University Working Group on Psychiatry and Culture in Historical Perspective
2014Invited Discussant “Uncanny Crossovers: Secular and Protestant Hauntings in Psycho-Medical Knowledge.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
2014Invited Speaker “Of Faith and Pharmaceuticals: De-Addicting the Self as Collective Practice.” Anthropology and Mental Health Interest Group, Washington, DC
2014Invited Speaker “Structural Competency: New Medicine for the Inequalities that are Making Us Sick.” Mt. Sinai School of Medicine Social Justice Seminar, New York City
2014Invited Speaker “Faith Based Treatment of Addiction: Pentecostal Street Ministries in Puerto Rico.” Columbia University Addiction Seminar, New York City
2014Grand Rounds Speaker “Faith Based Treatment of Addiction: Pentecostal Street Ministries in Puerto Rico.” NYU Divisional Grand Rounds, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, New York City
2014Invited Speaker “How Cultures of Medication are Made: Production of Race, Ethnicity and Class in Pharmaceutical Marketing.” Robert Wood Johnson Investigator Award Program Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana
2014Invited Expert Panel Member “Opiate Dependence in New York: Expanding Prevention and Treatment.” New York State Assembly Hearing, New York City
2014Session Chair “Recovery in Mental Health Care.” American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, New York City
2014Roundtable Organizer “Global Mental Health.” American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, New York City
2014Invited Lecture “Structural Competency for Psychiatrists.” Columbia University Public Psychiatry Fellowship Seminar, New York City
2014Invited Lecture “Social Structural Determinants of Mental Health.” New York City Department of Health and Mental Health 2014 Disparities Summit, New York City
2014Invited Lecture “Biologizing Addiction: Race, Class and Pharmaceuticals.” Rutgers Institute for Health, New Brunswick
2014Invited Lecture “Structural Competency.” Columbia University Child Psychiatry Fellowship
2013Invited Roundtable Discussant, “Looking Back, Moving Forward: Reflections On Public Engagement In The Anthropology Of Alcohol, Drugs, And Tobacco.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago
2013Invited Discussant, “Physician-anthropologists: Hybrid Engagements At The Intersection Of Medicine And Cultural Analysis.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago
2013Invited Discussant “Critical Perspectives on Psychiatry and Hopeful New Pathways: Contributions from Europe, Australia and the US.” Institute for Psychiatric Services Annual Meeting, Philadelphia