7:00 p.m.
The Board of Education Community Unit No. 15, Beardstown, IL was called to order on July 19, 2017 by President Jack Fearneyhough at 7:00 p.m. in Beardstown Middle/High library 500 East 15th Street, Beardstown, IL. Pledge of allegiance. Kim Watson called the roll with the following members present: Jimmy Hymes, Barbara Hobrock, Kim Watson, Aaron Stock, OJ Simpson and Jack Fearneyhough. Mike Seaman was absent. Also in attendance were Ron Gilbert and Kelly Herter.
PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS: Jeff Pennington of TSS gave an update on the HVAC system. TSS installed the HVAC system over 15 years ago. They were not called back for maintenance or repairs. There were some mechanical issues at Gard. Gard School is referred to a two pipe system, meaning there is either heat or air conditioning. Periods of time where it will be 60 degrees and no air into the building to cool the building down. The boiler system was never connected at Gard. Control wise everything is working properly. HS building roof top units had a mechanical issue. The units now are running well. Maintenance is not to fix the units until they have contacted TSS. Mildew smell was resolved early on at Gard. A couple of leaks and now the carpet is wet. He suggests shutting the unit off at Gard so the moisture issue could be handled.
Fearneyhough-TSS has been contracted for service of our units. The mechanical issues TSS will handle.
COMMITTEE REPORTS-Personnel no report
Randi Cowell-Large class coming into Kindergarten. She would like to have a certified tech person for “specials”. It is more than 1/2 time position. Fearneyhough asked that she put together a description of what that person would be doing and get with Mr. Gilbert to set a personnel meeting. Summer Transition was completed last week, good data for moving forward. Buildings look amazing. The bathrooms look really good. She would like to get the stalls replaced in the back bathrooms that the football and track spectators use.
Bill Myers-He handed out the handbook for the Middle/High School. The changes are highlighted. Remind system will be used for parents and faculty. Watson-Did some coaches use the study lab? Athletes were the ones that used the study lab the most, it will be available for them to use but not mandated. He introduced Ms. Chevy Ingalls as Assistant Principal for the MS/HS.
Trevor Cottle-Summer Migrant was outstanding this year, he complemented the staff. Attendance was great through out the summer.
Lori Young-Cleaning and painting of Grand Ave. Play Groups are still meeting every Wednesday. Grants have been submitted. Pre-K home visits to register students.
Josh Sorrells-Another Project, some guys lined up to redo the football press box. The cost of the materials would come from the Activity Regional/Sectional account. They will not tear down the present press box but just redo the existing football press box.
Tammee Petersen-None
Ron Gilbert-He gave the finance update, update on state mandates, and an update on transportation for the teacher workshop in Quincy, a charter bus was $1,290.00. Driving private vehicles is an option also. The district also created a Letter of Employment Acceptance. Teacher orientation program.
Ann Chilton-Colored Animal stickers will be placed on the bus, students will get a colored coordinated zip-tie so they know what bus to get on. Painting lines at circle drive. Buildings looks good.
Wendy McClenning-Training the Lumens program is going on this summer. Several training sessions have already occurred. Cass Communications came out and replaced the modem at Grand Avenue. Fearneyhough asked about Chromebooks and students using the Chromebooks for playing games and YouTube. Wireless password will be changed again to keep the students off the WiFi.
On a motion by Stock, second by Watson to approve consent agenda 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Hobrock, second by Stock to approve the 2017-2018 school year student handbooks. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Hymes , second by Watson to approve keeping closed session minutes closed for meetings held January 2017 through June 2017, as the need for confidentiality still exists in all or part of those minutes. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Sock, second by Watson to retain the services of Jay Greening of Miller/Hall/Triggs as district attorney. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Hobrock, second by Hymes to adopt a resolution designating district depositories. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Stock, second by Simpson to approve vendors for milk and bread based on bids received. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Hymes , second by Simpson to enter closed session for the purpose of discussing litigation, land acquisition, negotiations, student disciplinary at cases, and to consider information regarding the appointment, employment, or dismissal of an employee or officer. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes. Time 7:58p.m.
On a motion by Watson , second by Hymes to re enter regular session. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes. Time 9:49p.m.
On a motion by Watson, second by Hymes to hire Chevy Ingalls as Assistant MS/HS Principal. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Watson , second by Stock to employ the following: Amy Murray-HS ESL teacher; Kayla Palmer-MS cheerleading coach; Rosemary Swan-Regular Elementary Teacher; Stephanie Chavez-Pre-K- FT Parent Educator; Tim McNulty-MS Football Coach; Megan Coats-MS/HS Para Professional; Brian Masaglia- Elementary Physical Education Teacher; Trevor Brinkley-HS Physical Education Teacher; Rochelle Cavanaugh-Elementary Bilingual Spanish Teacher; Elissa Harrison-Elementary SL Resource Teacher; Bre Brown-HS Physical Education/Health; Recall Teacher Aides-Brooke Beller and Yanileidys Rodriguez.
Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
On a motion by Watson, second by Stock to approve the 2017-2018 district administrators contracts for Lori Young, Trevor Cottle, Randi Cowell, Josh Sorrells, Tammee Petersen, Chevi Ingalls and Bill Myers. On a motion by Stock , second by Hymes to re enter regular session. Roll Call Vote: Hymes-yes; Hobrock-yes; Watson-yes; Stock-yes; Simpson-yes; and Fearneyhough-yes.
The board recognizes the following resignations: Stephani Stephens-elementary teacher; Whitney Davis-ESL teacher; and Jennifer Hoovler-ESL/Bilingual Teacher.
Thank you read from Scott Riddle.
Jack Fearneyhough the exterior of the building is looking bad with mildew.
Barbara Hobrock asked about the chairs in the Auditorium. Gilbert states they are going to try to fix them.
On a motion by Stock, second by Watson to adjourn. Time 10:02p.m.