Create Your Own Civilization Project
Now that we have studied the characteristics of civilizations and the four early river valley civilizations, it’s time to create your own. You may work either alone or with a partner to complete this project, but if you work with a partner, please be aware that your grade will depend on the amount of time and effort that person is going to put into their work, so choose wisely. You may use your notes, your textbook, and the internet as resources to help you.
You will be creating a booklet that contains all of the required information. The layout of the book, as well as the information that must be included and the grade breakdown, is listed below.
Title Page
Your name(s)
Civilization’s Name
Page 1
Name’s Significance- Why did you choose this name for your civilization? What meaning does it have?
Population- How many people live in your civilization? (Hint: 500-10,000 would be manageable)
Geography- Where in the world is your civilization? How will this location sustain crops and livestock? How will this location be advantageous for defense against attacks?
Page 2
Map- Create an aerial map of your civilization that shows where the following things are:
-temple/place of worship
-town square
-farmland (see stable food supply for specifics)
-government buildings (palace, court, capital)
Page 3
Flag- Design a flag that your civilization could carry into battle
Page 4
Stable food supply- Name at least 3 crops that your civilization will grow and at least 2 animals that will be herded and raised
Specialization of labor- Describe at least 5 jobs that people would need to do in your civilization. Include the job title, job description (what are they expected to do), and salary for each
Page 5
Religion- Is there a government-mandated religion in your civilization? If so, is it monotheistic or polytheistic? Where do people worship? How do the god(s) impact peoples’ lives?
System of government- choose which of these 4 types of government your civilization will have:
1. Monarchy- government in which a royal family rules (King/Queen)
2. Oligarchy- government in which a small group of “important” people rule
3. Democracy- government in which people make important decisions for their own nation,
usually through representatives
4. Theocracy- government in which a God or gods rule through people because the whole
country shares the same religion
Then, explain why you chose that type of government and how the government will run in a manner that helps the civilization.
Page 6
Social Classes- Create a chart or diagram explaining the social structure of your civilization. You must include at least 3 tiers in your chart, but it can be divided up by whatever you see fit (job, age, etc). Explain why you put each group in that particular position.
Page 7
Laws- Come up with at least 10 laws that your society will have to follow. Make sure you include a punishment to match each law. Explain how you will inform people of the laws (tablets, statue, etc).
Grade Breakdown
______/5- Civilization’s Name and Significance
______/5- Population
______/10- Geography
______/20- Map
______/10- Flag
______/15- Food SupplyTotal: ______/150
______/20- Specialization of Labor
______/10- Religion
______/15- System of Government
______/20- Social Classes
______/20- Laws