Lexington High School
· Continue to achieve the best grades possible.
· Attend all Senior Seminar sessions.
· Attend a local college fair in October.
· Register for the SAT Reasoning and/or Subject Test(s), and /or ACT.
· Notify the College Board/ACT about sending your standardized test scores to your schools - you can do this on-line at www.collegeboard.com/www.ACTstudent.org, by phone, with the registration form from the registration booklet, or on the correction form you receive in the mail.
· Visit some colleges that you plan on applying to. Arrange to stay overnight on campus and attend classes if possible.
· Contact college coaches and activity leaders who may be interested in your talents/skills.
· Prepare your essays with care. Ask a qualified adult to read them over, checking for content, structure, and spelling.
· If you have spoken with teachers last year about writing you a letter of recommendation, check with them to see if they’ve started writing yet. If you need teacher recommendations and haven’t already secured them, ask teachers now.
· Complete the Counselor Statement Questionnaire Packet and return to your counselor at least three or four weeks before your earliest application deadline.
· Because the financial aid process differs from college to college, you should check with each of your colleges to understand their requirements. Parents should attend the LHS Financial Aid Night in November for further clarification about the financial aid process. Financial Aid forms such as the CSS Profile and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are available in the Career Center in the fall. The CSS Profile is available in September and the FAFSA is usually available by late November. (Students needing financial aid, who are applying early decision to colleges that require the CSS Profile, must register for it in the fall.)
· Complete the required financial aid forms, adhering to the colleges’ financial aid deadlines.
· Investigate scholarship opportunities at the colleges of your choice and file any additional required forms.
· File local scholarship applications by the deadlines listed in the winter scholarship packet that goes out to all seniors through homerooms.
· Register for AP examinations, if appropriate. Information is available in the Guidance Office
· Confirm your intent to enroll at the college of your choice by sending in your deposit by May 1.
· Notify the colleges you will not be attending once you have made your decision. This notification allows colleges to admit students from their Wait Lists.
· Inform your counselor about your college responses. If you are on a Wait List, inform the college whether or not you would like to remain on the Wait List.
· Write thank you notes to everyone who wrote letters of recommendation for you and inform them of your college choice.
· Maintain the highest level of academic achievement. Colleges request a copy of your final grades.