Promoting the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program in the Workplace
Health ICT is collaboratingwith the Greater Wichita YMCA to promote the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program in worksites. A group of dedicated individuals have been meeting regularly as the Diabetes in the Workplace Workgroup. Members include the YMCA, Wichita Business Coalition on Health Care (WBCHC), Kansas Academy of Family Physicians, and Health ICT. By the end of the year, this group plans to have a toolkit to share with employers with step-by-step instructions on how to implement the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Programat their worksites. Toolkit contents include a timeline, information about worksite screenings, the Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Self-Management Program, as well as supportive materials to use to promote to employees. The goal is that worksites will begin the initiative with biometric screening events in the worksites, to identify those employees who are prediabetic and diabetic and gather base-line data. Interventions, such as the Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Self-Management Program will be implemented, along with other programs and policies throughout the course of the year. At the end of the year, biometric screening events will be offered to employees again. The goal is to keep the prediabetic employees from developing diabetes and educate those who have been diagnosed with diabetes on how to better manage their chronic condition.
Two open house events have been planned to promote the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program in the community. On November 30th and December 8th, employers are invited to the Downtown YMCA to take a closer look at the Diabetes Prevention Program. The target audience is those worksites interested in learning more about diabetes prevention and worksite policies, (HR/Benefits professionals, worksite wellness representatives, and CEO/President of a local worksite). Invitations have been sent through Health ICT worksite contacts, the YMCA corporate distribution list, WBCHC, the Wichita Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Medical Society of Sedgwick County, and the Health & Wellness Coalition of Wichita.
Currently, Blue Cross Blue Shield Kansas (BCBS Kansas) does not offer the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program as a covered benefit for their employees, however, Blue Cross Blue Shield Florida (BCBS Florida) does offer the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program as a covered benefit for their employees. Royal Caribbean has a location in Wichita, Kansas, while their headquarters is located in Florida. Because of the headquarters location, all Royal Caribbean employees are covered by BCBS Florida’s health care plan. Royal Caribbean employees in Wichita are eligible to participate in the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program at no out of pocket fee, because of their health plan benefits. Health ICT is collaborating with BCBS Florida to encourage BCBS Kansas to offer the Diabetes Prevention Program for their employees as a covered benefit. By reaching out across factions and engaging unusual partners, Health ICT is striving to make the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program more accessible not only in Wichita/Sedgwick County, but in Kansas.