Warm-ups Weeks 17 & 18
Monday, January 15, 2018
No School… MLK Day
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 16 and 17, 2018
No School… bad weather days
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Wow! That was a wild weekend! I had known we were expecting cold weather but I was not expecting anything as severe as that when we left! I was very grateful to get to sit home and not have to get out in the weather. Some people were not so lucky! Some people HAD to go out due to their jobs and others chose to go out. Some people had nowhere to go to get in out of the weather! How did you and your family fare?
Friday, January 19, 2018
Next year Humble High School will go from an 8 period day to a 7 period day. There are Pro’s and Con’s to this move. While it does mean you have less classes you have to try to keep up in, it also means less opportunity to fit in classes you’d like to take and it also means less opportunity to repeat a class should the need arise. They also mentioned something about flex time before and after school. Not sure what that will look like, but I am fairly certain that it is optional. Just curious, would you sign up for an extra class if it was before school or after school?
Week 18
Monday, January 22, 2018
So, I’ve been procrastinating. I have yet to get a flu shot. I truly meant to… but I just never slowed down enough to get it done. I am thinking about getting one today after school. It’s kinda late to be getting one, but I guess better late than never. It will take two weeks for the shot to be fully effective, but since January/February are the peak of the season, I guess I’d better hurry up and get it done. What about you? Did you get a flu shot? Regardless of the answer, what else are you doing to guard against the flu?
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
This week we are celebrating “Be the Change Week”… a week where we show our support for a bully free atmosphere. Bullying can take many forms. Have you ever been bullied or have you ever witnessed someone else being bullied? Have you ever witnessed something and then later thought to yourself “I should have done something… I should have said something”? We all like to think that we would be strong enough to standup for someone being bullied, but it can be harder than you think. I think that the IHELP program the district launched is a great way to help those of us who wish we had said or did something. As a response to today’s warmup, just give me a brief written response about what IHELP is…. That way I know you understand the IHELP program.
Wednesday/Thursday, January 24/25, 2018
One of the things I love about teaching Animation and AV production is the creativity of it. You are limited only by your ambition and imagination! The things the average person can do with video or animation is expanding every day! Augmented Reality is changing the way we view our world and it is coming to a phone app near you! I’m sharing two links with you today. The first one shows the Augmented Reality capabilities of the IPhone 8 and the second one shows a video full of special effects created with an app (not sure that it is augmented reality, but I think it is). Check them out… they are really cool! Then respond in 4 sentences with your thoughts on the new technology.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Have you ever been to the Houston Zoo? I think we take it fore granted that most of you probably went when you were in elementary school. Even if you did go in elementary school , that was a long time ago! Just curious, if the school were to do a field trip to the Houston Zoo as a reward for good attendance/good grades, would that motivate you to try to meet the requirements? What about if it included time for a picnic in the park? If that doesn’t motivate you, what would you suggest as a reward to motivate good attendance/grades? (Be realistic … I am looking for REAL suggestions… you know the school does not have money to do anything big.)
Warm-ups will turn in on Monday.