Please send completed form to:
Mail: Red Deer Live-In Registration
c/o Laura Painchaud
Box 20005
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 6X5
If you have Microsoft Word, you can complete this form electronically, email to the address above, and send a hard copy via mail, complete with your registration fee. We would like to have fees received prior to the weekend. / What is a Live-In?
The Live-In is a retreat weekend very different from the traditional type that emphasizes silence and private prayer. The whole purpose of the Live-In is to lead those who come to discover a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Most people who attend a Live-In seem to experience a new peace and deeper faith. Many claim that after their Live-In, they received a whole new outlook on Christian Faith and their life. They found a new meaning to their life and a fresh desire to pray and read scripture.
The program involves a series of instructions and slides on the basis of Christian life. There are a variety of speakers from many walks of life. The entire program is uplifting, informative and very enjoyable. It has a good variety of activities, including some recreation.
PLEASE NOTE: All denominations are welcome, however, some elements of the Live-In are specifically Catholic, such as the Mass, Communion (Holy Eucharist) and Reconciliation. /
Registration startsFriday at 7:00 P.M.
Ends Sunday at 5:00 P.M.
Location: Ecole Camille J. Lerouge
5530 – 42 A Avenue
Red Deer, Alberta
Please note:
- Registrants must be 18 years or older.
- Sleeping accommodations consist of mattress-quality floor foamies (provided) with separate dorms for men and women.
- Because of the nature of the program, ALL PARTICIPANTS MUST sleep at the school.
- Because electronic devices cause distractions, we will invite you to put away cellphones, watches, etc., when you register on Friday night. Or, better yet, just leave them at home.
- Sleeping bag, pillow & blankets
- Towel(s) & toiletries
- Dress clothes (for the banquet)
Suggested Donation: $5.00 per person
Make cheques payable to:
Red Deer Live-In Retreat Society
Any donation will help with the cost of the weekend.
Please be advised – The Red Deer Catholic School Boardwill not permit any smoking within the school. However, a smoking area will be designated for the weekend.
Phone:Laura Painchaud
(780) 245-5910
SOUP AND SANDWICHES WILL BE SERVED UPON ARRIVAL!!! / Complete electronically, if possible; otherwise, please print clearly.
One form per registrant ONLY please.
Age: / Gender: / FemaleMale
Home phone:
Bus. phone:
Name of church you attend:
Closest relative:
Do you have any special needs or diet?_Yes_No (if yes, please specify)
Updated: 10/12/17 LP