Conference Date: February 1, 2013
Proposal Application Deadline: October 15, 2012
Please email completed application to
Demographic InformationFirst Presenter
Last Name / First Name
Phone / ( ) / Email
Degree & Program / Year in Program
Department / Curriculum, Instruction & Special Education
Human Services
Leadership & Foundations
Second Presenter (if applicable)
Last Name / First Name
Phone / ( ) / Email
Degree & Program / Year in Program
Department / Curriculum, Instruction & Special Education
Human Services
Leadership, Foundations & Policy
Other Presenters (if applicable)
Name / Name
Session Information
Please denote the order of your preference for a poster or presentation session with a 1 and a 2. [Note: there are a limited amount of paper presentations]
Paper Presentation – presentation of research delivered in a traditional format of 15 minutes
Poster Session – visual presentation of research and one-on-one conversation
Presentation Session / Poster Session / No Preference
Presentation Type
Please indicate whether your research is “empirical” or “humanities-oriented” research. Complete the appropriate column of the proposal description.
Empirical research (qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods) / Humanities-oriented (conceptual, philosophical, sociological, historical, anthropological, best practices based on research, etc.)
Institution Review Board
Check the appropriate box below regarding Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval. Note: If you collected the data for a class, U.Va. (IRB) approval is not required in order to present at the Curry Research Conference.
Do you have IRB Approval? / I do have IRB approval
I do not have IRB approval
If you do have IRB approval, who is the Principal Investigator?
If you do not have IRB approval, for which class did you collect your data?
If your study does not involve the use of human subjects, or data collected from human subjects, you do not need IRB approval. / I do not need IRB approval
Presentation Information
Abstract for program (50 word limit):
Signature of First Presenter (Your signature indicates that, if accepted, you agree to present the research and results proposed here with only minor alterations.)
(type your name) / Date
To be considered for review, all of the elements below should be clearly addressed in the proposal narrative, even if the results, conclusions, or findings are not complete at the time of the submission. The proposal needs to provide reviewers with an understanding of the results and findings to date (if data collection has begun). Please keep in mind that the reviewers may not be familiar with your area or discipline, and you may need to tailor you proposal towards a more general audience. Limit your proposal to no more than 1000 words (excluding references, tables, charts, graphs and figures), as reviewers will not consider material submitted beyond this limit.
Guidelines for Empirical Proposal Narratives:
1. Description of the research problem framed within the context of a literature-based rationale/conceptual or theoretical framework.
2. Purpose and/or research questions.
3. Methods. Include a description of each of the following as they apply to the study: the site or context, participant selection, data collection, data analysis methods, and methodological limitations.
4. Results and conclusions. (These may be tentative based on preliminary data analysis.)
5. The scientific or scholarly implications of the study.
6. References. / Guidelines for Humanities-oriented Proposal Narratives:
1. Thesis. Address the objectives, purposes, and/or research question.
2. Scholarly significance.
3. Description of the discipline, perspective(s), and/or theoretical framework.
4. Results and/or substantiated conclusions or warrants for arguments/point of view.
5. References.
In addition, proposals should take into account the standards employed by their author’s specific area(s) of scholarship, such as conceptual, philosophical, sociological, historical, anthropological, etc. Not every standard is applicable or appropriate for every piece of humanities-oriented scholarly work.
Presentation Title:
[Insert Proposal Narrative Here]