Names: ______Period: ______

Metrics, Measuring, and Dimensional Analysis Lab

Linear Measurements

Use an appropriate device to measure the following items and answer the questions below. Be sure to choose an appropriate metric unit and measure with one degree of uncertainty. You must show all of your work.

Diameter of a penny
Length of the textbook
Width of the textbook
Height of the textbook


Use the thermometer to measure the temperature of the following objects. Convert the temperature from C to Kelvin using the following formula: K = ◦C + 273.15

oC / K
Temperature of the room
Temperature of the cold water


Use the scale to mass the following materials. Record your data in the table below and be sure to include units.

Mass of a scoopula
Mass of an empty 10 mL graduated cylinder
Mass of a coin

Volume Part 1

Obtain a large test tube from your instructor. Fill this test tube to the line with tap water (NOTE: when you turn the water on, turn it on VERY slowly!). Transfer the water to a 100 mL beaker and record the volume. Again, fill the same test tube to the line with tap water and transfer it to a 100 mL graduated cylinder. Measure and record the volume of water in the graduated cylinder.

Volume of water using the beaker
Volume of water using the graduated cylinder

Volume by displacement

Fill a 100 mL graduated cylinder with approximately 50 mL of water (NOTE: when you turn the water on, turn it on VERY slowly!). Record the initial volume of the water. Place the first object into the graduated cylinder and record the new volume. Calculate the volume of the object. Repeat these steps for all objects. Be sure to include sig figs and units.

Initial volume of water / Volume of water and object / Calculated volume of object

Post Lab Questions

Use the measurements you recorded in lab to answer the following questions. Use dimensional analysis and SHOW ALL WORK for credit. Include units and sig figs in your answers.

1)What is the diameter of the penny in miles? (report your answer in scientific notation)

2)What is the height of the textbook in micrometers?

3)Calculate the circumference of the penny. c = π d

4)Calculate the volume of the textbook. V = l x w x h

5)What is the mass of the scoopula in hectograms?

6)What is the mass of the scoopula in pounds?

7)What is the mass of the empty 10 mL graduated cylinder in centigrams?

8)What is the mass of the coin in micrograms? (report your answer in scientific notation)

9)I can store a total of 1.00 pounds of coins in my coin purse at a time. How many coin purses will I need in order to hold 1.89 x 1015 coins using the mass of one coin from the lab data?

10)What is a meniscus? What part of the meniscus is used for measuring?

11)From Volume Part 1 Do all of the glassware measure with the same degree of accuracy? Explain.

12)What is the relationship between accuracy and the number of significant figures in a measurement?

13)Which piece of glassware (beaker, graduated cylinder) should you use to measure volume in a lab? Why?

14)One milliliter of water contains 20. drops of water. Assuming the water comes out of the sink at a rate of at 108 drops per second. How long would it take to fill the test tube with water? (Use the data from the graduated cylinder NOT the beaker)