Issue / 14-05 / Date: / 03/10/14HEALTH CARE ENROLLMENT PROVIDERS
This FYI is to provide all staff with the names, addresses and phone numbers of community providers who can assist DCFS families and parents secure needed health care services. Although the Department is implementing a health care benefit enrollment pilot at the Edelman Courthouse, there will be insufficient resources at that location to enroll all of the families and parents who may need these services. As such, this FYI is being distributed to all staff to make you aware of the resources that are available across the county to assist children, families and parents secure health care benefits.
Attached is a list, in English and Spanish, of community providers contracted by the Department of Public Health that are available to assist DCFS families and parents: 1) to determine eligibility for medical insurance and for a number of public health programs and 2) to assist the families and parents with the application process.. The available public health care programs include:
· The Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare and in California is known as Covered California). Open enrollment for The Affordable Care Act ends March 31, 2014 for 2014, so it is important that families and parents (particularly parents without insurance) are provided the attached flyer before the deadline. Open enrollment for 2015 will begin November 2014;
· Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM). AIM is a state program for pregnant women. The enrollment period continues throughout the year for eligible applicants;
· Medi-Cal Targeted Low Income Families and Individuals. Open enrollment continues throughout the year for eligible applicants. Many of the parents of DCFS-supervised children are likely eligible for the expanded Medi-Cal coverage. Expanded coverage includes services such as in patient substance abuse treatment and out patient substance abuse counseling services;
· Kaiser Permanent Child Health Program. Open enrollment continuous throughout the year for eligible applicants; and
· Healthy Way LA Kids and LA Unmatched. Open enrollment continuous throughout the year for eligible applicants.
It is unnecessary for any staff to be experts in eligibility or any of the programs listed above. Rather, the community providers in the attached flyers are the experts; they can assist our needy families and parents in determining the program(s) which best serve their needs and will assist them in completing the enrollment application. What is important is that the attached flyer is provided to our families and parents so they can quickly access the health benefits that directly support child safety and family well-being.
/ If you have any questions regarding this release please
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