All Certified and Classified employees’ absences must be posted in Kronos. Certified or Exempt absences must be reported in HOURS as whole day (8 hours) or half-day (4 hours) increments. Classified hourly absences must be reported in HOURS AND HUNDREDTHS rounded to the nearest quarter hour (.00, .25, .50, .75). (Refer to Section IX, Rounding to Nearest Quarter or Timekeeping Conversion Chart)

When posting in Kronos, if the employee works more than one job, do not allocate time to each job. Enter the total hours absent against the default position number and the programming will allocate the hours to each position number according to the average hours.


The absence reports with the revision date 07/10 in the lower right-hand corner are to be used by your employees. The absence report can be found on the Intranet under Payroll or on the Human Resources website.

Verify that the form is filled out completely and correctly.

  • Has a box been checked for Classified Hourly, Administrator, Certified, or Supervisor?
  • Is your School or Department written in the space provided?
  • Is the employee’s name the same as on their paychecks? No nicknames please.
  • Is the employee’s ID number included? Not the badge number or the SSN.
  • Is the contract FTE selected if it is a Certified employee?
  • Are the daily average hours entered if it is a Classified employee?
  • Are the date(s) of the absence(s) indicated?
  • Are the total actual hours or days absent entered and the word “hours” or “days” circled?
  • Is the reason marked? Is there more than one reason marked? If more than one reason is marked, has the number of hours been designated for each reason?
  • Is the absence report signed by the employee?
  • Has the principal or supervisor approved and signed the absence report?

Absence reports are not required for Smart Schools Plus employees or if the employee is on a FMLA, Long Term Medical Leave, Industrial Injury Unpaid, Furlough assigned by Human Resources, or for hours being Unencumbered. All other absence types MUST have a corresponding absence report.

All absence reports must include the actual hours the employee was absent. If the employee’s average hours are six hours per day and the employee is absent on the day he/she works seven and one-quarter hours (7.25), he/she must report the seven and one-quarter hours (7.25). The total hours on the absence report must match the total time input into Kronos.


The absence codes that you have been using on your payrolls in the past years are now referred to as pay codes in Kronos. The majority of pay codes in Kronos generate pay (refer to the ‘PAID’ column on the table below). You must enter the absence pay code into Kronos in the current week in order for the Classified employee to be paid. If the absence is not posted in the current week, you must submit the missed absence on the ‘Out of Current Week Adjustments’ form. (Refer to Page 23, Out of Current Week Adjustments form.) Payroll will enter the missed absences into a manual batch to pay on the next payday. The pay codes you will use for absence/attendance purposes are listed in the table below.

Administrative Leave (Administrators Only) / L / Y / GENLV / POS
Compensatory Time Taken (Classified only) / T / Y / COMP / POS
Court Subpoena / H / Y / JURY / NEG (-)
Flex/Trade Days (Certified Only) / UT / Y / TRADE / POS
Food & Nutrition Only Unpaid* / F / N / O/C / NEG (-)
Furlough Time* / FT / N / FLROW / POS
Industrial Injury (Sick Leave) / W / Y / GENLV / POS
Industrial Injury (Vacation) / WV / Y / VAC / POS
Industrial Injury (Comp Time) / WT / Y / COMP / POS
Industrial Injury (Certified Personal Leave)* / W2L / N / 2PLV / NEG (-)
Industrial Injury Unpaid* / WU / N / O/C / NEG (-)
Jury Duty - 1 day only (non-ded) / Y / Y / JURY / NEG (-)
Jury Duty - Deducts $12.00* / J / Y / JURY / NEG (-)
Jury Duty - Deducts $40.00* / K / Y / JURY / NEG (-)
Leave of Absence -1ST & Last Unpaid Day / Z / N / O/C / NEG (-)
Military Leave / M / Y / MLTRY / NEG (-)
Military Leave Unpaid* / MU / N / MLTRY / NEG (-)
Off Contract* / O / N / O/C / NEG (-)
Off Contract/Over Used Sick Leave* / Q / N / O/C / NEG (-)
Personal Leave / L1 / Y / GENLV / POS
Personal Leave - Deduct $85* (Certified Only) / 2L / N / 2PLV / NEG (-)
Professional Leave/School Business / P / Y / PROF / NEG (-)
Sick Leave / G / Y / GENLV / POS
Student Inflicted Injury / SJ / Y / STINJ / NEG (-)
Unencumber for Hourly / UC / N / UNCMB / NEG (-)
Vacation / V / Y / VAC / POS

*Deductible from Salary/Wages

B.1. Administrative Leave (L) – deducts from sick leave balance:

The pay code (L) is used for administrators only. A maximum of eight (8) administrative leave days can be used per fiscal year with prior approval from the supervising Assistant Superintendent. A PARF is required.

B.2. Compensatory Time Taken (T):

The pay code (T) is to be used when the employee requests to use compensatory time that has been previously earned. Compensatory time may not be used while on extended contract.

Compensatory time can be earned in lieu of overtime pay. The hours and hundredths distributed to the pay code COMP in the Time Editor will be multiplied by time and a half and added into the employee’s earned compensatory time balances in the accrual module.

Approval from the Assistant Superintendent is required prior to the employee working the overtime hours, regardless of whether the hours are compensated monetarily or recorded as compensatory time earned.

B.3. Court Subpoena (H) – deducts from Jury:

The pay code (H) is used when the employee is absent due to a subpoena to appear in court as a witness. The word ‘SUBPOENA’ must appear on the document the employee submits. A copy of the court subpoena must accompany the employee’s absence report statement. When an employee is required to appear in court due to a legal action involving the District, they should be considered to be on duty as an employee.

An order to appear in court as the plaintiff or defendant for a personal matter does not qualify for this absence type. An employee who is a victim of a crime may request a leave of absence, without pay, to attend any court proceeding at which the perpetrator of that crime has a right to attend per GBBD-R(1).

B.4. Flex/Trade Days (UT) – deducts from Trade:

Flex: The pay code (UT) is used when a certificated employee requests to use a Flex/Trade day to cover an absence. Designated employees are eligible to earn Flex Days on non-scheduled workdays with 2-week prior approval. Days earned between the day after the last work day of one contract year through the last working day of the following contract year must be used within the same period of time. These days are not cumulative and must be used during the same timeframe as when they are earned. A PARF is required.

Trade: The pay code (UT) is used for administrators and supervisors only. With prior approval (PARF) from the appropriate Assistant Superintendent, an administrator may request to work up to five (5) additional days (non-scheduled workdays) during a fiscal year. Supervisors may request to work up to three (3) additional days. These days may then be used, with prior approval, as trade days for time off on non-student workdays. These days are not cumulative and must be used during the same year they are worked. This time must be worked and used in no less than half-day increments. A PARF is required.

B.5. Food & Nutrition (F) – deducts from Off Contract:

The pay code (F) is used by the Food and Nutrition department to record unpaid, non-worked time for employees who do not earn accruals.

B.6. Furlough Time (FT):

The pay code (FT) is used as an unpaid, non-work day designated by the Superintendent that would otherwise be a paid workday for all superintendents, administrators, supervisors, certified staff and many classified staff.

Furlough days will not apply to part-time employees and classified staff with contracts of 9.25-months or less. (These workers generally include bus drivers, food service workers, and classroom aides.)

B.7. Industrial Injury

The District will pay for the workdays occurring during the first seven calendar days using the employee’s leave as long as the employee earns accruals. The insurance carrier will determine if the injury qualifies for Workers’ Compensation. If accepted, and an employee is out eight calendar days or longer, the employee would receive pay from Workers Compensation only.

B.7.a. Industrial Injury Paid (W) - deducts from sick leave:

The pay code (W) is used when the employee is off from work due to a work related injury with sick leave available and is used during the first seven calendar days only.

B.7.b. Industrial Injury Paid (WV) – deducts from vacation:

The pay code (WV) is used when the employee is off work due to a work related injury, earns vacation, and has exhausted sick leave within the first seven calendar days.

B.7.c. Industrial Injury Paid (W2L) – deduct $85 per day:

The pay code (W2L) is only used by Certified employees when the employee is off work due to a work related injury, has exhausted sick leave within the first seven calendar days, and has not used up the allowed time for the fiscal year.

B.7.d. Industrial Injury Comp Time (WT) – deducts from comp time:

The pay code (WT) is used when the employee is off work due to a work related injury, has a comp balance, and has exhausted sick leave within the first seven calendar days.

B.7.e. Industrial Injury Unpaid (WU):

The pay code (WU) is used when the employee is off work due to a work related injury and is unpaid. Employees out for more than 7 calendar days or employees with no eligible leave will need to be posted each day unless the (Z) pay code for unpaid leave is being used.

B.8. Jury Duty:

Employees other than part-time classified employees who have been employed by the district for less than five consecutive years and are not accruing sick leave will receive leave for jury duty with pay. Remuneration accepted by an employee for jury service must be deducted from the employee’s base salary to prevent duplication of salary. An employee who has completed jury duty must return to work if there are at least two hours remaining in the workday, provided that this requirement will not apply if the combined number of hours of jury duty and work would exceed the number of regularly scheduled work hours for the workday. **A memo from the jury commission office or bailiff must accompany the absence report stating the days served as a juror when selected for jury duty. If they receive payment from the Jury Commissioner, a copy of the payment stub must be sent to the payroll office in order to dock the appropriate amount and/or to prevent duplication of pay, mileage excluded.

B.8.a. Jury Duty - 1 day only (non-ded) (Y):

The pay code (Y) is used when the employee had jury duty for one day only and is not compensated for the day.

B.8.b. Jury Duty - Deduct $12.00 (J):

The pay code (J) is used when selected to serve on a jury and/or is compensated the $12.00 per day. Post each day (including the first day) as a (J).

B.8.c. Jury Duty -- Deduct $40.00 (K):

The pay code (K) is used when selected to serve on the United States District Court or is compensated $40.00 per day. Each day, including the first day is a (K).

B.9. Leave of Absence (Z):

The pay code (Z) is used when an employee is on a leave of absence and has exhausted all eligible leave (sick leave, comp time, vacation, and/or trade time). The first and the last day of the unpaid leave are the time entries needed in Kronos. Enter the comment First Day Unpaid Leave or Last Day Unpaid Leave.

B.10. Military Leave:

B.10.a. Military Leave Paid (M):

The pay code (M) is used for paid military leave only. The employee must submit the official copy of the military orders to Human Resources for approval. Employees receiving District benefits are allowed 30 days paid Military Leave every 2 years. Certified employees will also need a PARF.

B.10.b. Military Leave Unpaid (MU):

The pay code (MU) is used for unpaid military leave only. After the employee submits the official copy of the military orders to Human Resources, it may be determined that the employee is over the allotted number of days per fiscal year allowed. When Human Resources alerts you that the military leave is to be unpaid, use the pay code (MU). Certified employees will also need a PARF.

Employees have the option of using their personal leave, comp time, or vacation before going unpaid. Further clarification can be found in the Governing Board Policies.

B.11. Off-Contract:

B.11.a. Off-Contract (O):

The pay code (O) is used when an employee does not have enough comp time, vacation time, or personal leave to cover a day off. The employee must exhaust all eligible leave before they can be off-contract.

B.11.b. Off-Contract/Over Used Sick Leave (Q):

The pay code (Q) is used when the contract employee does not have enough sick leave or any other eligible leave to cover a sick leave (G) absence.

Certified and Classified employees who have depleted their accumulated sick leave (Q) during the school year and who have all or a portion of their salary reduced because of additional absences, may request to be paid retroactively for sick leave days accumulated and not taken after they have returned to their job. However, this provision is applicable only during the school year in which the employee’s salary was reduced. This is per the MEA and MESPA Working Conditions. The employee is required to send in a written request to Payroll prior to June 30 of the fiscal year.

B.12. Personal Leave:

B.12.a. Personal Leave (L1) - deducts from sick leave:

The pay code (L1) is used for personal days for Certified and Classified employees.

Certified (MEA) – can use two (2) days per fiscal year. A PARF is required.

Classified (MESPA) – 12 month employees can use three (3) days per fiscal year. The maximum time allowed for 12 month employees is twenty-four (24) hours—or the equivalent of the employee’s average hours multiplied by three (3) if less than 8 hours per day. Short-term contract employees may use five (5) days per fiscal year. The maximum time allowed for short-term employees is forty (40) hours—or the equivalent of the employee’s average hours multiplied by five (5) if less than 8 hours per day. Part-time employees earning sick leave can use three (3) days per fiscal year based on the employee’s average hours.

Classified Supervisors (MACS) – can use seven (7) days per fiscal year. NO PARF is required.

B.12.b. Personal Leave (2L) - Deduct $85.00 per day:

The pay code (2L) is used for Certified (MEA) employees only. Three (3) personal leave days per fiscal year are allowed, which will not be deducted from their accumulated sick leave. A PARF is required.

If the employee’s workday is more than ½ of a day (4 hours), the dock amount shall equal $85. If the employee’s workday is ½ day (4 hours) or less the amount shall equal $42.50.

If the employee does not use a requested day, the employee must submit a PARF to the Human Resources Department to cancel the personal day request. If no notification is received in Payroll, it will be treated as a valid day of absence and will be deducted. The PARF takes precedence over an absence report.

B.13. Professional Leave/School Business (P):

The pay code (P) is used when employees attend educational workshops, conferences, conventions, seminars, or clinics approved by Superintendency. Any time an employee is attending a seminar or workshop for professional/school business away from the site, an absence report must be submitted and posted in Kronos. If it is on site, or if it is traveling with students, no absence is required to be posted in Kronos nor is an absence report needed.

B.14. Sick Leave (G) - deducts from sick leave:

The pay code (G) may be used for the employee’s own illness, illness involving a member of the employee’s immediate household, preventative medical examination, family critical illness, bereavement leave and twelve-week family/medical leave (FMLA). For family critical illness or bereavement leave, family shall mean the employee’s spouse, child, parent, parent-in-law, sibling, stepchild, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, and stepparent, grandparents of the employee, grandchild, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.

A victim of a crime may use sick leave, personal leave, or vacation to attend any court proceedings. A copy of a notice from a law enforcement agency regarding his/her rights and scheduled court proceedings must be given to their immediate supervisor.