Welcome to
Mrs. Jefferies’ Class
2nd Grade
Room 306
Open House Information
Dear Parents,
Thank you for coming to Orientation. I know you have many questions about second grade and I hope to inform you about classroom procedures. My goal is that this packet is helpful to you and your child.
I am thrilled to be working with your child this year! I know it is going to be a year full of fun and learning. Let’s work together with the common goal of your child’s development. Your reinforcement of what your child is learning is imperative for his/her success.
During second grade, the students will become more independent. Our major purpose is to extend reading, writing, and math skills. Organization, self-discipline, research skills, group and class discussions, as well as reporting are other skills that will be highlighted this year.
Communication: Please feel free to contact me with a written note (for items needing immediate attention/action). My BLOG address is http://baker.typepad.com/jefferies/ it contains the weekly newsletter which is posted every Monday. Monday letters share what we are learning, the weekly spelling list to be studied for Friday’s test, and upcoming events.
My e-mail address is . Please realize that I will not be checking e-mail throughout the day (I am teaching your children), it may take up to 24 hours to reply to your e-mail.
Notes to Me: Students are responsible for turning in notes to me. They are also asked to show me any money envelopes which the student is sent to promptly deposit into the designated safe. I do not go into student’s folders, backpacks, and do not touch money or checks.
Money: Please make sure any money, checks, etc…is in an envelope, labeled with the student’s complete name (first and last), amount, and what the money is for.
Transportation: Do not send transportation changes through e-mail. Please send a dated, written note for any changes in transportation which include the day, date, and mode of transportation to be taken that day. For their safety, I am unable to take the word of a student regarding their transportation home. In the event I am unable to get in touch with you to verify the child’s destination, the student will be sent to ASP (for their safety and well- being). Changes must be in writing. If a student is leaving early, they must be picked up before 1:45 p.m.
Daily Snack: Children are encouraged to bring nutritious snacks daily.
Water Bottles: Students are able to enjoy sport-top (squirt) bottles with water in our class. Only water is allowed.
Lunch: We eat lunch from 12:00-12:30 p.m. If your child frequently buys lunch, please consider purchasing weekly or monthly lunches in advance. Paperwork as well as Menu’s are available online. Keep in mind, our school tries to avoid nuts due to allergic reactions.
Labeling: Label all items sent to school with a permanent marker (Sharpie).
Volunteers: I am looking forward to having you working with us in the classroom or joining us for activities. All visitors must first sign-in at the office and wear a volunteer sticker.
Birthdays: Birthday treats may be brought/sent in for lunch. Please send in individual treats such as cupcakes. No parties are allowed.
Homework Folders are to be brought to school and taken home daily.
Behavior Log: Daily behavior reports will been sent in the take-home folder this week. Please check it daily. If a / or an X is received that day, please initial it so I know you are aware of the remark. Also, please sign the sheet for the week by Sunday evening.
Homework: Homework will be given each day Monday through Thursday. Please check your child’s homework folder for assignments (*Read 20 minutes or more a day and logged on reading log in Homework Folder, 1 Math page, study Spelling words ). Any homework given is to practice skills worked on in class. It will be checked for completion, but grades are not recorded. Incomplete work is noted as work habits on report card.
Graded Work: Graded work will be sent home in folders on Thursday.
Reading Log*: Students are expected to read 15+ minutes a day or 100 minutes a week in addition to nightly homework. Please mark the time the student read daily, total minutes at the end of the week, and please initial Reading/Behavior Log every weekend in the space provided. Folders are checked every Monday.
Library: Library books are encouraged to be brought to school and taken home daily.
***Library check-out is every Thursday. Students need to bring books to school to exchange. The students will be shown how to look up books at their level. Cobb Digital Library can also be accessed from home.