Another Workshop! Leadership and Cattle Handling for Women Producers
April D. Shaeffer and Jeannette A. Moore, N.C. State University Department of Animal Science
The North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension Service and the North Carolina Cattlemen's Association are working together to offer a second workshop for women who would like more information and hands-on experience with cattle. The first workshop was a huge success, and we have had multiple requests to offer the workshop again. This time we will be in the Western part of the state:
Saturday, October 29th
9:00 to 4:00
WNC Regional Livestock Center
474 Stock Drive, Canton NC 28716 (between Waynesville and Asheville)
What will participants be learning? We will start the day with a presentation from Bryan Blinson, Executive Director of the N.C. Cattlemen's Association, who will talk about "Becoming a Leader in the Cattle Industry." This will be followed by Dr. Mark Alley's presentation and demonstration of "Low Stress Cattle Handling." The 20 participants will be divided into four small groups for hands-on activities: (1) Low stress cattle handling (April Shaeffer, NCSU); (2) Proper techniques for vaccinating, deworming, eartagging (Lisa Shelton, certified Beef Quality Assurance trainer and farm manager at John Queen Farms); (3) Pasture management (Dr. Matt Poore, NCSU Cooperative Extension); and (4) Calving: normal presentation, difficulties (Dr. Mark Alley, NCSU College of Veterinary Medicine). There is no cost to the participants for the workshop or the lunch, thanks to a grant from the North Carolina Cattlemen's Association.
The workshop will be limited to 20 participants, and the selection will be made on September 27th. Anyone who is interested in applying needs to be sure the application is sent to Jeannette_Moore@ and is received by 5 pm on September 26th. An application may also be faxed (919-515-8753) or mailed: Dr. Jeannette Moore, NCSU Box 7621, Raleigh, NC 27695-7621.
Participant Application: Type or write clearly the following information.
1. Name of applicant (must be 18 years of age or older)
2. E-mail address
3. Phone number
4. Mailing address
5. Years of cattle experience: 0-5 6-10 10+
6. Type of farm: Cow/Calf Stocker Feedlot/Finishing
7. Number of cattle on the farm
8. Type of cattle on the farm (registered or commercial)
9. County the farm is in
10. Are you a member of the N.C. Cattlemen's Association?
11. Do you sell any beef directly?
12. Briefly (1 or 2 paragraphs) explain why you would like to attend the workshop.
13. Briefly (1 or 2 paragraphs) explain what you would like to learn/take home from the workshop.
All applicants will be notified on September 28th as to what their acceptance status is. A third workshop is in the planning process and we hope to present it in the southeastern part of the state in 2012.
Scenes from the first workshop (April 2011 in Raleigh)
Squeeze chute, vaccinating
Forages, pasture management