The Honorable Society of King’s Inns
Entrance Examination 2016
EXAMINER: Mr John O’Dowd (UCD)
EXTERN: The Hon Mr Justice Gerard Hogan
Syllabus 2016
Reading List 2016
Examination Format 2016
All students should have a copy of Bunreacht na hEireann/Constitution of Ireland; an up-to-date (December 2013) official text (in both languages) is available at:
This includes the most recent amendments—
Twenty-Ninth Amendment of the Constitution (Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) Act 2011
Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution (Treaty on Stability, Co-ordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union) Act 2012
Thirty-third Amendment of the Constitution (Court of Appeal) Act 2013
Students should also keep monitor whether and when the Thirty-first Amendment of the Constitution (Children) Bill 2012 becomes law, deleting Article 42.5 and adding a new Article 42A.
Students may usefully refer to:
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, The Irish Constitution (Lexis Nexis Butterworth, 2003, 4th edition)
Casey, Constitutional Law in Ireland (Sweet & Maxwell, 2000, 3rd edition)
Dewhurst, Higgins and Watkins, Principles of Irish Human Rights Law (Clarus, 2012)
Forde and Leonard, Constitutional Law of Ireland, 3rd edition (Bloomsbury, 2013)
Doyle, Constitutional Law: Text, Cases and Materials (Clarus Press, 2008) is also useful.
The Report of the Constitution Review Group (Government Publication.1996, Pn. 2632) remains a very useful source. The text of the Report is available on the web, on the website of the Constitutional Convention, which students may also find it useful to look at more generally:
The 1st Report of the All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution (Pn. 3795, April 1997) provides a valuable overview of and response to the CRG Report. Gwynn Morgan, The Separation of Powers in the Irish Constitution (Dublin, 1997) contains an extremely valuable analysis of separation of powers issues. Ireland’s Evolving Constitution 1937-1997 (Hart Publishing, 1998) also contains a valuable collection of essays on modern constitutional law.
For other background material, see Chubb, The Politics of the Irish Constitution (IPA, 1991); Farrell ed., De Valera’s Constitution and Ours (Gill and MacMillan, 1988); Litton ed., The Constitution of Ireland, (IPA, 1988) and Foley & Lalor, Gill & MacMillan Annotated Constitution of Ireland (DubIin, 1994)
The focus of the examination will be on key constitutional principles: the separation of powers; principles of judicial review; the Oireachtas, Government and President and the key fundamental rights contained in Articles 38 and 40-44.
Some basic knowledge of key ECHR case-law in relation to Articles 5, 8, 10 and 11 of the ECHR is also expected.
This (comparatively) lengthy reading-list is designed to assist rather than to intimidate! Obviously, a good knowledge of the case-law is essential, but the ability of students to identify the issues; to reason by analogy and to apply the legal principles to the facts are also very important.
The citation of Irish cases has been confined to those more recent decisions—Irish or European, not dealt with in the discussion of the relevant topics in Kelly, Hogan and Whyte The Irish Constitution (4th ed.) That does not mean that earlier cases are not still be just as relevant.
The examination itself will be three hours in duration. Every effort will be made to ensure that the examination fairly reflects the syllabus, though not all topics will be examined each year. The examination is designed to bring out the best in each student, rather than to trip you with “trick” questions or questions with an unduly narrow focus. However, you should expect that some, at least, questions will combine material emanating from different topics.
Students must answer three questions out of five.
Question 1 is compulsory and carries 50 marks.
Each of other questions carries 25 marks.
Note: “MJLER” stands for Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform; “MJE” stands for Minister for Justice and Equality”; “MJLR” stands for “Minister for Justice and Law Reform”.
Topic 1: The Separation of Powers
The Executive Power
Article 28.1 -2
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, The Irish Constitution, pp. 133-137 and 431-437
Casey, Constitution Law in Ireland, pp. 346-350
Doyle, pp. 362-378
Whyte, Social Exclusion and the Legal System (Dublin, 2002) pp. 340 -363
McDermott, “The Separation of Powers and the Doctrine of Non-Justiciability” (2000) 35 Irish Jurist 55
Ruane, “The Separation of Powers and the Grant of Mandatory Orders to Enforce Constitutional Rights” [2000l 5 Bar Rev 416
Keating and Lowry “The Separation of Powers - The Supreme Court’s Approach to Affirmative Duties - Part 1” (2003) 21 ILT 103; “ … Part 2” (2003) 21 ILT 118
Whyte and Doyle “The Separation of Powers and Constitutional Egalitarianism after the Health (Amendment) (No 2) Bill Reference” in O'Dell (ed) /The Older Person: Law and Policy in Modern Ireland/ (Dublin, 2005)
F(E) v Minister for Education and Science [2007] IEHC 36 (12 January)
Doherty v South Dublin CC [2007] IEHC 4 (22 January)
Prendergast v Higher Education Authority [2008] IEHC 257
Garda Representative Association v Minister for Finance [2010] IEHC 78 (25 March)
Caffrey v MJLR [2012] IEHC 313 (20 July)
C(A) v MJE [2014] IEHC 532 (14 November)
Cromane Foods Ltd v Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries & Food [2016] IESC 6 (22 February)
The Executive Power: International Relations
Article 29.4, Irish Constitution
Casey, pp. 230-233 and 205-220
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 491-506
Doyle, pp. 341-348
Hogan, “The Supreme Court and the SEA” (1987) 22 Irish Jurist 55
Casey, “Crotty v An Taoiseach: A Comparative Perspective” in
O’Reilly, ed., Human Rights and Constitutional Law (Dublin, 1992)
Pringle v Government of Ireland [2012] IESC 47 (19 October)
The President
Articles 1-2-14 and 26, Irish Constitution
See generally Casey, Ch.3
Jaconelli, “Reference of Bills to the Supreme Court? A Comparative Perspective” (1983) Irish Jurist 322
Re Article 26 and the Equal Status Bill, 1997 [1997] 2 IR 387
The Houses of the Oireachtas
Articles 15, 17 & 20
See generally Casey, pp.101-103 and 123-152; Doyle, pp. 327-332 and 378-381
MJELR v Puta [2008] IESC 29 (6 May)
Ó Murchú v An Taoiseach & eile [2010] IESC 26 (6 May)
MJELR v Adach [2010] IESC 33 (13 May)
Doherty v Government of Ireland [2010] IEHC 369 (3 November)
Callely v Moylan [2014] IESC 26 (9 April)
Cabinet Confidentiality
Article 28.4.3,
Kelly, pp.250-258
Doyle, pp. 349-350
An Taoiseach v Commissioner for Environmental Information [2010] IEHC 241 (4 June)
Legislative Power and the Executive (Separation of Powers)
Casey, pp.221-230
Gwynn Morgan, The Separation of Powers in the Irish Constitution, Ch.11
Doyle, pp. 309-327
Hogan, “The Implementation of EU Law in Ireland: the Meagher Case and the Democratic Deficit” (1994) 3 Irish Journal of European Law 190
Hinds, “The Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926 after Laurenţiu” (2000) 18 ILT 250
Carolan, ‘A Public Choice Analysis of the Non-Delegation Doctrine’ (2007) 29 DULJ 111
Carolan, “Democratic Accountability and the Non-Delegation Doctrine” (2011) 18 DULJ 220
J & J Haire & Company Ltd v Minister for Health and Children [2009] IEHC 562 (17 December)
Private Residential Tenancies Board v Judge Linane [2010] IEHC 476 (23 April)
John Grace Fried Chicken Ltd v Catering JLC [2011] IEHC 277 (7 July)
McGowan v Labour Court [2013] IESC 21 (9 May)
Collins v Minister for Finance [2013] IEHC 530 (26 November)
C(A) v MJE [2014] IEHC 532 (14 November)
A(B) v MJE [2014] IEHC 618 (12 December)
Bederev v Ireland [2015] IECA 38 (10 March)
O'Connor v DPP [2015] IEHC 558 (25 August)
Island Ferries Teoranta v Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources [2015] IESC 95 (15 December)
O'Sullivan v Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority [2016] IEHC 77 (15 January)
Legislative Power and the Judiciary (Separation of Powers)
The Judicial Power
Articles 34-38
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 609-638, 663-703
Casey, pp.239-274
Doyle, pp. 353-362
Kemmy v Ireland [2009] IEHC 178 (25 February)
Judicial Power and the Legislature (Separation of Powers)
Hogan, “The Sinn Fein Funds Judgment Fifty Years On” (1997) 2(9) Bar Rev 375
Keane, “Across the Cherokee Frontier of Irish Constitutional Jurisprudence?” in O’Dell, ed., Leading Cases of the Twentieth Century (2000)
Fitzgerald v DPP [2003] 3 IR 247
Cummins v MacCartan [2005] IESC 67 (25 October)
MJELR v Tobin [2012] IESC 37 (19 June)
What is the Judicial Power?
Tribunals of Inquiry
O'Callaghan v Mahon [2007] IESC 17 (30 March)
Murphy v Flood [2010] IESC 21 (21 April)
Re Bovale Developments: DCE v Bailey [2011] IESC 24 (14 July)
Comcast Int Holdings v Minister for Public Enterprise [2012] IESC 50 (17 October)
Sentencing & Detention:
Criminal Law (Insanity) Act 2006
Osmanovic v DPP [2006] 3 IR 504
Whelan v MJELR [2008] 2 IR 142 (appeal dismissed, Lynch v MJELR [2010] IESC 34 (14 May))
McHugh v The Governor of Portlaoise Prison [2015] IEHC 641 (20 October)
Purcell v AG [2006] IESC 64 (28 November)
Oates v District Judge Browne [2016] IESC 7 (29 February)
Disciplinary Matters
Keady v Commissioner of the Garda Síochána [1992] 2 IR 197
Law Society v Malocco [2005] IESC 5 (15 February)
Freezing and Forfeiture
See Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1141-1142
Montemuino v Minister for Communications [2008] IEHC 157 (30 May)
Cassidy v Comissioner of An Garda Siochana [2014] IEHC 386 (29 July)
The Judicial Power in Civil Matters
Melton Enterprises Ltd v Censorship of Publications Board [2003] 3 IR 623 (SC)
Topic 2: Personal Rights
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1245-1294, 1413-1420, 1481-1494; Doyle, pp. 85-108; Constitution Review Group (“CRG”) Report pp. 213-219
Hogan, “Unenumerated Personal Rights: Ryan’s Case Re-Evaluated” (1990-92) 25-27 Irish Jurist 95
Humphreys, “Interpreting Natural Rights” (1993-5) Irish Jurist 221
Adrian Twomey, “The Death of Natural Law” (1995) ILT 270
Parker, “Must constitutional rights be specified? Reflections on the proposal to amend Article 40.3.1” (1997) 32 Irish Jurist 102
Kavanagh, “The Quest for Legitimacy in Constitutional Interpretation” (1997) 32 Irish Jurist 195
de Blacam, “Justice and Natural Law” (1997) 32 Irish Jurist 323
Whyte, “Discerning the Philosophical Premises of the Report
of the CRG (1998) 2 Contemporary Issues in Irish Law and Politics 216
Hogan, “Directive Principles, Socio-Economic Rights and the Constitution” (2001) 36 Irish Jurist 174
Casey ‘“Logically Faultless” Argument for Unenumerated Rights in the Constitution’ (2004) 22 ILT 246
Coffey “Article 28.3.3, The Natural Law and the Judiciary - Three Easy Pieces” (2004) 22 ILT 310
MEO (Nigeria) v MJELR [2012] IEHC 448 (2 November)
Doctrine of Proportionality
See Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1270-1277
Blehein v Minister for Health & Children [2008] IESC 40 (10 July)
Mahon v Post Publications [2007] 3 IR 338; [2007] 2 ILRM 1
Dimbo v MJELR [2008] IESC 26 (1 May)
Montemuino v Minister for Communications [2008] IEHC 157 (30 May)
Meadows v MJELR [2010] IESC 3 (21 January)
Mc Dermott v Governor of Cloverhill Prison [2010] IEHC 324 (27 July)
U v MJELR [2010] IEHC 371 (29 September)
F v MJELR (No 2) [2010] IEHC 457 (17 December)
A(O) v MJELR [2011] IEHC 78 (28 January)
Efe v (No 2) [2011] 2 IR 798; [2011] IEHC 214 (7 June)
Nottinghamshire CC v B [2011] IESC 48 (15 December)
Sivsivade v MJE [2012] IEHC 244 (21 June)
O'Driscoll v Limerick City Council [2012] IEHC 594 (9 November)
JE v Ostrowski [2013] IESC 24 (15 May)
Wicklow CC v Fortune (No 2) [2013] IEHC 255 (6 June)
Corbally v Medical Council [2013] IEHC 500 (14 November)
Zatreanu v Dublin City Council [2013] IEHC 556 (4 December)
E(F) (a minor) v MJLR [2014] IEHC 62 (14 February)
Sivsivadze v MJE [2015] IESC 53 (23 June)
Right to earn a livelihood
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1425-1436
Casey v Minister of Arts [2004] 1 IR 402
Muldoon v Minister for the Environment [2015] IEHC 649 (16 October)
H(N) v MJE [2016] IECA 86 (14 March)
Fair procedures
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1121-1123, 1330-1333, 1465-1466
O'Driscoll v Limerick City Council [2012] IEHC 594 (9 November)
Mallak v MJLR [2012] IESC 59 (6 December)
AIB v O'Brien [2015] IEHC 260 (27 March)
DMPT v Taxing Master Moran [2015] IESC 36 (29 April)
Callaghan v An Bord Pleanála [2015] IEHC 357 (11 June); [2015] IEHC 493 (24 July)
Fingleton v Central Bank of Ireland [2016] IEHC 1 (4 January)
Crayden Fishing Company Ltd v Sea Fisheries Protection Authority [2016] IEHC 30 (26 January)
Garda Representative Association v Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform [2016] IECA 18 (2 February)
Right to Travel
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1466-1468, 1532-1534
Access to the courts
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1446-1465
Doyle, pp. 128-132
White v Dublin City Council [2004] 1 IR 545
Adebayo v Commissioner of An Garda Síochána [2006] 2 IR 298
Blehein v Minister for Health & Children [2008] IESC 40 (10 July)
F v Judge O’Donnell [2009] IEHC 142 (27 March)
Magee v Farrell [2009] IESC 60 (28 July)
Kelly v MJELR [2015] IEHC 218 (27 March)
Persona Digital Telephony Ltd v Minister for Public Enterprise [2016] IEHC 187 (20 April)
Privacy and Sexuality
Kelly, Hogan and Whyte, pp. 1436-1446
Foy v An t-Ard Chláraitheoir [2007] IEHC 470 (19 October)
Herrity v Associated Newspapers [Ireland] Ltd [2008] IEHC 249 (18 July)
Rotunda Hospital v Information Commissioner [2009] IEHC 315 (2 July)
O'B (a minor) v MJELR [2009] IEHC 423 (6 October)
Digital Rights Ireland Ltd v Minister for Communication [2010] IEHC 221 (5 May)
Murray v Newsgroup Newspapers Ltd [2010] IEHC 248 (18 June)
Mulligan v Governor of Portlaoise Prison [2010] IEHC 269 (14 July)
Hickey v Sunday Newspapers Ltd [2010] IEHC 349 (8 October)
EMI Records (Ireland) Ltd v UPC Communications Ireland Ltd [2010] IEHC 377 (11 October)
DPP v Judge Devins [2012] IESC 7 (8 February)
EMI Records (Ireland) Ltd & Data Protection Commissioner [2012] IEHC 264 (27 June)
HSE v M(J) [2013] IEHC 12 (16 January)
Y(X) (a minor) v HSE [2013] IEHC 490 (7 November)
DPP v Idah [2014] IECCA 3 (23 January)
Conscientious objection
M(A) v Refugee Appeals Tribunal [2014] IEHC 388 (29 July)
Protection of “the person”
Kinsella v Governor of Mountjoy Prison [2011] IEHC 235 (12 June)