Curriculum Vitae

Jamie Lynn Goldenberg

Department of Psychology

University of South Florida

4202 E. Fowler Ave.

Tampa, FL 33620


2000University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO

Post-doc, Terror Management Theory

1997George Washington University, Washington, DC

Ph.D. in Social Psychology

1992Montclair State College, Upper Montclair, NJ

B.A. in Psychology


2008 – presentAssociate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

2005 – 2008Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL

2003 – 2005 Assistant Research Professor, Department of Psychology, University of California, Davis, CA

2000 – 2003Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Boise State University, Boise, ID

1997 – 2000 Postdoctoral Research Associate, under Dr. Tom Pyszczynski, Department of Psychology, University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO


Honors Program in Psychology

The Self (Seminars taught at both graduate and undergraduate level)

Introduction to Psychological Sciences

Social Psychology

Research Methods

Human Sexuality


2009National Institutes of Health (R01), Impact of mortality concerns on cancer risk behavior

(competitive continuation)

Co-PI (with Jamie Arndt, University of Missouri-Columbia).

▪ Awarded $1,373,018 to support 5 years of research.

2008American Cancer Society—Institutional Research Grant (Moffitt Cancer Center),Test of a terror management health model intervention on suntan intentions and behavior.

▪ Awarded $30,000 to support 1 year of research.

2002 – 2007National Institutes of Health (R01), Impact of mortality concerns on cancer risk behavior.

Co-PI (with Jamie Arndt, University of Missouri-Columbia).

▪ Awarded $1,378,727 to support 5 years of research.

2006USF New Researcher Grant,The management of mortality concerns among parents.

▪ Awarded $4,920 to help support graduate students for summer 07.

2001Research Associate Grant, Boise State University.

▪ Awarded $4,940 for course release while writing NIH proposal.


2007Awardee, College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Research and Development Award (USF)

2006Honorable Mention for Theoretical Innovation,Society of Personality and Social Psychology, for“Attachment, self-esteem, worldviews, and terror management: Evidence for a tripartite security system,” published in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

2006Fellow,Society for Experimental Social Psychology

2004Finalist, Academic Federation Award for Excellence in Research (UC Davis)

2002Awardee, Faculty Research Award (BSU)

2001Awardee, Faculty Teaching Award (BSU)


2008 – presentOmbudsperson, for the Psychology Dept

2010 – presentChair, Department Colloquium Committee

2011Member,Discipline Committee (for promotion to Distinguished Professor)

2011Member,Instructional Career Track ReviewCommittee

2008 – 2009Member,Honors’ Program Evaluation Committee

2008Member,Department Tenure and Promotion Committee

2007 –2010Member, Faculty Senate Committee on Student Admissions

2006 – 2009Member, Department Colloquium Committee

2006 & 2008Panelist, Internal Award Committee

2006 & 2008Reviewer, Internal Award Committee

2005Member, Social Psychology Faculty Search Committee


Member: Award Nomination Panel for the Theoretical Innovation Prize, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2011)

Guest Editor: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2011)

Editorial Boards: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: PPID(2011-2013),Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (2009-2012),and British Journal of Social Psychology(2010-present).

Ad-hoc Journal Reviewing:Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Personality and Social Psychology Review, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, Personality and Individual Differences, Self and Identity, European Journal of Social Psychology, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, British Journal of Social Psychology, International Journal of Psychology,The Western Journal of Communication, Theory and Psychology, Australian Religion Studies Review,Death Studies, Gender Issues, Journal of Personality, Journal of Research in Personality, Depression and Anxiety, American Journal of Media Psychology, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, and Practice, Social Justice Research, Social Cognition, The Open Psychology Journal, Evolutionary Psychology, Basic and Applied Social Psychology,Journal of Health Psychology, Psychological Review, Psychological Bulletin, Health Psychology

Ad-hoc Grant Reviewing:National Science Foundation

Outside Reviewer: University of Alberta (2011) and University of Padua (2010- 2011)


Cooper, D. P., Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (in press). Empowering the Self: Using the Terror Management Health

Model to Promote Breast Self-Examination. Special Issue of Self & Identity: Self- and Identity Regulation and Health.

Heflick, N. A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (in press). Reply to comments on “Sarah Palin, a nation object(ifie)s.” Sex Roles: A

Journal of Research.

Heflick, N. A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (in press). Sarah Palin, a nation object (ifie)s: The role of appearance focus in the 2008

U.S. Presidential Election. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research.

Gillath, O., Landau, M. J., Selcuk, E., & Goldenberg, J. L. (in press). Dying to have sex: Effects of a low

survivability cue and participant sex on physiological and behavioral responses to sexual stimuli. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

McGinty, H. L., Goldenberg, J. L., & P. J., Jacobsen (in press). Relationship of threat appraisal with coping appraisal to

fear of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology.

Heflick, N. A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (in press). No atheists in foxholes: Afterlife evidence buffers mortality salienceeffects

in atheists. British Journal of Social Psychology.

Goldenberg, J. L., Cooper, D. P., Heflick, N. A., Routledge, C., & Arndt, J. (2011). Is objectification always

harmful?: Reactions to objectifying images and feedback as a function of self-objectification and mortality salience. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 443-448.

Birnbaum, G. E., Hirschberger, G., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2011). Desire in the face of death: Terror management, attachment,

and sexual motivation. Personal Relationships, 18, 1-19.

Heflick, N.A., Goldenberg, J.L., Cooper, D.P., & Puvia, E. (2011). From women to objects: Appearance focus, target

gender, and perceptions of warmth, morality and competence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 572-581.

Vaes, J., Heflick, N. A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2010). “We are people”: In-group humanization as an existential

defense. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 98, 750-60.

Cooper, D. P., Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (2010). Examination of the terror management health model: The interactive

effects of conscious death thought and health-coping variables in potentially fatal health domains. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,36,937-946.

Vess, M., Arndt, J., Cox, C. R., Routledge, C., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2009). The terror management of medical

decisions: The effect of mortality salience and religious fundamentalism on support for faith-based medical intervention. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,97, 334-350.

Heflick, N. A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2009). Objectifying Sarah Palin: Evidence that objectification causes women

to be perceived as less competent and less fully human. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 598-601.

Goldenberg, J. L., Routledge, C., & Arndt, J. (2009). Mammograms and the management of existential

discomfort: Threats associated with the physicality of the body and neuroticism. Psychology and Health, 24, 563-581.

Goldenberg, J. L., Heflick, N. A., Vaes, J., Motyl, M., & Greenberg, J. (2009). Of Mice and Men, and Objectified

Women: A Terror Management Account of Infra-humanization. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12, 763-776.

Arndt, J., Cox, C. R., Goldenberg, J. L., Vess, M., Routledge, C., Cooper, D. P., & Cohen, F. (2009). Blowing inthe

(social) wind: Implications of extrinsic esteem contingencies for terror management and health. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 1191-1205.

Cox, C. R., Cooper, D. P., Vess, M., Arndt, J., Goldenberg, J. L., Routledge, C. (2009). Bronze is beautiful but

pale can be pretty: The effects of appearance standards and mortality salience on sun-tanning outcomes. Health Psychology, 28, 746-752.

Vess, M., Arndt, J., Cox, C. R., Routledge, C., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2009). The psychosocial effect of thoughts of

personal mortality on cardiac risk assessment among medical students. Medical Decision Making,29, 175-181.

Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (2008). The implications of death for health: A terror management model of

behavioral health promotion. Psychological Review, 15, 1032-1053.

Goldenberg, J. L., Heflick, N. A., & Cooper, D. P. (2008). The thrust of the problem: Bodily inhibitions and guilt as a

function of mortality salience and neuroticism. Journal of Personality, 76, 1055-1080.

Goldenberg, J. L., Arndt, J., Hart, J., & Routledge, C. (2008). Uncovering an existential barrier to breast self-exam

behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 260-274.

Goldenberg, J. L., Cox, C.R., Arndt, J., & Goplen, J. (2007). “Viewing” pregnancy as existential threat: The effects of

creatureliness on reactions to media depictions of the pregnant body.Media Psychology, 10, 211-230.

Cox, C. R., Goldenberg, J. L., Arndt, J., & Pyszczynski, T. (2007). Mother’s milk: An existential perspective on

negative reactions to breastfeeding. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 110-122.

Cox, C. R., Goldenberg, J. L., Pyszczynski, T., & Weise, D. (2007). Disgust, creatureliness, and the accessibility of

death related thoughts. European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 494-507.

Arndt, J., Cook, A., Goldenberg, J. L., & Cox, C. R. (2007). Cancer and the threat of death: The cognitive dynamics of

death thought suppression and its impact on behavioral health intentions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 12-29.

Goldenberg, J. L., Kosloff, S., & Greenberg, J. (2006). Existential underpinnings of approach and avoidance of the

physical body. Motivation and Emotion, 30,127-134.

Landau, M. J., Goldenberg, J. L., Greenberg, J., Gillath, O., Solomon, S., Cox, C., Martens, A., & Pyszczynski, T.

(2006). The siren’s call: Terror management and the threat of sexual attraction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90, 129-146.

Goldenberg, J. L., Hart, J., Pyszczynski, T., Warnica, G. M., Landau, M. J., & Thomas, L. (2006). Terror of the body:

Death, neuroticism, and the flight from physical sensation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 32, 1264-


Arndt, J., Routledge, C., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2006). Predicting proximal health responses to reminders of death: The

influence of coping style and health optimism. Psychology and Health, 21, 593-614.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2005). The body stripped down: An existential account of ambivalence toward the physical body.

Current Directions in Psychological Science, 14, 224-228.

Goldenberg, J. L., Arndt, J., Hart, J., & Brown, M. (2005). Dying to be thin: The effects of mortality salience and

body-mass index on restricted eating among women. Personality of Social Psychology Bulletin, 31, 1400-1412.

Wisman, A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2005). From the grave to the cradle: Evidence that mortality salience engenders a

desire for offspring. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 89, 46-61.

Hart, J., Shaver, P. R., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2005). Attachment, self-esteem, worldviews, and terror management:

Evidence for a tripartite security system. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88, 999-1013.

Martens, A., Goldenberg, J. L., & Greenberg, J. (2005). A terror management perspective on ageism. Journal of

Social Issues, 61, 223-239.

Arndt, J., Routledge, C., Cox, C.R., & Goldenberg, J. G. (2005). The worm at the core: A terror management

perspective on the roots of psychological dysfunction. Applied and Preventive Psychology, 11, 191-213.

Goldenberg, J. L., & Shackelford, T. I. (2005). Is it me or is it mine?: Body-self integration as a function of self-

esteem, body-esteem, and mortality salience. Self and Identity, 4, 227-241.

Landau, M. J., Johns, M., Greenberg, J., Pyszczynski, T., Martens, A., Goldenberg, J. L., & Solomon, S. (2004). A

function of form: Terror management and structuring the social world. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 87, 190-210.

Routledge, C., Arndt, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2004). A time to tan: Proximal and distal effects of mortality salience

on sun exposure intentions. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 30, 1347-1358.

Arndt, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2004). From self-awareness to shame-proneness: Evidence of causal sequence

among women. Self and Identity, 3, 27-37.

Arndt, J., Schimel, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2003). Death can be good for your health: Fitness intentions as a

proximal and distal defense against mortality salience. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 33, 1726-1746.

Goldenberg, J. L., Landau, M., Pyszczynski, T., Cox, C., Greenberg, J., Solomon, S, & Dunnam, H. (2003). Sex-

typical responses to sexual and emotional infidelity as a function of mortality salience induced self-esteem striving. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 29, 1585-1595.

Goldenberg, J. L., Cox, C., Pyszczynski, T., Greenberg, J., & Solomon, S. (2002). Understanding human ambivalence

about sex: The effects of stripping sex of its meaning. Journal of Sex Research, 39, 310-320.

Roberts, T. A., Goldenberg, J. L., Manly, C., & Pyszczynski, T. (2002). Feminine protection: The effects of menstruation

on attitudes toward woman. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 26, 131-139.

Hirschberger, G., Florian, V., Mikulincer, M., Goldenberg, J. L., & Pyszczynski, T. (2002). Gender differences in the

willingness to engage in risky behavior: A terror management perspective. Death Studies, 26, 117-142.

Goldenberg, J. L., Pyszczynski, T., Greenberg, J., Solomon, S., Kluck, B., & Cornwell, R. (2001). I am NOT an animal:

Mortality salience, disgust, and the denial of human creatureliness. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130, 427-435.

Goldenberg, J. L., Pyszczynski, T. Greenberg, J., & Solomon, S. (2000). Fleeing the body: A terror management

perspective on the problem of human corporeality. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 4, 200-218.

Goldenberg, J. L., McCoy, S. K., Pyszczynski, T. Greenberg, J., & Solomon, S. (2000). The body as a source of self-

esteem: The effects of mortality salience on identification with one’s body, the appeal of sex, and appearance monitoring. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 79, 118-130.

Goldenberg, J. L., Pyszczynski, T., McCoy, S. K., Greenberg, J., & Solomon, S. (1999). Death, sex, love, and

neuroticism: Why is sex such a problem? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 1173-1187.

Goldenberg, J. L., Pyszczynski, T., Johnson, K. D., Greenberg, J., & Solomon, S. (1999). The appeal of tragedy: The

effects of mortality salience on emotional response. Media Psychology, 1, 313-329.

Pyszczynski, T., & Goldenberg, J. L. (1999). Self-awareness, future-orientation, and human social motivation.

Psychological Inquiry, 10, 232-235.

Goldenberg, J. L., Ginexi, E. M., Sigelman, C. K., & Poppen, P. J. (1999). Just say no: American and Japanese

styles of refusing unwanted sexual advances. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 29, 889-902.

Sigelman, C. K., Goldenberg, J. L., Lewin, C. B., & Dwyer, K. (1998). Parental drug use and the socialization of AIDS

knowledge and attitudes in children. AIDS Education and Prevention, 10, 180-192.


Goldenberg, J. L., & Roberts, T. A. (2010). The birthmark: An existential account of why women are objectified.

In R. Calogero, S. Tantleff-Dunn & J. K. Thompson (Eds.), The Objectification of Women: Innovative Directions in Research and Practice(pp. 77-100). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Arndt, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2010). When self-enhancement drives health decisions: Insights from a Terror

Management Health Model. In M. Alicke and C. Sedikides (Eds.), Handbook of Self-Enhancement and Self-Protection(pp. 380-398). New York: Guilford Press.

Roberts, T. A., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2007). Wrestling with nature: An existential perspective on the body and gender

in self-conscious emotions. In J. Tracy, R. Robins, & J. Tangney (Eds.), The Self-Conscious Emotions: Theory

and Research(pp. 389-406). New York: Guilford Press.

Hart, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2007). A terror management perspective on spirituality and the problem of the body. In A.

Tomer, G.T. Eliason, & P.T.P. Wong(Eds.), Existential and Spiritual Issues in Death Attitudes(pp. 91-113). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Goldenberg, J. L., & Roberts, T. A. (2004). The beast within the beauty: An existential perspective on the

objectification and condemnation of women. In J. Greenberg, S. L., Koole, and T. Pyszczynski (Eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology(pp. 71-85). New York: Guilford Press.

Pyszczynski, T., Greenberg, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2003). Freedom vs. fear: On the defense, growth, and

expansion of the self. In M. R. Leary and J. P. Tangney (Eds.), Handbook of Self and Identity (pp. 314-343). New York: Guilford Press.

Arndt, J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2002). From threat to sweat: The role of physiological arousal in the motivation to

maintain self-esteem. In A. Tesser, D.A. Stapel, and J.V. Wood (Eds.), Self and Motivation: Emerging Psychological Perspectives(pp. 43-70). Washington DC: American Psychological Association.

Arndt, J., Goldenberg, J. L., Solomon, S., Greenberg, J., & Pyszczynski, T. (2000). Death can be hazardous to your

heath: Adaptive and ironic consequences of defense against the terror of death. In P. R. Duberstain & J. M. Masling (Eds.), Psychodynamic Perspectives on Sickness and Health (pp. 201-258). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.


Goldenberg, J. L. (in press). Terror Management Theory. In R.L. Jackson (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Identity. Thousands

Oaks, CA: Sage.

Goldenberg, J.L. & Heflick, N.A. (2009). Peeling away the media reaction to ‘Objectifying Sarah Palin.’ Miller-, March, 13.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2007). Misattribution of arousal. In R. Baumeister & K. Vohs (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Social

Psychology. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage.


Motyl, M., Hart, J., Cooper, D. P., Heflick, N. A., Goldenberg, J. L., & Pyszczynski, T. (under review). Creatureliness

priming reduces aggression and support for war.

Arndt, J., Vail. K. E., III., Cox, C. R., Goldenberg, J. L. Piasecki, T. M., & Gibbons, F. X. (under review). Dying for a

smoke: The interactive effect of mortality reminders and tobacco craving on smoking topography.

Cooper. D. P., Goldenberg, J. L., & Arndt, J. (under review). Perceived efficacy, conscious fear of death, and sun

protection intentions: Not all fear appeals are created equal.

Goldenberg, J. L., Roberts, T-A., Morris, K. L., & Cooper, D. P. (under review). Monstrously mortal:Women’s bodies,

existential threat, and women’s health risks.

Goldenberg, J. L. (under review).A body of terror: Denial of death and the creaturely body.

McCabe, J., Vail. K. E., III., Arndt. J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (under review). Multi-layered meanings in health decision

making: A terror management health model analysis.


Goldenberg, J. L. (2011, April). Invited colloquia at the Fourth Herzliya Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology, (topic: The social psychology of meaning, mortality, and choice), Herzliya, Israel

Heflick, N. A. & Goldenberg, J. L. (2010, October). Fear of death and body-self dualism: The why and how of afterlife

belief. In S. Kim (chair), Implications of Religion for the Self: From Emotion and Cognition to Behavior.Symposium conducted at the annual meeting for the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Minneapolis, MN.

Goldenberg, J. L. & Heflick, N. A. (2010, February). Woman as objects: The effects of appearance focus on perceptions

of women’s competence, warmth, and humanness. In S. Loughnan and A. Mewheiser (chairs), The Nature, Causes and Consequences of Objectification. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Heflick, N. A. & Goldenberg, J. L. (2010, February). Fear of death and body-self dualism: The why and how of afterlife

belief. In J. Hart (chair), Existential Epistemology: The Science of Motivate Knowledge Construction. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Goldenberg, J.L. & Cooper, D. P. (2009, November). The implications of death for health: A terror management heath for

behavioral health promotion. In K. Salomon (chair), Social/Health Psychology: Transdisciplinary Approaches.

Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists, Ft. Meyers, FL.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2009, February). The implications of death for health: A terror management heath for behavioral

health promotion. In J. A. Shepperd and J. Arndt (chairs), Health Research in Social and Personality

Psychology. Symposium conducted at the pre-conference for the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Tampa, FL.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2008, December). The implications of death for health: A terror management heath for behavioral

health promotion. In Barriers to Health and Wellness: Integrating Psychological Principles to Promote Behavior

Change. Departmental Colloquium Series, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2008, September). The implications of death for health: A terror management heath for behavioral

health promotion. Colloquium Series of the Psychological Sciences Organization, Department of Psychology,

University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, FL.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2008, September). The implications of death for health: A terror management heath for behavioral

health promotion. CNS Colloquium Series, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida,

Tampa, FL.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2008, February). Implicit Terror: The effects of non-conscious vs. conscious death thought

activation. In Implicit/Automatic Processes. Departmental Colloquium Series, Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL.

Goldenberg, J. L. (2007, October). The existential threat of women’s creaturely nature. In T. A. Roberts (chair),

Theoretical and Empirical Advances in Objectification Theory. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Chicago, IL.

Landau, M. J., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2007, January). Existential embodied cognition: The body as a reminder of mortality

and a vehicle for death transcending meaning. In G. Semin and S. Koole (chairs), How the Human Body Shapes the Social Mind: Emerging Perspectives in Embodied Social Cognition. Symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Memphis, TN.

Hart, J., Shaver, P. R., & Goldenberg, J. L. (2007, January). More evidence for a security system model of attachment,