CONTACT: BILL MILLER – 719-227-1122/DAVE PEARSON – 303-421-7223


Opponent’s record shows tax hikes and use of eminent domain to take private farmland

The Colorado Club for Growth today announced that it endorses Kevan McNaught in the August Primary Election for Colorado House District 51.

“Kevan McNaught shares the pro-growth economic principles of Colorado Club for Growth members”, said Chairman Bill Miller. “Voters in House District 51 should make no mistake that Kevan is the only true fiscal conservative on the ballot.”

Kevan McNaught’s career in financial planning, helping clients save and invest for their families’ futures, has given him a real understanding of the value of limited and responsible government.

As a “Reagan conservative”, Kevan McNaught knows that less government, fewer taxes, and strong private property rights are critical for a successful economy. The Club for Growth is also pleased that Kevan has signed the Colorado Union of Taxpayers taxpayer protection pledge.

McNaught’s opponent, Don Marostica, has a history of supporting high taxes and serving on the Loveland City Council while it repeatedly made decisions which benefited Marostica financially.

In 2002, Marostica supported raising Loveland sales and use taxes even as tax receipts were much higher than the prior year and over budget projections. Marostica recently said that Referendum C, the largest tax increase in the history of Colorado “is the best thing that ever happened to this state”. He simply can not be trusted when he claims to support lower taxes.

While serving on the City Council, Marostica supported the use of eminent domain to condemn portions of a family farm in order to transfer it to another developer. Marostica’s development company also received city contracts where Marostica had a “substantial financial interest”.

The Republican primary for HD 51 represents one of the starkest choices in Colorado this year. Because Kevan McNaught is the only fiscal conservative in the race, supporting limited government and the right of people to keep more of what they earn, the Colorado Club for Growth enthusiastically endorses Kevan McNaught.