Interviews Available: Mouth Cancer Walk Participant – Amira Mathew
To set up an interview please call Media Ambitions on 0208 940 2222.
“Head and neck cancers are vicious and debilitating when detected late. Patients who survive are a huge drain on medical resources for the rest of their lives, in terms of post operative and the psychological care required. With earlier detection, lives are saved and costs on the NHS will reduce dramatically. The Mouth Cancer 10KM Awareness Walk is a great way to generate publicity about head and neck cancers. Help us by stepping out to make a difference this September!”
Founder of the Mouth Cancer Foundation, Dr Vinod Joshi
Amira Mathew, a dentist from Enfield, London is taking part in the 8th annual Mouth Cancer 10 KM Awareness Walk for the first time. She is joined by her Mother, Pratima Solanki, who works as a Director of Strategic Commissioning at the London Borough of Waltham Forest.
Having previously volunteered for the Mouth Cancer Foundation, one of the UK’s leading charities; Amira decided to step out and take part in the walk this year because she would like to raise greater awareness of mouth cancer. As a dental professional, she understands that it is a debilitating disease which can strike anyone at anytime. She says “The Mouth Cancer Foundation is important to me as the incidence of mouth cancer is on the rise and it is my duty as a dental healthcare professional to check for early signs of the disease and raise awareness. The charity provides much needed support and advice to mouth cancer patients including online support groups and financial assistance.”
Amira also has a vested interest in doing the walk as her Mother is a 20-year survivor of mouth cancer. Although Pratima never smoked and rarely consumed alcohol, she was diagnosed with stage 3 mouth cancer at the age of 18 when her dentist noticed a tumour. She underwent radical surgery and is now cancer-free.
The Mouth Cancer Foundation 10 KM Awareness Walk takes place at 13:00 on Sunday 29th September in Hyde Park, London. People travel from all over the country to spread the message about how important it is to detect mouth cancer early, spot the signs and know the symptoms.
In the UK, nearly 8000 people are diagnosed with Mouth Cancer every year. Cancers can occur in any part of the mouth, tongue, lips, and adjacent areas like the throat, salivary glands, pharynx, larynx, sinus, and other sites in the head and neck area. In its very early stages, these Mouth Cancers can be easy to ignore.
Symptoms include:
1. An ulcer or white or red patch anywhere in the mouth that does not heal within 3 weeks
2. A lump or swelling anywhere in the mouth, jaw or neck that persists for more than 3 weeks
3. A difficulty in swallowing, chewing or moving the jaw or tongue
5. A numbness of the tongue or other area of the mouth
6. A feeling that something is caught in the throat
7. A chronic sore throat or hoarseness that persists more than 6 weeks
8. An unexplained loosening of teeth with no dental cause
Dr Joshi continues “The Mouth Cancer 10KM Awareness Walk is a great opportunity for mouth cancer survivors, their families and friends, the public and health professionals to come together and stand up against this debilitating disease.”
To take part in the FREE Mouth Cancer Foundation 10 KM Awareness Walk visit If you wish to sponsor Amira, please visit
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For further information or to arrange an interview please contact:
Elizabeth Laverack or Izabela Nair
Media Ambitions 020 8940 2222
The Mouth Cancer Foundation –
The Mouth Cancer Foundation is a registered charity no. 1109298.
The Mouth Cancer Foundation is a charity solely dedicated to supporting people affected by head and neck cancer. Support can play a pivotal role in meeting the psychosocial needs of patients. The Mouth Cancer Foundation’s online and telephone support service has given head and neck cancer patients and families the opportunity to articulate the consequences of their cancer journey and communicate their shared experiences. It is vital that the charity continues to provide free accessible information resources and ensure Mouth Cancer Foundation support is provided to those that need them.
More information about Mouth Cancer is available at the Mouth Cancer Foundation website or by emailing