Cambridge City Council / South Cambridgeshire District Council
To be accompanied by a table which identifies how it provides /encompasses both LPA’s SA and SHLAA assessments. Text in italics are officer prompts to be deleted on completion.
Green Belt Site and Sustainability Appraisal Assessment Proforma
Site Information / Broad Location 2 Playing Fields Off Granchester Road NewnhamSite reference number(s): CC896
Site name/address: Pembroke Playing Field Granchester Road
Functional area (taken from SA Scoping Report): City only
Site description: This is one of a number of college playing fields located to the south of Newnham off Granchester Road. The area is relatively level with views into open countryside to the south towards Grantchester and along the River Cam immediately east. The land is slightly elevated above the land to the east that forms part of the Cam river valley and Grantchester Meadows. The southern section of the Pembroke playing field to the south is located in South
Current use(s): Playing Fields
Proposed use(s): Residential
Site size (ha): 3.76 South Cambridgeshire: Further section of the playing field is in SCDC. Area Cambridge: 3.76
Assumed net developable area: 1.88-2.82ha (assuming 50% net or 75% net)
Assumed residential density: 45dph
Potential residential capacity: 85-127
Site owner/promoter: Owners known
Landowner has agreed to promote site for development?: No
Site origin: Site submitted by member of the public
Relevant planning history: No relevant planning applications for residential use.
Level 1
Part A: Strategic Considerations
Conformity with the Council’s Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS)
Criteria / Performance (fill with relevant colour R G B or RR R A G GG etc and retain only chosen score text) / Comments
Is the site within an area that has been identified as suitable for development in the SDS? / R = No
G = Yes / To do
Flood Risk
Criteria / Performance / Comments
Is site within a flood zone? / R = Flood risk zone 3
A = Flood risk zone 2
G = Flood risk zone 1 / Green: The location lies entirely within Flood Risk Zone 1 (the lowest level of river flood risk).
Is site at risk from surface water flooding? / R = High risk,
A = Medium risk
G = Low risk / Green: No surface water issues
Green Belt
Criteria / Performance / Comments
What effect would the development of this site have on Green Belt purposes, and other matters important to the special character of Cambridge and setting? / See below / Site is immediately adjacent to a Defining Character Area and Green corridor (River Cam)
To preserve the unique character of Cambridge as a compact and dynamic City with a thriving historic core / Distance from edge of the defined City Centre in Kilometres to approximate centre of site=XX / Red: DFN to ADD distance and confirm score The unique character of the City would be affected by developing close to the Defining Character Area of the River corridor.
To prevent communities in the environs of Cambridge from merging into one another and with the City. / RR = Very significant impacts
R = Significant negative impacts
A = Some impact, but capable of mitigation
G = No impact / Green: No impact
To maintain and enhance the quality of the setting of Cambridge / RR = Very high and high impacts
R = High/medium impacts
A = Medium and medium/minor impacts
G = Minor and minor/negligible impacts
GG = Negligible impacts / Red Red: The setting of the City would be significantly affected by developing close to the River Cam corridor.
Key views of Cambridge / Important views / R = Significant negative impact from loss or degradation of views.
A = Negative impact from loss or degradation of views.
G = No or negligible impact on views / Red: Significant negative impact on views from Grantchester Meadows footpath.
Soft green edge to the City / R = Existing high quality edge, significant negative impacts incapable of mitigation.
A = Existing lesser quality edge / negative impacts but capable of mitigation
G = Not present, significant opportunities for enhancement. / Red: The soft green edge of Grantchester Meadows would be unlikely to be mitigated
Distinctive urban edge / R = Existing high quality edge, significant negative impacts incapable of mitigation.
A = Existing lesser quality edge / negative impacts but capable of mitigation
G = Not present / Red: Grantchester Meadows is a unique City edge with high historic, social and environmental value.
Green corridors penetrating into the City / R = Significant negative impact from loss of land forming part of a green corridor, incapable of mitigation
A = Negative impact from loss of land forming part of a green corridor, but capable of mitigation
G = No loss of land forming part of a green corridor / significant opportunities for enhancement through creation of a new green corridor / Red: Significant negative impact on Green Corridor.
Designated sites and other features contributing positively to the character of the landscape setting. / R = Significant negative impacts incapable of satisfactory mitigation
A = Negative impacts but capable of mitigation
G = Not present / no impact on such features / Red: Significant negative impact incapable of satisfactory mitigation.
The distribution, physical separation, setting, scale and character of Green Belt villages (SCDC only) / RR = Very significant negative impacts incapable of satisfactory mitigation
R = Significant negative impacts incapable of satisfactory mitigation
A = Negative impacts but capable of partial mitigation
G = No impacts or minor impacts capable of mitigation / SCDC
A landscape which has a strongly rural character / R = Significant negative impacts incapable of satisfactory mitigation
A = Negative impacts but capable of partial mitigation
G = No impacts or impacts capable of mitigation / Red: Significant negative impacts incapable of satisfactory mitigation
Overall conclusion on Green Belt / RR = Very high and high impacts
R = High/medium impacts
A = Medium and medium/minor impacts
G = Minor and minor/negligible impacts
GG = Negligible impacts / Red Red: Site too close to Green corridor, Defining Character Area and quality landscape of Grantchester Meadows.
Impact on national Nature Conservation Designations
Criteria / Performance / Comments
Would allocation impact upon a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)? / R = Site is on or adjacent to an SSSI with negative impacts incapable of mitigation
A = Site is on or adjacent to an SSSI with negative impacts capable of mitigation
G = Site is not near to an SSSI with no or negligible impacts / Green: No
Impact on National Heritage Assets
Criteria / Performance / Comments
Will allocation impact upon a Scheduled Ancient Monument (SAM)? / R = Site is on a SAM or allocation will lead to development adjacent to a SAM with the potential for negative impacts incapable of mitigation
A = Site is adjacent to a SAM that is less sensitive / not likely to be impacted or impacts are capable of mitigation
G = Site is not on or adjacent to a SAM / Green: Site is not on or adjacent to a SAM
Would development impact upon Listed Buildings? / R = Site contains, is adjacent to, or within the setting of such buildings with potential for significant negative impacts incapable of appropriate mitigation
A = Site contains, is adjacent to, or within the setting of such buildings with potential for negative impacts capable of appropriate mitigation
G = Site does not contain or adjoin such buildings, and there is no impact to the setting of such buildings / Green: Site does not contain or adjoin such buildings, and there is no impact to the setting of such buildings
Part B: Deliverability and Viability Criteria
Criteria / Performance / Comments
Is the site allocated or safeguarded in the Minerals and Waste LDF? / R = Site or a significant part of it falls within an allocated or safeguarded area, development would have significant negative impacts
A = Site or a significant part of it falls within an allocated or safeguarded area, development would have minor negative impacts
G = Site is not within an allocated or safeguarded area. / Green: Site is not allocated / identified or a mineral or waste management use through the adopted Minerals and Waste Core Strategy or Site Specific Proposals Plan. It does not fall within a Minerals Safeguarding Area; a Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) or Transport Zone Safeguarding Area; or a Minerals or Waste Consultation Area.
Is the site located within the Cambridge Airport Public Safety Zone (PSZ) or Safeguarding Zone? / R = Site is within the PSZ
A = Site or part of site within the SZ
G = Site is not within the PSZ or SZ / Amber: Air Safeguarding Area - No erection of buildings, structures and works exceeding 150ft (45.7m) in height
Is there a suitable access to the site? / R = No
A = Yes, with mitigation
G = Yes / Amber: County Highways: The size of the proposed development would require
modifications to Grantchester Road and would result in the nature of the
road changing significantly.
Would allocation of the site have a significant impact on the local highway capacity? / R = Insufficient capacity. Negative effects incapable of appropriate mitigation.
A = Insufficient capacity. Negative effects capable of appropriate mitigation.
G = No capacity constraints identified that cannot be fully mitigated / Amber: County Highways:
The size of the proposed development would require modifications to Grantchester Road and would result in the nature of the road changing significantly.
The site should only be
considered in conjunction with Sites 895 and 897 to mitigate access
This site is of a scale that would trigger the need for a Transportation Assessment (TA) and Travel Plan (TP), regardless of the need for a full Environmental Impact Assessment.
Would allocation of the site have a significant impact on the strategic road network capacity? / R = Insufficient capacity. Negative effects incapable of appropriate mitigation.
A = Insufficient capacity. Negative effects capable of appropriate mitigation.
G = No capacity constraints identified that cannot be fully mitigated / Amber: Highways Agency: As it stands the A14 corridor cannot accommodate
any significant additional levels of new development traffic. There are
proposed minor improvements to the A14 in the short term (within 2
years), which are expected to release a limited amount of capacity,
however the nature and scale of these are yet to be determined. The
Department for Transport are also carrying out a study looking at
improving things longer term, in the wake of the withdrawn Ellington to
Fen Ditton Scheme.
This site is very much in-fill being very well related to the City Centre,
but could also be attractive for M11 J12. The site may not result in
adverse impacts upon the Strategic Road Network but we would require
a robust assessment to confirm this before coming to a definitive view.
This site is of a scale that would trigger the need for a Transportation Assessment (TA) and Travel Plan (TP), regardless of the need for a full Environmental Impact Assessment.
Is the site part of a larger site and could it prejudice development of any strategic sites? / R = Yes major impact
A = Some impact
G = No impact / Amber: Yes, the site is part of a group of playing field sites.
Are there any known legal issues/covenants that could constrain development of the site? / R = Yes
G = No / Red: Yes promoter is not landowner
Timeframe for bringing the site forward for development? / R = Beyond 2031 (beyond plan period)
A = Start of construction between 2017 and 2031
G = Start of construction between 2011 and 2016 /
Red: No evidence of landowner intentions
Would development of the site require significant new / upgraded utility infrastructure? / R = Yes, significant upgrades likely to be required but constraints incapable of appropriate mitigationA = Yes, significant upgrades likely to be required, constraints capable of appropriate mitigation
G = No, existing infrastructure likely to be sufficient / Amber: Improved utilities required. The developer will need to liaise with the relevant service provider/s to determine the appropriate utility infrastructure provision.
Would development of the site be likely to require new education provision? / R = School capacity not sufficient, constraints cannot be appropriately mitigated.
A = School capacity not sufficient, constraints can be appropriately mitigated
G = Non-residential development / surplus school places / Education comments
Level 2
Accessibility to existing centres and servicesCriteria / Performance / Comments
How far is the site from the nearest District or Local centre? / R = >800m
A = 400-800m
G = <400m / Amber: Site is between 400 and 800m from local centre.
How far is the nearest health centre or GP service in Cambridge? / R = >800m
A = 400-800m
G = <400m / Red: Site is over 800m from nearest health centre or GP service.
Would development lead to a loss of community facilities? / R = Development would lead to the loss of one or more community facilities incapable of appropriate mitigation
G = Development would not lead to the loss of any community facilities or appropriate mitigation possible / Green: No loss of community facilities