Wilsonville LL Baseball Minutes
Sunday, April 3 2016
4:00pm-6pm Nicoli’s
Voting Board / Member / A / Coordinator / Members / APresident / John Carter / X / Field Maint / Mark Kochanowski
Secretary / Michele Seal / X / Special Projects / John Santiago
VP Community Liaison / Bryn Card / Events / Ericka Katz / X
VP Intermediate & Junior / Josh Goff / X / Umpire Coordinator / Tom Latta / X
VP Majors & Minors / Kevin Larson / X / Uniforms / Lisa Krecklow
VP Tball & Farm / Levi Arzie / X
VP Equipment & Field Coordination / Joe Turco / X
VP Technology / Aaron Spencer / X
VP Fundraising & Sponsorship / Jeremy Doblie / X
Treasurer / Ron Lam / X
VP Volunteer Development / Cindy Waite / X
VP Safety Officer / Kate Gillett / x
ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS: Brent Wheeler, Katie Green, Dan Haener
- Review Minutes (Seal) 5 mins
- Vote to approve minutes from 3/6/16
Motion to approve (Arzie) Second (Turco) Unanimous
- Vote to add Workshop Notes
Motion to approve (Larson) Second (Lam) Unanimous
- Next Date and Time (Carter) 5 mins
- Sunday, May 1st 4-6pm Nicoli’s
- Sunday, June 5th 4-6pm
- Sunday, July 10th?? August 7th??
These dates tentative but in place for now
- Review of Budget/Finances (Ron) 5 minutes
Ron will send updated budget tonight
There are lots of expenses in the budget that we have not incurred
- Umpires
Concern we will go over budget but should come in at $2800
- Opening Day-write down ideas for future meeting (15 mins)
- Baseball fields that were reserved by LaCrosse sat empty
- We did not know until Thursday that softball would be part of our ceremony
- Friday we were still getting the number of teams and names
- Friday (at 7pm) we were asked to provide hot dogs for softball kids and John agreed we would
- Most softball coaches did not pick up packets/handout tickets for hot dogs
- Did all of it for the community
- Changed the program/ceremony at the last minute
- Invited softball to be a part of LL early on
- Skills challenges were good-need to be streamlined
- Concern was expressed that Softball opened a concession stand for their benefit when we took great care to follow and respect the boosters rules-we would all like some clarification on how this works
- Letter from Softball Parent
- As the director John apologized that girls sat on the sideline
- Conversation with Chelsea Martin via phone and informed her of all of the points above. Seemed gracious and understanding.
Board Response-
- Highlight what we had planned to do
- Express What happened
- John take responsibility for the girls
Kevin to write a letter for facebook and website
- Update from VP’s on teams, player movement, issues ect (10 mins)
- Juniors (Goff)
- Added a player yesterday, all rosters at 11 or 12
- How to handle missed games-Coach level, then to Vp if necessary
- Majors (Larson deferred to Arzie)
- First game next day @ Cook Park-see where everyone is
- Minors (Larson)
- For Memorial Day tourney plan on five teams
- If we lose a player what to do-
Talk to VP of Minors
VP to talk to parent
Vp to talk to Vp of Farm
Coach to suggest three players
- Tball (Arzie)
- Have involved coaches the tball handbook has been great
- Farm (Arzie)
- Rules are rules-some coaches have wanted to shorten games/have gentelmens agreements
- It is important for kids to get the intro to pitching
- Other items:
Pitch counts need to be collected-email from VP’s to post on site-Spencer to get site set
All teams need to spend 5 minutes picking up rocks on the Boones fields
Locks on boxes-Mark to get to coaches
- Alpenrose Tuesday, 5th (10 mins)
Need one volunteer/team-Cindy
Field Crew-Ron and Levi
Cindy has rules
- Alpenrose Day on Saturday April 23rd (15 mins)
- Picture Day
- Schedule
- Volunteers
- Sponsors
Kids are announcing
Sponsors (a few) will be there
Team Pictures
- Lowrie Field Project (Carter) 5 mins
Katie Green is the coordinator for the project-Green Group is a Tier 1 sponsor
- Needs a list of who has donated and who we have asked
- Different ideas to coordinate-wall of fame, auction/event
- Dugouts (Carter) 5 mins
- In the past the Boy Scouts built some without approval-problem with city parks-city park manage to sue
- Others playing on the Fields 5 mins
- Concern of teams using the fields without paying for them
- All-Stars (10 mins)
- First six by the kids, last six by the coaches
- Alpenrose Day to commit
- Uniforms to come from LL site
- Coaches-indicate they are interested-board vote
- Housekeeping (Seal) 10 mins
- P.O. Box
Lam to do this
- Whatelse?
- Brent Wheeler helping Goff
- Also does screenprinting-interested to see if he can help
Adjourn 5:55pm